Pepe Escobar | Ukraine War is Desperate Bid by US to Preserve Hegemony and Prevent Multipolar World | Jan. 28, 2023

Source: Finian Cunningham youtube, Pepe Escobar Twitter

The war in Ukraine is not just about Ukraine and Russia with the US and NATO acting as seemingly benevolent supporters of Ukraine, as the Western media portray.

The United States and its NATO allies are deeply involved in the conflict. The military withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021 – after 20 years of futile occupation – was a calculated “reorganization of firepower” against Russia, says Pepe Escobar.

Ukraine is merely a proxy and ultimately cannon fodder for American imperial planners.

This war is part of a bigger geopolitical confrontation between the US and Russia, China and other nations that are pushing for the emergence of a multipolar world. That is a multipolar world no longer under the hegemony of US-dominated Western capitalism.

Pepe Escobar assesses the bigger picture and outlines how the US imperial state is in "panic mode" to shore up the collapsing American-controlled global capitalist system, and in particular the privileged position of the US dollar.

Going to war with Russia presently and in the longer term against China is part of the desperate dynamic to prolong the dominant position of Washington that was established after the Second World War. That postwar imperial order – euphemistically called the "rules-based order" – is increasingly falling into disrepute from unbridled imperialist wars and abuse of financial controls.

The vast majority of the planet wants liberation from the US/Western warmongering system that underpins capitalist exploitation that only enriches a global elite. The war in Ukraine is but the manifestation of the breakdown in US global power and the desperation to preserve the systematic inequality that defines capitalism.

This year is fraught with extreme danger, says Pepe Escobar. But if the psychotic US deep-state planners can be contained by Russia and China without an all-out catastrophic war erupting then there is a chance of a more hopeful, peaceful and just world order emerging.

New World Next Week | Latin America Preparing Regional Currency | Jan. 27, 2023


Story #1: Brazil, Argentina to Start Preparations For Common Currency 
Why We Shouldn’t Underestimate China’s Petro-Yuan Ambitions
PDF: “War and Currency Statecraft”
BRICS mulling alternative to dollar-dominated payment system: South Africa
How To REALLY Defeat Globalism 
Story #2: Appliance Makers Sad That 50% of Customers Won’t Connect Smart Appliances

LG, Whirlpool Target Customers Disconnected From ‘Smart’ Appliances
“idk about a future where i pay A LITERAL GARBAGE CAN a monthly subscription fee.”
CIA Chief: We'll Spy on You Through Your Dishwasher
Smart Tyranny: How to resist the smart grid Evidence Grows for Narcolepsy Link to GSK Swine Flu Shot (Jan. 24, 2013) Nurses Fired for Refusing Flu Shot (Jan. 24, 2013) 

The Corbett Report | The 6th Annual Fake News Awards | Jan. 28, 2023


And now, from an undisclosed location deep beneath the Earth's surface, it's the 6th Annual Fake News Awards! Shining the spotlight of ridicule on the dumbest disinformation, the silliest smears and the most ludicrous lies of the mainstream media dinosaurs of the past year! Which presstitutes will walk away with a dino of shame? What mendacious government mouthpiece will commit seppuku after being exposed as a deceiving sack of excrement ? And who will walk away with the greatest dishonour of them all: the Fake News Story of the Year? Find out in this year's exciting Award Show Extravaganza . . .

Show Notes and Documentation

Laurent Guyenot | 9/11: Access, Means and Motive | Guns & Butter | Jan. 27, 2023

Source:, Laurent Guyenot

In this concluding part of our trilogy on 9/11, Laurent Guyenot discusses:

- The privatization of the NYC World Trade Center
- Control of access
- Companies and business executive tenants
- Sayanim
- Israeli art students
- planning for 9/11
- Historical evidence of Israeli false flag operations
- Evidence of foreknowledge
- Controlled opposition
- 9/11 wars not about oil
- US in no way benefited from these wars
- Guyenot’s new 9/11 film; end game

Joseph P. Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Jan. 26, 2023


Did Blinken just throw in the towel on the Ukraine? According to this story shared by L.G.L.R., quite possibly!

Carrie Madej | Transhumanism and AI | The Anarchast | Jan. 26, 2023

Guest Links:

Pfizer Exposed For Exploring "Mutating" COVID-19 Virus For New Vaccines Via 'Directed Evolution' | Jan. 25, 2023


Pfizer Exposed For Exploring "Mutating" COVID-19 Virus For New Vaccines Via 'Directed Evolution'.

Redice TV | No-Go Zone: Reinstated, Tanks For Ukraine & Ghislaine Maxwell Speaks From Behind Bars | Jan. 25, 2023


Henrik cover some of the latest in No-Go Zone this January 25, 2023.

James Corbett on The Missing Link | Jan. 25, 2023


via The Missing Link: James Corbett appears on The Missing Link with Jesse Hal to discuss the biosecurity state, UNDRIP, communitarianism, threats to liberty, the false hopium that is used to placate the masses, and (most importantly) what we can do about these problems.

Show Notes:
Edward Slavsquat substack
A Brief History of Hopium
Solutions: Spontaneous Order
Without Papers Pizza Interview – How One Man Lost Everything To Stand Up For Your Rights
The Anti-Communitarian League with Niki Raapana
How To Fake An Alien Invasion
Simple Sabotage - #SolutionsWatch
Sunstein Won: Cognitive Infiltration of the "Alternative" Media
The Global Digital ID Prison

Max Igan | Emancipation is an Attitude | Jan. 24, 2023


Suspicious0bservers | What's Happening to Earth's Core? | Jan. 24, 2023


The Corbett Report | Rage Against the War Machine - #SolutionsWatch | Jan. 24, 2023


Angela McArdle of the Libertarian Party and Nicholas Brana of the People's Party join us today to discuss Rage Against the War Machine, an anti-war rally that will be held in Washington, D.C. on February 19th. We discuss the genesis of the rally, the demands of the protestors, what the organizers hope to accomplish and how those interested in attending or helping with the rally can get involved.

Show Notes: 
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