Max Igan | Three Sides to Every Story - Identifying the Official Counter Narrative | Feb. 28, 2022


The Corbett Report | Give Send Gone | Feb. 25, 2022


The Canadian government's recent actions reveal the true agenda like nothing we've seen before. The future envisioned by the tyrants is one in which they can turn off your ability to buy and sell with the flick of a switch. So how will we react? Will we build a parallel economy from the ashes of freedom's funeral pyre, or will we roll over and let the tyrants win? Today James explores the future of money and the real meaning of Give . . . Send . . . Gone.

Show Notes:

Episode 394 - Solutions: Survival Currency
Choke Point: How the Government Will Control the Cashless Economy
LIVE: Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau delivers remarks
Trudeau’s justice minister says that being “pro-Trump” is a factor that will decide if your bank account is seized
Episode 411- States of Emergency
Trudeau Revokes Emergency Powers Act
Large number of donations to support convoy came from aliases, unnamed donors
GoFundMe Statement on the Freedom Convoy 2022 Fundraiser (Feb 3)
GoFundMe Statement on the Freedom Convoy 2022 Fundraiser (Feb 4/5)
GiveSendGo tweet about $15 dispute fee
GiveSendGo offers to set up an alternative
This is the GiveSendGo hacker?
Twitter thread on the hack
Was the hacking of Ottawa trucker convoy donors a US-Canadian intelligence operation?
Indiana AG seeks victims of Freedom Convoy donations hack
The Intercept delight in the hack
CBC News, Washington Post Harassing Donors of GiveSendGo’s Illegally Hacked Freedom Convoy Database
Banks have started to freeze accounts linked to the protests, Freeland says
Ontario government staffer out of a job after $100 donation to Ottawa blockade, others under scrutiny
Free Press UNDER ATTACK In Ottawa As DRUTHERS Has BANK ACCOUNT FROZEN Under Emergencies Act!!!
Dan Dicks in Ottawa Down But Not Out!!!
Chrystia Freeland announces changes are permanent
Gab on building the parallel economy
"monetary reform" on The Corbett Report
How to Boycott Wall Street (move your money)
Corbett Report Radio 169 - The Alternative Currency Solution with Eyal Hertzog
Complementary Currencies: A Beginner's Guide
Lessons Learned: Creating Currency & Local Venture - Catherine Austin Fitts (The Greater Reset 3)

Thruthstream Media | The Veil Between the 'Computer-Generated Dream World' and Reality Is Disappearing | Feb. 28, 2022


The Corbett Report | All Your Climate Questions Answered in 60 SECONDS!!! - Questions For Corbett | Feb. 28, 2022


Show Notes: 
First, we’ll need to define our terms, so we’ll have to determine what the average global temperature is and how it’s measured:
What is the Average Global Temperature?

Then we’ll have to examine the temperature record to make sure we have an accurate dataset to work from:
Orwell's Nightmare: Temperature Adjustments and Climate Change

And then we’ll have to deal with any anomalies presented by the data in that record:
The Global Warming Pause Explained

And, of course, we’ll have to present that data accurately:
Lies, Damned Lies, and Global Warming Statistics

Then we’ll have to listen to actual environmental sciences about the usefulness of the anthropogenic global warming hypothesis to the work of actually preserving natural ecosystems:
Interview 1117 - Jim Steele on How Bad Global Warming Science Hurts the Environmental Movement

And we should also talk to scientists about the models that form the backbone of our ability to forecast the impact of our actions:
Interview 1261 - Judith Curry Explains Climate Modeling to the Layman

We should also keep in mind the politicization of the message and how that interferes with such forecasts:
UN Warning: Just 3 YEARS Left to Save the Earth!

While not forgetting how the nature of science is itself transformed by the perception of crisis:
Interview 130 - Jerome Ravetz

We should also make sure that we are in fact dealing with science and not pseudoscience by clearly stating and then testing a falsifiable hypothesis:
Climate Change is Unfalsifiable Woo-Woo Pseudoscience

And keep in mind the other political agendas that could be at play here.
A Message to the Environmental Movement

You'll have to find out more about the IPCC and how they compile their infamous report:
Episode 282 - The IPCC Exposed

And you'll have to address the fact that 95% of Scientists all believe in global warming!
Global Warming Minute - Why is the IPCC "95% Certain" that Climate Change is Manmade?

And answer why anyone would lie about climate change. I mean we all know that the big oil companies covered this up for decades, right
What Did #ExxonKnew and When Did They Knew It? - Question For Corbett #048

But what about climate scientists? Why would they lie?
Why Would People Lie About Climate Change? - Questions For Corbett #033

What? Do you mean to say big oil actually supports the transformation of the global economy on the back of the global warming lie? How does that work?
Interview 1446 - James Corbett on The Post-Carbon Energy Eugenics Hoax

Dr. Joel Wallach | Ask Doc Live | Feb. 25, 2022


Dr. Joel Wallach discusses sleep issues, eyesight problems and answers a large number of questions from our interested and engaged audience.

Dark Journalist | Coup to Coup: COG CIA Wars | Feb. 25, 2022


DJ goes deep on what's driving the plans for Worldwide Dictatorship through Emergency Powers and Global Continuity of Government (COG) Plans! He looks at the CIA forces behind the new war between Russia and Ukraine and the Totalitarian Surveillance State Infrastructure being built from Space!

Richard Dolan | Global Totalitarianism, Technocracy, & The Alien Agendas | Feb. 28, 2022


Richard Dolan is one of the world’s leading researchers and writers on the subject of UFOs, and believes that they constitute the greatest mystery of our time. He is the author of some of the best books on the UFO subject, disclosure, the secret space program, history, & the National Security State.

Whitney Webb | Neurorights and Neuromarkets | Feb. 19, 2022


Whitney discusses the ulterior motives and background of the individuals behind the push for "neurorights" at the national and international level and why it's more about making new markets than protecting our rights.

El Mostrador 10/02/19

El Mostrador

Isabel Maxwell: Israel’s “Back Door” Into Silicon Valley
The Cover-Up Continues: The Truth About Bill Gates, Microsoft, and Jeffrey Epstein



Meryl Nass podcast

Rafael Yuste – The NeuroTechnology Center at Columbia University
Rafael Yuste
Technologies for Hacking the Brain – Scientific American
Rafael Yuste, MD, PhD | Columbia University Medical Center MD-PhD Program
The NeuroRights Foundation
General 1 — The NeuroRights Foundation
Brain Initiative
BRAIN Partners | Brain Initiative
Microsoft anuncia “Transforma Chile” para acelerar el crecimiento y la transformación de los negocios, incluyendo una nueva región de datacenter, el compromiso de capacitar a más de 180.000 personas y un Consejo Asesor – News Center Latinoamérica
Sergio Rademacher on LinkedIn: Hace unos días se dio una polémica pública muy interesante en torno
A $4.5 Billion Price Tag for the BRAIN Initiative? | Science | AAAS
The Rockefeller University » The Kavli Foundation
Obama, DARPA, GSK and Rockefeller’s $4.5B B.R.A.I.N. Initiative – better sit when you read –
Microsoft files plans for Chilean data center region – DCD
DARPA and the Brain Initiative

David Icke | What's Going On? In A Word - Wetiko | Feb. 24, 2022


Michael Rectenwald | Woke Capitalism Will Destroy Businesses Not Compliant With Great Reset | Feb. 24, 2022


Michael Rectenwald returns to discuss the ESG Index or "woke capitalism" as a selection mechanism or demarcation device to delineate which businesses are onboard with The Great Reset and punish those who are not compliant.

It is effectively a Social Credit System for companies, feeding investments toward the compliant while starving dissident firms, competition, and industries. This sets up the possibility for doing to companies what is being done to individuals in Canada right now, de-banking them and freezing their assets, and is totalitarian in nature. This is global government combines the worst of both systems (capitalism and communism).

We discuss the WEF Young Global Leaders program, the threat posed by the people who don't see "you know" for what it is, resistance, and parallel structures.

The Corbett Report | What's Happening in Ukraine? - Questions For Corbett | Feb. 24, 2022


Today on Questions For Corbett, Thomas writes in to ask James about the unfolding events in Ukraine. James gives his answer as things stood at 10 AM JST on February 23, 2022.

Show Notes:
Examples of James discussing Putin and Russia's role in the NWO:
#1 - Interview 1430 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato
#2 - Interview 1614 - New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato
#3 - Episode 290 - The Enemy of My Enemy
#4 - Episode 369 - Globalization is Dead. Long Live the New World Order!
#5 - Interview 1694 - Declare Your Independence from Mass Formation Psychosis
What I Learned From the "PropOrNot" Propaganda List
PropOrNot unmasked in 2018
InterepreterMag was a media partner of The Atlantic Council in 2017
Putin Signs Decree Recognizing Donbas Republics
Russia Can Build Military Bases in Donbas Under New Treaty
Putin Deploys Troops to Donbas Republics as Peacekeepers
Zelensky says no war (but if war, then martial law)
Biden Announces Sanctions on Russian Banks, Debt, ‘Elites’
The Steep Cost of Sanctions for Europe and Russia
Germany Suspends Nord Stream 2 Pipeline After Putin Orders Troops to Donbas
Medvedev: ‘The EU Will Soon Pay Double for Gas’
President Biden Orders More US Troops to the Baltics
Ukraine/DPR+LPR: Death of the Minsk Agreements and the Onset of Many a Speech
Koch and Soros Team Up For World Peace! WTF?
Interview 1519 - Daniel McAdams on the Koch-Soros Quincy Institute Interventionists)
Putin’s move on Donetsk, Lugansk is illegal but falls short of new ‘invasion’
Documents Reveal US Gov’t Spent $22M Promoting Anti-Russia Narrative in Ukraine and Abroad
Foreign Intervention and the Ukraine Crisis
How Many Neo-Nazis Is the U.S. Backing in Ukraine?
Azov batallion propaganda broadcast by NBC News
Ukrainian Lobbyists Flood US Think Tanks
Der Spiegel story about NATO's broken promise to Russia
National Security Archives had the storyfour years ago
Interview 1701 - Resistance and the Future on Revelations Radio News

Linda Moulton Howe | Were Greys Manipulating Westall, Australia, Plants in April 1966? | Feb. 23, 2022


Topics: Were Greys Manipulating Westall, Australia, Plants in April 1966?

Reports of strange lights in the sky
- Video footage from Albuquerque, NM on February 18, 2022

Sighting at Westall High School on April 6, 1966
- 3 craft spotted and landed, making impressions in the grass
- local news station interviewed witnesses
- newspapers reported multiple sightings over several weeks
- Interview with Joy Clarke, witness to original UFO sighting
- Buddy Bolton recounts the incident
- “3 greys in the craft”
- “genetically altered insects released”
- “biological robot”
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