The Corbett Report | Autodidacticism - #SolutionsWatch | July 20, 2022


Who said education was boring? On the contrary. Knowing more about the world, improving your skills and achieving success is electrifying and addictive. But first you have to learn how to learn. Autodidacticism is the process of learning about a skill or a subject without a formal teacher, and today Richard Grove of is here to help us get started on the lifelong quest of self-improvement and self-learning.

Show Notes:
Slow Your Scroll example episode
The Ultimate History Lesson w/ John Taylor Gatto
Vladislav Trétiak : entre Moscou et Montréal
Parrhesia by Benny Wills
Interview 1683 - James Corbett on Crisis and Community
Chris McMillon interview with John McAfee
Grand Theft World
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