Jay Dyer | These BIZARRE PSY OPS Are Launching WORLDWIDE! | Sept. 7, 2023

Source: jaysanalysis.com

Today we catch up with our global elite friends at the WEF and other places to get an update on what Prince Chaz and Klaus and company, including cameos by Jane Goodall and more, concerning human over consumption and deforestation which is good and bad.

Andrei Martyanov | Yardsticks | Sept. 7, 2023

Source: smoothiex12.blogspot.com

Eagle flies again. Something about "experts" from Russia.

S0 News | Solar Watch, New Hurricane, Honest Scientist | Sept. 6, 2023

Source: suspicious0bservers.org

Dr. Joel Wallach | What’s killing young athletes | Sept. 5, 2023

Source: dailywithdoc.com

Dr. Wallach shares why young athletes are continually dying. Exercise without supplementation is suicide. It requires quality nutrition to optimally support 2.8 billion heart beats per year. If your doctor can’t find why you are sick and miserable, Dr. Wallach already knows the underlying causes and solution.

Dr. Wallach helps members of the audience with nutritional solutions for conditions that include seizures, weight gain, brain function, allergy responses, and maintaining digestive flora.

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny | More Mass Deaths From Covid Kill Shots Still to Come!

Source: ariazeee rumble

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny has had her medical licence suspended by the Board for "not complying" with their directives... except they refuse to tell her what the elusive "directives" actually are.

As one of the earliest doctors to speak out about the mass deaths we would see as a result of the COVID injections, Dr. Tenpenny is still sharing truth fearlessly, stating the worst is still to come.

Suspicious0bservers | The Solar Killshot - Statistics and Timelines | Sept. 5, 2023

Source: suspicious0bservers.org

Tom Campbell | Lucid Dreaming Explained | Sept. 5, 2023

Source: my-big-TOE.com

Max Igan | How to Heal the World | Sept. 5, 2023

Source: thecrowhouse.com

S0 News | Carrington Event Estimate & Red Zone | Sept. 4, 2023

Source: suspicious0bservers.org

Truthstream Media | Did No One Bother to Look up This Word?! | Sept. 3, 2023

Source: TruthstreamMedia.com

Dark Journalist | JFK Assassination Bombshell: X Byrd Antarctica Nazis & The UFO File! | Sept. 1, 2023

Source: darkjournalist.com

Spiro Skouras | The 4th Industrial Revolution Is Part of The WEF's Great Reset...

Source: activistpost.com

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