Veritas Radio | John & Bonnie Mitchell : Silent Frequencies: Exposing the Covert World of Sonic Manipulation and Mind Control in Media | Hour 1



Tonight, we venture into the hidden depths of the media's most clandestine practices - sonic manipulation and mind control. We're joined by Veritas veterans, John and Bonnie Mitchell, who have dedicated their lives to uncovering these veiled technologies.

The journey begins with John's unsettling discovery of secret sonic weapons embedded in a popular movie. This revelation opens the door to a world where infrasound and ultrasound are not mere scientific phenomena, but tools for covert influence and harm. We'll delve into the intricacies of a mysterious wave file, an apparent breadcrumb in the larger scheme of media manipulation.

Bonnie, with her wealth of experience, sheds light on the alarming health effects associated with these hidden frequencies. Drawing parallels to the notorious Havana Syndrome, she reveals how deep the roots of these technologies run, entwined within the fabric of our daily media consumption.


After retiring from distinguished careers in the United States Merchant Marines, John Mitchell and his devoted partner, Bonnie Jean Mitchell, embarked on a mission that would reshape their lives and illuminate hidden truths. Together, they founded, a platform dedicated to unveiling the secrets and disinformation perpetuated by the clandestine forces within the government. Their journey led them to delve into the intricate world of mind control techniques imposed upon the unsuspecting masses. In 2012, John and Bonnie unveiled the unsettling reality of Digital Mnemonic Mind Control through their research.

Bonnie Jean Mitchell, a luminary in her own right, stands as the visionary founder of She is a multifaceted researcher, accomplished author, and a lifelong contactee with extraterrestrial entities. For over two decades, Bonnie has provided guidance and solace to individuals navigating the enigmatic realms of paranormal and metaphysical experiences. Her literary contributions include the insightful books "Journey with the Star People" and "The Shift: A lifetime of Contact Leading to Higher Consciousness."

In 2014, John and Bonnie made the daring choice to leave the United States, setting their course for Uruguay in South America. Today, their focus remains steadfastly fixed on the spiritual battle being waged as humanity seeks a transformative paradigm shift in consciousness. You are invited to join their thought-provoking Awakenvideo Livestream, hosted on Rumble, every Friday night at 6pm EST, where they continue to shed light on vital issues shaping our world.

Max Igan | The Game Continues - Their Prize Is Your Soul | Mar. 13, 2024


"You Have No Idea How Bad This Is" - Whitney Webb 2024 Prediction | Mar. 1, 2024

Source: Library Of Wealth youtube

The Corbett Report | Is Opposing Israel Anti-Semitic? - Questions For Corbett | Mar. 11, 2024



The genocide in Gaza continues and world reaction is turning against the state of Israel. But does this mean the world is growing anti-semitic? Join James for an important exploration of the situation in Palestine and why there can be no exceptions made for anyone when it comes to basic morality.


March Open Thread
Time Reference: 00:33

Time Reference: 04:09

Will the Al-Aqsa Flood Drown Us All? – #NewWorldNextWeek
Time Reference: 07:17

Israel’s 9/11 on The Last American Vagabond<
Time Reference: 08:09

Israel, Propaganda and Apocalypse on The Truth Expedition
Time Reference: 08:52

Israhell and the Hannibal Directive – #NewWorldNextWeek
Time Reference: 09:22

Episode 455 – The 7th Annual Fake News Awards
Time Reference: 10:05

Israel to Face Trial for Genocide? – #NewWorldNextWeek
Time Reference: 10:38

Interview 1869 – The Flour Massacre and the Gaza Holocaust (NWNW 547)
Time Reference: 11:17

Israel Bombs Areas of Southern Gaza Where It Told Palestinians To Flee
Time Reference: 12:16

חדשות האמת (Truth News)
Time Reference: 15:53

Israeli Apartheid: “A Threshold Crossed”<
Time Reference: 26:58

Suspicious0bservers | Pole Shift Disaster Is Coming | Military Paper | Mar. 11, 2024



Read the paper:

They LIED About The Great Pyramid For THOUSANDS of Years: Physicist Tom Campbell EXPOSES the Truth!

Source: Your Superior Self youtube,

Join us for an exhilarating journey into the depths of history and consciousness as we sit down with Tom Campbell, a trailblazing physicist with a passion for unlocking the secrets of our universe.

With a stellar background in physics and mathematics, Tom Campbell has dedicated over 50 years to pioneering scientific research into altered states of consciousness. His illustrious career spans various realms, from technology development to complex-system risk analysis for both government agencies and private industries. With a Ph.D. in nuclear physics from the University of Virginia, Tom's expertise has been instrumental in shaping our understanding of the world around us.

Delve into the groundbreaking scientific model known as My Big TOE (Theory Of Everything). Tom Campbell's profound insights have led him to propose a revolutionary idea: that consciousness itself is the bedrock of reality, challenging conventional notions of materialism and offering a new paradigm for understanding existence.

In this captivating conversation, Tom Campbell explores one of the greatest enigmas of human history: the construction of the Great Pyramids. Drawing upon his multidisciplinary expertise, Tom delves into the intricate interplay between ancient civilizations, consciousness, and the fabric of reality itself. Could there be more to the story than meets the eye? Join us as we unravel the mysteries of the past and glimpse into the infinite possibilities of the future.

00:00 Intro
01:32 Experiencing Beings as a Child
03:16 Where do you go when answering questions?
05:21 Why is hard for us to pull from the database?
08:44 How are you pulling from the database?
10:16 Pulling data out of the database about the Pyramids?
14:50 Built with the help of advanced civilization?
18:34 Other forces
19:56 Existing explanations of physical force
20:30 Who was the other force that helped us?
21:52 The written record of history
28:08 The Akashic Records
30:06 Is the Great Pyramid helping us evolve?
31:24 The LCS built The Great Pyramid
32:17 Why would the LCS put this into our reality?
33:22 Wake Up Calls! Paranormal Activity
35:00 Reason behind All Paranormal Activity
36:30 Physicalism
37:54 The Trinity UFO Crash- Interdimensional or Extraterritisal?
41:10 E.T.'s
43:01 Meaning of Dimensions
46:25 Physical Reality is NOT Physical
50:05 Theosophists
51:55 Crop circles
54:08 Remote Viewing
59:00 Omega Point
01:01:59 How can you tell this is a Virtual Reality
01:07:18 Single Player game vs Multi-player game?
01:12:41 What happens when we die?
01:19:03 Humanity in 2300
01:26:26 As you evolve, how does your reality change?
01:34:18 How do you connect at the being level?
01:38:00 Where to find Tom's new video on an overview of his theory.

Tom Campbell | Transitions Between Lives | Mar. 10, 2024


Tom is asked about some of the details of the transition process that occurs between incarnations here.

Kaimanawa Wall | Pre-Historic Mega Structure Discovered In New Zealand | Mar. 10, 2024

Source: universe Inside You


According to conventional history, New Zealand is the last major landmass on Earth to be settled by humans. This distant island, located in the southwestern Pacific Ocean, remained uninhabited until the first Polynesians, the Māori, arrived around 1300 AD.

However, a remarkable discovery was made on the North Island of New Zealand, one which can completely shatter our established understanding of the region's ancient history. Within the dense vegetation of the Kaimanawa Ranges lies a large megalithic structure known as the Kaimanawa Wall, a formation of stones so precisely fitted together that it has ignited a fervent debate about its origins, challenging our understanding of New Zealand's prehistoric past.

The wall itself is characterized by a series of tightly fitted stones, which, at first glance, appear to have been placed with precision. The stones are massive, with some estimates suggesting that they weigh several tons each. It was determined that the stones were 330,000 years old and were made of ignimbrite, a volcanic stone made of compressed sand and ash.

The nearest outcrop of such stone is 3 miles away or five kilometers. This aspect alone has fueled speculation about the level of sophistication required to assemble such a structure, should it have been the work of human hands. Upon closer examination, the arrangement of the stones reveals an almost geometric precision. The stones align in a manner that suggests an intentional pattern, with straight lines and angles that are uncommon in natural rock formations.

Redacted | Putin just scored a KNOCKOUT blow to NATO and they're getting desperate | Mar. 10, 2024

Source: Redacted youtube

Over the past few days we've gotten our clearest sign yet that the US and NATO are getting increasingly desperate to hang on to their global hegemony. In this video, we detail all of the latest moves that the U.S. and NATO have made in Ukraine.

Truthstream Media | But Why Are They Allowed to Do This to Our Food? | Mar. 7, 2024


Joseph P. Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Mar. 7, 2024


You may have heard that Victoria Nuland is (finally!) gone from Foggy Bottom. But what does it mean? Joseph files his two cents; worth:


New World Next Week | The Flour Massacre and the Gaza Holocaust | Mar. 7, 2024


Gaza Doctor Says Gunfire Accounted For 80% Of Wounds At His Hospital From Aid Convoy Bloodshed
U.N., EU Call for Probe Into Killings of Palestinians Awaiting Aid In Gaza
US Blocks Algeria Condemnation Of Gaza Aid Massacre At UN
Forensic Investigation Reveals Israel Lied To ICJ & The “Flour Massacre” Exposes Starvation Campaign
The Flour Massacre Setup/False Flag Attempt Exposed
Israel Attacks More Aid Convoys Even After Multiple Investigations Expose Flour Massacre Was A Setup
As Gaza’s Hunger Crisis Worsens, Emaciated Children At Hospitals
Hungry Children Are Dying In Gaza As Israel’s Chokehold On Aid Drives Territory Toward Starvation
Gaza’s Starving Children Need “Flood” Of Aid: UN
Scoop: U.S. Wants Israeli Written Assurances On Using U.S. Weapons In Gaza By Mid-March
#MorningMonarchy: Netanyahu Repeatedly Ignored, Frustrated Attempts To Disrupt Hamas Finances

Story #2: Musk Says Biden Flying 320K “Unvetted” Migrants Into US Sets Stage “For Something Far Worse Than 9/11”
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