Red Ice TV | Doctors Harassed By ‘Covid Taskforce’ & Media, Insanity Epidemic, More Migrants | Aug. 6, 2021


Dr. Mercola has been singled out as the number one "misinformation spreader" by the FDA and Biden's "Coronavirus Taskforce." He is now being harassed and followed by CNN and other media. 

His website and products are now being singled out by the FDA in an effort to stop people from using natural remedies and natural methods to help mitigate diseases, including covid-19. 

We also cover the incredible corruption at the FDA and all the toxic and life threatening drugs and compounds that they have approved for human consumption.

Dark Journalist | Female Targets Supernatural Eugenics Hollywood Mystery! | Aug. 7, 2021


In this special X-Series episode 105 Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt goes deep on the strange connection of some early eugenics movements at Stanford University through the Astral Camera Club and their psychic experiments in thought projection. These groups would groom young geniuses like George Hodel who will later become an occultist and a prime suspect in the Black Dahlia murder case.

DJ also shows that Hodel's daughter Tamar accused him of incest at the age of 14 and claimed she was used at Hollywood orgies that her father arranged with high level figures like Director John Huston. Tamar would eventually become a surrogate parent to a young impressionable Michelle Phillips of the 60s super-group the Mamas and the Papas. Carefully guiding her career and image Tamar would position the young Michelle for the role of Lolita in the famous 1962 movie directed by Stanley Kubrick,, but Michelle's best friend Sue Lyon would take on the role with its controversial social content and subtle supernatural themes.

John Waters | Science, Spirituality, and the Cult of COVID | Part 1 | Legalise Freedom Radio | Aug. 7, 2021


John Waters and I discuss science, spirituality, and the coronavirus crisis. In a wide ranging conversation we move from mainstream media manipulation to meaning and purpose in life, faith and the existence of a higher power, the meaning of freedom and our growing obsession with so-called safety, science as the new religion, and the spiritual battle and assault on human consciousness which now threatens our survival. Something very dark is unfolding at this time which cannot simply be explained away in the name of a public health emergency. -

Andy Chu Discord Special with Tom Campbell | Aug. 7, 2021

Source: nimsa Channel youtube,


Thomas W. Campbell is a former NASA physicist. His expertise is in simulations and large complex systems. He is also a consciousness explorer who teaches people how to meditate, grow up and become love. His groundbreaking research unifies physics and metaphysics, mind and matter, the normal and the paranormal.

Recently, he designed a set of physics experiments that would revolutionize our understanding of reality. The design was published in a peer-reviewed journal of quantum mechanics. His book My Big TOE has been translated into several languages. His YouTube videos have inspired millions to live wisely and courageously.

Timestamps: 0:00 introduction

1:55 Dealing with discord is part of growing up
15:10 reflect back on your past choices and see if you were choosing out of love or fear

17:26 Can we have negative feelings and still be of low entropy?
21:00 If you stop putting effort in, you start to de-evolve
24:45 Can we reincarnate in the past or the distant future?
27:17 probable future database

36:14 Toby question about out of body experiences
36:22 Beliefs and themes in out of body experiences
43:33 intellectual vs intuitive processing
54:33 Nitrous oxide
55:15 How do our higher selves learn from our emotions
55:55 How do our emotions benefit the IUOC experience

1:07:25 How to grow with our natural talents

1:13:40 Can we create our own worlds after we die?
1:21:50 Do blindness or deafness carry over to the afterlife?
1:29:30 Tom meeting Tom after 40 years, 70's recording

1:41:30 Tom’s offer to help

S0 News | Atlantic Shutdown Confirmed, X-Ray Rings, New Planets | Aug. 6, 2021

Source: | UVC: The Sterilization of Planet Earth, Part One | Aug. 6, 2021


Earth’s life preserving ozone layer is deteriorating at blinding speed, covert climate engineering operations are the single greatest causal factor. If this destruction is allowed to continue unabated, the total collapse of the ozone layer will soon determine our collective fate.

UVC radiation is now reaching the surface of the planet, this DNA damaging spectrum of solar radiation is the last spectrum of UV before x-rays. Geoengineering Watch has monitored the ever increasing UVC radiation for many years while trying simultaneously to sound the alarm. In this video report a former NASA contract engineer sends a dire warning (PART ONE).

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard. Awareness raising efforts can be carried out from your own home computer. -Dane Wigington

New World Next Week | “Gotta Keep Em Segregated” is the New Rallying Cry | Aug. 6, 2021


elcome to New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week: 

Story #1: Bank of America Calls CBDCs ‘More Effective’ Than Cash In Research Note
PDF: “Infrastructure and Design of Central Bank Digital Currencies” – A Research Report By Bison Trails
The Bitcoin Psyop
Study Suggests Canadian CBDC Could Promote Digital Innovation Within the Country

Story #2: Whistleblowers Expose Corruption in EPA Chemical Safety Office
Part Two: Leaked Audio – EPA Overruled Scientists in “Hair-on-Fire” Cases
Know Your Toxins: BPA
“The vaccine shortage is artificial but the human cost of that shortage is all too real”

Story #3: “Punk” Band The Offspring Fires Drummer for Refusing to Take COVID Vaccine
The Offspring Part Ways With Drummer Pete Parada
Pete Parada’s Complete Statement/Twitter Thread
The Offspring Fires Back At Former Bassist They Also Fired (Sep. 5, 2019)
Image: New Album Cover From The Offspring Promotes Cultural Appropriation
Singer Exposes Faultline In Germany’s Vaccination Debate
Frequently Asked Questions – First Avenue
Unvaccinated Steelers Football Players Will Wear Yellow Wristbands
Germany: Top Vaccine Advisory Body STIKO Holds Off Endorsing Vaccine for Teens
Mainstream Media Outlet Actually Apologizes for Fear-Driven COVID Coverage
Alberta’s COVID-19 Plan to Drop Almost All Restrictions Panned By Medical Experts
‘Operation Dark Winter’ Video Age-Restricted By ThemTube 13+ Years After Upload
Tune in Monday, August 9th, at 12pm PT to Media Monarchy for a new kind of radio drama.

S0 News | Major Climate Bombshell, The Other Nova, Journal Shame | Aug. 5, 2021


S0 | THE SIGNS | The Disaster Timeline | Aug. 4, 2021


James Corbett on The Activation Podcast | Aug. 3, 2021


On this episode of The Activation Podcast, Derrick Broze speaks with researcher and journalist James Corbett. Derrick and James talk about James’ personal background, his thoughts on Japan and the Olympics, the psychology of COVID1984, and much more in this empowering conversation!

Show Notes:
The Conscious Resistance Network
The Activation Podcast
Derrick Broze Announces #ExposeBillGates Global Day of Action
Broze interviews Corbett in Mexico
The Tokyo Olympics are rigged to fail. Why hasn’t the media noticed?
Derrick’s 2 Part Investigation on Parasite Stress Theory: Part 1 and Part 2
Derrick Broze’s Holistic Self-Assessment online course
Filed in: Interviews

Brien Foerster | Evidence Of Ancient Advanced Machining Technology At Little Petra In Jordan | Aug. 5, 2021


Book: Petra: The Ancient Rose City Of Jordan: A Virtual Guide

Whitney Webb | The CIA and the Finders with Elizabeth Vos


In this episode, Whitney is joined by independent journalist Elizabeth Vos, who has recently written a series on the Finders, a cult that ritually and sexually abused children, for MintPress News. Discussed in the depth is the evidence of the CIA’s ties to the Finders and the government cover up that followed the arrests of its leaders. Originally published 07/20/21.
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