Showing posts with label Abduction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Abduction. Show all posts

Melinda Leslie | MILABS: The Experiences, Evidence & Implications |  FADE to BLACK with Jimmy Church | Feb. 20, 2017


Melinda Leslie is a researcher and investigator in the field of Ufology with over 27 years of experience. For five years she has been the Owner of UFO Sighting Tours in Sedona, Arizona, where she has conducted nearly 600 tours with the use of military Night Vision Goggles.

Melinda is a UFO abductee and has been public with her own extraterrestrial and covert-ops human abduction experiences for 26 years and has researched a military and intelligence agency involvement in UFO abduction cases for 25 years. Both her research and personal experiences have been featured in 19 books by prominent authors in ufology.

Melinda has lectured for numerous organizations including MUFON and the International UFO Congress and is a frequent guest on numerous radio shows including Coast to Coast AM.

Tonight, Melinda will update us on her latest research on how covert human agency programs are reverse engineering extraterrestrial abductees for information to be used in both extraterrestrial (ET) technology and covert-ops personnel development programs and tell us about her night-vision events at this year’s Contact in the Desert.

Interview start: 30:48 min.

Richard Dolan | E.T. Encounters of the Human Kind | Aug. 9, 2016


Listen to this exclusive episode as UFO researcher and historian Richard Dolan discusses several individual accounts of ET encounters that have a strange human dimension!

Laurie McDonald | ET Encounters | FADE to BLACK with Jimmy Church | May 23, 2016


Laurie McDonald is our guest and she is both a clinical hypnotherapist and abduction researcher...and we discuss not only the cases that she is currently working on, how ET contact is made and how she uses her own experiences throughout her life to collect the data. The conversation is both direct and open...she is one of the very best.

Freeman Interviews Randy Maugans | Part 2: The UFO-Freemasonry Synchronicity | Oct. 13, 2015


What happens when you put two Conspiracy Theorists in a room together? Mind-Blowing connections and far-reaching questions, that’s what. From Black Magick to Military Intelligence and on to UFO’s…

Part 2 is a mind-blower as Freeman and Randy begin to compare UFO/ET experiences with completely unrehearsed, undisclosed synchronicities. Neither of the two hosts have EVER spoken before, yet discover their common backgrounds including blood types, family ties to Freemasonry, occult practices, railroads, and military…with some new disclosures about personal experiences.

Part 2 | The UFO-Freemasonry Synchronicity


Part 1 | Randy Maugans on FreemanTV | Conspiracy Theory

James Horak & Friends with Mark Snider on Ohio Exopolitics Aug. 30, 2014

Source: Ohio Exopolitics,,,

Three conversations, all recorded on August 30. 2014, fused together in one show.

Courtesy for publication permission: Mark Snider, Ohio Exopolitics.

James Horak: 
Website of Crystal Clark: Drowning in Absurdity
Mhairead MacDonald’s website: Selkie Dreams

Niara Isley | Military Abduction Whistleblower: The Richard Dolan Show, April 28, 2014


Interview with Niara Isley on the Richard Dolan Show, April 28, 2014. Formerly of the USAF, she discusses her abduction experiences, both apparent ET and military. She talks about three months of missing time while stationed at the Nevada Test Site. Her book, Facing the Shadow, Embracing the Light, is available at:

Niara Terela Isley | Facing The Shadow, Embracing The Light, Late Night in the Midlands, February 6, 2014


Niara Terela Isley has been a spiritual seeker from the cradle up. Having discovered a disturbing three-month block of missing time from 1980 during her tour of duty in the USAF, Niara underwent hypnosis to investigate this and other memories and strange "dreams" from childhood. What she discovered turned her life inside out for many years, launching her into in-depth study and research to find out what had happened to her, why, and in what political and social context.

Also suffering from post-traumatic stress (PTSD) herself, she had to find ways to heal from the ensuing emotional fallout. That healing journey has been an awakening to the multi-dimensional universe we all live in. A lifelong learner across a broad spectrum of disciplines, including various sciences, personal growth and spiritual practice, Niara's healing process opened her up to amazing insights about the world we live in and our place and relationship to the larger universe around us.

Niara has a BA in social work and has worked in the helping professions for many years. In 2013, Niara completed a book about her experiences, healing and insights called Facing the Shadow, Embracing the Light: A Journey of Spirit Retrieval and Awakening. Today she is an independent body-centered therapist, a writer-educator and an artist. She is also certified in Dolores Cannon's Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy, and working on additional certifications in EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and TRE (Trauma Releasing Exercises) developed by Dr. David Berceli to better help others heal who have experienced trauma and PTSD. Niara is also a member of the Exopolitics Institute Advisory Board.

Mike Clelland | The Owls of Synchronicity, OffPlanet Radio, October 18, 2013


Mike Clelland is an artist, author (Ultralight Backpacking Tips), and researcher into synchronicity and contact experiences. Since 2009 he has journaled online his search to discover what is behind his own paranormal memories and anomalous experiences. Those experiences are informed by the persistent appearence of owls...a -marker- noted in UFO experience lore, notably in the the film -The Fourth Kind-, and also repeatedly in the David Lynch TV series, -Twin Peaks-. We discuss Mikes's journey, the process of discovery about his abduction experiences, and the meanings of the owls of synchronicity.

Kathleen Marden and Denise Stoner | The Alien Abduction Files, OffPlanet Radio with Randy Maugans, May 22, 2013


Long-established investigators and sought-after media experts in the field of alien abduction, Kathleen Marden and Denise Stoner have combined their ground-breaking new evidence in a book, The Alien Abduction Files: The Most Startling Cases of Human-Alien Contact Ever Reported.

The Alien Abduction Files finally reveals:
1. The little-known characteristics of alien experimental procedures;
2. The theoretical science that can explain alien technology;
3. The messages conveyed by the ETs to abduction experiencers;
4. The vulnerabilities and benefits of living life as an abduction experiencer;
5. The evidence that these phenomena are real and not imaginary

About the guests: Author, researcher and lecturer Kathleen Marden has more than 22 years' experience in the research and investigation of the alien abduction phenomenon. She is the niece of Betty and Barney Hill, whose story stirred world-wide interest.

Marden has lectured at numerous conferences and appears on TV specials. She is coauthor of Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience: the True Story of the World; and the coauthor of Science Was Wrong: Startling Truths About Cures, Theories, and Inventions "They" Declared Impossible.

Niara Isley | Ammach in America, International UFO Conference 2013


Niara Isley, an Abductee, and former Radar specialist at the Tonapay test range near Area 51, describes fort in 2010, then 2013, here terroir, and abuse at the hands of the humans at Area 51. Raped by her prison guards in front of an alien, shows the brutality of the MILABs.

Dr. Leo Sprinkle | Ammach in America


Veteran experiencer the Brilliant and humerous Dr. Leo Sprinkle explains much of his personal and wonderful experiences. Interview by Jo Summercales for the Ammach Project in America, during the International UFO Congress at Fort McDowell, Arizona, in Feb 2013.

Chris Bledsoe on Vox Populi | Segment 1 of 2


There have been many UFO cases addressed on various television documentaries throughout the years. Many of these are forgettable, many are biased, and then there are a few that present the facts as they are.

One of the latter was presented by the MUFON organization in October, 2008. The special was carried by the Discovery Channel. Titled "UFOs over Earth," the hour long show addressed an extremely compelling case of UFO sightings, an alien encounter, and possible alien abduction.
On January 8, 2007, this baffling case began in Fayetteville, North Carolina, on the banks of the Cape Fear River.

The main witness in this case is one Chris Bledsoe Sr. Bledsoe, a successful builder and commercial pilot, was well liked and respected in his community. On the day of the strange events, he was fishing with four other men, Donny Ackerman, Gene Robinson, David McDonald. and Chris Bledsoe Jr. The relationship between Bledsoe and the other three men was not addressed fully on the TV program, but Mr. Bledsoe informed me that Ackerman, Robinson, and McDonald worked for him as framing subcontractors, and had just finished a large beach home and gotten paid the day of the encounter.
They invited Chris Sr. and Jr. to go fishing with them. Bledsoe Sr. said, "Why not?" as his wife and three other children were out of town that day. They all rode to the fishing spot in Bledsoe's four door pickup truck because it was a four-wheel drive, and could maneuver in the muddy banks of the river.
Bledsoe took a walk away from the fishing spot, and spotted three UFOs. He returned to the fishing spot, and pointed out the objects to the other three men. They were frightened by the UFOs, and quickly left the river, seeing the objects again. After Bledsoe arrived home, and went out into his backyard to find out why his dogs were barking. He followed them into the woods, and saw an alien being.

After the basic details of Bledsoe's encounter were taken by MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) investigators, the UFO group was anxious to gather testimony from Bledsoe's fishing buddies, but they had trouble locating the three for a time.

This, by no means, lessens the validity of their eyewitness accounts. Rating the authenticity of a UFO sighting as to the social status of a witness was employed by Project Blue Book in the 1960s, and was eventually found to be faulty. There is no evidence at this time to suggest that they made up their stories, or conspired to create a hoax. If they did, they did a remarkable job. All of the accounts given by the three regarding the sighting of the three unknown flying objects were almost identical.

Christopher Bledsoe is a commercial pilot, and from 1986 to 2005 owned an award winning construction business in Fayetteville, North Carolina. He was nominated as Businessman of the Year in 2003 by the National Republican Congressional Committee and was invited to President George Bush's inauguration. He is a rescue scuba diver and, prior to his "experience," was a noted hunter on record as having killed one of the largest bears in North Carolina.

In January 2007, Chris, his son Chris Jr. and three of of his subcontractors, Donny Ackerman, Gene Robinson, and David McDonald witnessed a series of terrifying sightings of unexplained phenomena. They were investigated by the organization MUFON and a scientist from the Space Industry.
Their experience was featured on the Discovery Channel's 2008 series UFOs Over Earth: The Fayetteville Incident.

Chris currently lives in North Carolina, with his wife Yvonne and their four children. He owns chickens and dogs and keeps a large garden. He loves backpacking and nature. Since his experience Chris has given up the sport of hunting.

Joseph P. Farrell | Cultural Transitions, Part 1-3


Interview Timetable:
Part 1, May 29, 2012
Part 2, July 8, 2012
Part 3, November 24, 2012

Sacha Christie | UK Phenomena & Disclosures, Offplanet Radio, August, 22, 2012


UK ET abduction experiencer and researcher, Sacha Christie details her own experiences as and abductee, and those in the UK who are stepping forward to share their own experiences.

Sacha Christie
UK director for ICAR, Director of UFOW witness and contactee support network and consultant member of AMMACH.

In 1997 Sacha went away with friends for the weekend to the Welsh countryside. The party were witness to two ufos, one above them and one on the ground behind them. All members of the group have been deeply affected by this event which was the catalyst for Sacha remembering a life time of experiences which continue to this day.

Sacha is an advocate for contactee protection and care and is dedicated to changing the language surrounding the phenomena to make the topic palatable to the general public.

Travis Walton shares new Theory on the Fire in the Sky Abduction Case, July 2, 2012


Recently Travis Walton, whose alleged alien abduction was portrayed in the movie Fire in the Sky, revealed a new theory on why his abduction happened. Walton sat down with Open Minds and gave this compelling follow-up interview.

Sacha Christie | Bentwaters & Alien Abduction, UFO Paranormal Radio Network, June 27, 2012


‪Kim Carlsberg‬ | ‪A True Story of Close Encounters & Alien Abduction‬, December 16, 2011


This Veritas interview reveals Kim Carlsberg's heartbreaking, horrific, bittersweet story of eight years of abductions by Grays who mined her DNA, bred human-Gray hybrids, implanted in her and then removed and incubated the fetuses, introduced her to her children, and kept them.

"The most traumatic experience of my life was being implanted with an alien species,” says Carlsberg. "Some [of the fetuses] were too frail to live. I may have five or six hybrid children. April and Aqua are mine for sure.”

Seemingly at peace with it all now and unusual in terms of near total conscious recall, Carlsberg includes 150 individual stories of contact accompanied by art work submitted by the experiencers sent to her from around the world, in her new contributor-illustrated book, The Art of Close Encounters.

The mid-west raised, California art school-educated Carlsberg is an accomplished photographer, author and businesswoman now living in Sedona, Arizona.

With a Jane Fonda-like voice and cadence, Carlsberg recounts visits to other planets; experiences in ships and underground; vast halls of tables upon which unconscious humans were being anatomically manipulated; of being submersed in liquid for transport to other planets; of dying and being brought back to life; of telepathic exchanges with "anorexic Pillsbury dough boys," as she initially described the Grays, and of her relationship with her hybrid children.

"The grays have taken the best of each species and created these beautiful children. I've seen every combination [of the] different races on our planet."

After her initial abduction, she was in her 20's, she says, "Next thing, I woke up in my bed. My boyfriend had not moved. I lay there thinking, "What just happened?" Life as Carlsberg knew it, would never be the same. For the next eight years, she would experience repeated abductions. Carlsberg was determined to stay awake and aware during the incidents, to make sense of what was happening. "Then I learned how to make it stop." Likely at the expense of never seeing her children again.

"They say it's multi-generational" [this involvement with the Grays]. "I assume I've been manipulated, probably my Mom, too," says Carlsberg. "They could be replacing us because we are destroying the planet. They could be trying to move here because they can't sustain themselves, but I didn't get that. They may be coming back in time to fix something in the DNA, or, they are geneticists, and they create species."

Carlsberg detected plenty of individuality among the Grays. There were times when she knew them to be "full of joy and happiness." Mostly they mask their feelings while around us, though. And so much of it was torture, plain and simple. "I was part of a pain threshold program," Carlsberg says. "The bad room," she recounts, is where "they tortured me until I died, and then they would bring me back. I don't know why. To know what we can take?"

"Once after one of my surgeries -- they destroyed my reproductive system -- I was in bed resting, and one being came to me and said very lovingly, 'You are us. We are all one.' I had a nirvana experience. I felt at one with all beings. That's why it's so confusing. It's both so good and so bad."

Kim Carlsberg is as UFO Researcher, International Keynote Speaker, and three time author on the ET / UFO phenomenon. A “contactee” herself, Kim’s first book “Beyond My Wildest Dreams: Diary of a UFO Abductee” chronicled eight years of continuous contact with seven different species of ETs and was published nearly two decades ago. Considered a milestone in contact literature at the time, her life story was optioned by Tri-Star Pictures.

Kim is a graduate of the “Art Center College of Design” Pasadena, CA in commercial photography, Kim’s career as an advertising and portrait photographer has covered all aspects of the entertainment and music industries. She has been commissioned to photograph the most noted celebrities in private sittings, from rock stars to presidents. Her work has appeared in hundreds of publications worldwide including Rolling Stone, TV Guide and Time, and her five year stretch as the exclusive photographer on the TV series BayWatch, brought her the honor of being the first woman accepted into the Hollywood Camera Union

Kim's new book “The Art Of Close Encounters” has been coined “The Quintessential Cosmic Coffee Table Book”. It is a favorite in the UFO community with endorsements from George Noory -, DR LEO SPRINKLE, Steven Basset, and many others.

Kim’s newest venture in Sedona, AZ, Sedona UFO Sky Tours, takes sky watchers to UFO hotspots with the most powerful night vision equipment available. UFOs are spotted every time out and sometimes up to 100 craft have been seen at once.

The Collectors with Corina Saebels | Offplanet Radio, November 6, 2011


November 6, 2011–Canadian abductee/contactee, Corina Saebels talks about her own life-long experiences as a subject of ET abduction, testing and genetic experiments; and the experiences of her family, children, and those around her who witnessed and experienced the very same visitations. We also outline the presence of black ops military and scientists inside underground bases, black military helicopters and the medical, psychological and spiritualafter-effects on her life from the harvesting of fetuses; her shocking glimpse at trans-species experimentation and her insights about what "they" have planned for humanity!

Corina speaks with great humility, and continues to press the establishment for answers to her decades long encounters with entities---both off worlders, and the shadow military-government-industrial complex. While her suffering is not hidden, her spirit remains intact, and her bravery unvaunted by those who would silence her.

In the show Corina discusses a great deal of physical evidence she has gathered over the years. In her book, "The Collectors", are several pages of color photos which documenther accounts. As her experiences continue, she continues to compile more proof. ~Randy Maugans, OffPlanet Radio

download mp3

Stan and Lisa Romanek on Open Minds Radio, September 26, 2011


September 26, 2011–Stan Romanek says he has been abducted by aliens, harassed by the government and has experienced a myriad of various types of paranormal phenomena. I know it sounds far out, but I, Alejandro, have actually been there to experience some of this. We will interview Stan and his wife Lisa, to talk about some of the cases with great evidence, an upcoming documentary on his experiences, and what he thinks it all means. ~Open Minds Radio
Interview start 0:29:40 min.

Alien Abduction Special, August 18, 2011


Artist and photographer Kim Carlsberg discussed her first conscious alien abduction, the nature of the extraterrestrials who took her, the hybrid children resulting from the abductions, and the military bases where she was taken. Her experiences began in 1988 with a vivid UFO sighting in Malibu. Her first abduction followed, where she found herself paralyzed inside an elevator, and receiving telepathic information. She was taken into a huge room with hundreds of tables, with unconscious human beings on them. She described the aliens who were conducting tests as looking like "anorexic Pillsbury Doughboys,"-- about 3 and a half feet tall with big heads, and big eyes.

The aliens have been extracting human DNA to create hybrids, Carlsberg explained. "I believe some of them [the hybrids] are already here...I've met many of my hybrid children and they are exceptional beings. They are so superior to the greys and the humans in so many ways, because they've got the best of both worlds," she revealed. While some abductions can be brutal and frightening, she believes the ETs are here to help us evolve. She also described military involvement in some of her abductions, as well as experiencing disturbing military interrogations after some of her ET encounters.

During the third hour, three special guests whose stories are featured in Carlsberg's book, The Art of Close Encounters, spoke about their personal experiences. First, Travis Walton shared his account of his UFO abduction in 1975. He speculated that the beam of light that hit him from the UFO caused a neurological disruption that may have prevented the aliens from initially controlling him. Next, Robert Miles detailed his positive encounter with a beautiful woman who emerged from a UFO in Hawaii. She assisted him in teleporting to an alternate reality LaGuardia Airport where he purchased a ticket for a flight to Jupiter, he recalled. Miriam Delicado talked about how her ET contacts led her on a transformative personal journey related to prophecy and earth changes. Carlsberg returned in the last hour to take calls.

Alien Mysteries
First hour guest, author Brad Steiger talked about the strange mystery of alien visitation. Phenomena have been reported since ancient times, but we don't know if it's extraterrestrial, multi-dimensional, or supernatural in nature, he pointed out. He also spoke about a strange object that orbited near the moon and reportedly broadcast an alien message. The object was said to be "parked" there some 13,000 years ago.

News segment guests: Catherine Austin Fitts, Peter Davenport
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