Showing posts with label Disclosure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Disclosure. Show all posts

Ross Coulthart and Dr. Masters ask: Are aliens future humans? | Reality Check | July 24, 2024

Source: News Nation youtube

On this episode of "Reality Check," Ross Coulthart sits down with author, scientist and professor of biological anthropology Dr. Michael P. Masters. Masters' research focuses on the idea UFOs and aliens could be future humans. Ross and Masters discuss our common ancestry with extraterrestrial beings and Masters' personal experience with the paranormal.

NewsNation | Reality Check | Senior US military officer: ‘Zero doubt’ of alien life on earth | May 29, 2024

Source: NewsNation youtube

Retired U.S. Army Colonel Karl Nell says not only do aliens exist, but they also interact with humans. Nell is the former director of the Pentagon's UAP task force. Ross Coulthart breaks down Nell’s public statements and responds to those who question why there is no evidence.

Richard Dolan | UFOs, God, Disclosure, Alien Encounters, Totalitarianism, Faith | Apr. 2, 2024

Source: TheoriesofEverything youtube,

Richard Dolan joins Theories of Everything for Curt's last discussion on the UFO topic for a while.

UFO Congress Archives | Sgt. Clifford Stone (R.I.P.) on Military Encounters with E.T.s and Advance Technology

Source: UAMN TV youtube

Explore the International UFO Congress Archives as the late Sgt. Clifford Stone, a prominent truth-teller, reveals his extraordinary military encounters with genuine extraterrestrial beings. His message, "They are not hostile," carries a time-sensitive, world-changing revelation.

Tucker Carlson | Episode 51 | David Grusch | Dec. 14, 2023



Ep. 51 It’s becoming obvious that the US government has made contact with nonhuman beings. So why are they lying to us about it? We asked UFO whistleblower Dave Grusch.


00:00:00 A credible witness
00:08:49 Government UFO programs
00:19:37 UFO recovered in Italy
00:27:15 Are we communicating with otherworldly beings?
00:34:56 People angry with Grusch coming forward
00:41:12 JFK files and other classified documents
00:49:58 Government effort to conceal UFO info

Episode 2065 David Grusch - The Joe Rogan Experience | Nov. 21, 2023


David Grusch is a former Air Force intelligence officer, representative of the National Reconnaissance Office to the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force, and co-lead for Unidentified Aerial Phenomena analysis at the National Geo-Spacial Intelligence Agency.

SECOND PUBLIC HEARING in the Congress of Mexico to regulate the UNIDENTIFIED ANOMALOUS PHENOMENON | Nov. 7 | 2023

Second Public Hearing in the Congress of Mexico to regulate the unidentified anomalous phenomenon.

Vandenberg “Red Square” Witness Speaks for First Time - with Jeff Nuccetelli | Merged Podcast EP 19 | Nov. 7, 2023


Jeff Nuccetelli is a former Air Force security officer who responded to an incident in 2004 of a large ‘Red Square’ being reporting at Vandenberg Air Force Base.

Jeff details the account, the records he preserved of the incident, and how his interactions with AARO did... or did not... reveal any truth.

LIVE Mexico UFO Hearing Coverage and Discussion | Sept. 12, 2023

Source: Cristina Gomez youtube


TRANSLATED SUBTITLES WILL BE ADDED SOON - Jimmy Church of Fade to Black Radio joins me again for LIVE coverage, and post-discussion of the Mexican Chamber of Deputies landmark Public Hearing on UFOs. The ‘Morenista’ representative Sergio Gutiéerez Luna stated, “Mexico is now joining the global movement of nations that are embracing an extraordinary new reality with the potential to shape our children’s future,”.

00:00 - Pre-Commentary
01:05:01 - Diputado Sergio Carlos Luna Speaks
01:09:51 - Swearing under Oath
01:10:47 - Jaime Maussan, Mexican Ufologist
01:21:14 - Dr. Avi Loeb, Harvard Professor
01:36:26 - Mariano Tello, Director of the Center for Attention to Society, INAI
01:44:26 - Ryan Graves, US Navy Pilot
01:55:33 - Robert Salas, Retired US Air Force Officer
02:20:33 - Julio Darwish, Mexican Pilot
02:29:27 - Enrique Kolbeck, Air Traffic Controller in Mexico
02:41:25 - Andrea Simondini, Director of ALAS, Argentinian UFO Center
02:49:55 - Yoshiharu Asakawa, House of Representatives of Japan
03:07:53 - Rony Vernet, Brazilian Ufologist
03:21:27 - Michael Vaillant, Consultant at French Space Center and Works at GEIPAN
03:56:13 - Dr. José Zalce, Mexican Naval Surgeon
04:08:30 - Ricardo Rangel, Mexican Biologist
04:18:33 - Ending Comments at Hearing
04:20:20 - Post Commentary

Redacted with Clayton Morris | Mark Milley tries to DESTROY David Grusch's testimony on UFO's | Aug. 13, 2023

Source: Redacted youtube

Dark Journalist | X Election 2024 CIA UFO Threat Psyop | Aug. 11, 2023



Please join Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt as he goes deep on the collapse of the CIA UFO Threat narrative with the revelation that their Intel 'whistleblower' had undisclosed detention in psychiatric facilities. DJ connects the dots on how this false Deep State disclosure push is the opposite of the real UFO File. He also shows how the 2024 Presidential Election will be a showdown of President Trump and RFK Jr. vs. the Biden Regime with Continuity of Government lurking and looking to seize Emergency Powers.

The Secret Alien Interrogation Program Exposed | Redacted with Clayton Morris | July 23, 2023

Source: Redacted youtube

Clayton Morris sits down with guest John Stewart, former candidate for Illinois governor to talk about actual footage of an alien interrogation that took place in the early 90's.

Tom Montalk, Josh Reid, David Whitehead | Alien Agendas & Disinformation | June 21, 2023




· 3D vs 4D conspiracy
· Quantum physics
· Timelines, holograms
· Ultra/Extraterrestrials
· Energy farming as probability harvesting
· Opposing Disclosure factions
· Discerning ET disinformation

Richard Dolan | UAP Disclosure - Humanity at a Crossroads | June 13, 2023


Richard discusses the major UAP news stories of the past week, from David Grusch to potential Congressional Hearings to Steven Greer's press conference, and draws implications not only for the Disclosure movement but for our society as a whole. What questions do we need to ask moving forward? What answers should we demand?

National Press Club Event - Disclosure 2.0 | June 12, 2023

Source: Dr. Steven Greer youtube 

History-Making Event!
- New Top Secret Testimony
- Dr. Greer will unveil the beginnings of the Intelligence Archive that is guiding the US Government in uncovering the truth about the UFO/UAP issue.

Redacted | BREAKING! UFO whistleblowers drop BOMBSHELL on D.C. | June 13, 2023

Source: Redacted youtube

Dr. Steven Greer held a stunning UFO disclosure press event at Washington's D.C. press club. Led by renowned researchers, members of the military, defense contractors and former government officials, this conference revealed shocking testimony about the secret space program, reverse engineered alien craft, and massive crimes and cover up. Redacted host Clayton Morris walks us through the highlights of the UFO event.

ALIEN BODIES! Video evidence of U.S. held UFO handed over to journalists | Redacted with Clayton Morris | June 9, 2023

Source: Redacted youtube

New details emerge about the UFO whistleblower that lends even more credibility to that story. Even more whistleblowers are corroborating the first story of alien craft in the hands of the U.S. government. There are also reports that journalists have been given proof that the government has also seen alien bodies. What!?

UF0s & Nukes | Nuke Launch Control Officer Robert Salas release audio recording of AARO interview | May 22, 2023

Source: The Good Trouble Show with Matt Ford youtube, Robert Salas on Twitter

Never heard before recording of Robert Salas' interview of his interview with The Pentagon AARO office.

Join us for our live stream interview with retired USAF Captain Robert Salas, who recently testified under oath to the Pentagon's UAP / UFO Program, AARO, about a UFO disabling his 10 nuclear-tipped ICBMs while stationed at Malmstrom Air Force Base in the 1960s.

This is the live stream for you following the bombshell revelations of Dr. Garry Nolan at the SALT iConnections in New York. Captain Salas shares his thoughts on AARO and the leadership of Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick and his organization, Unidentified Arial Phenomena Action Committee, UAPAC org. His recent article Bent AARO, about the Pentagon's UFO program, its leadership under Dr. Kirkpatrick, and the recent testimony under Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, is a must-read.

A whistleblower for over 30 years, Captain Salas was the first former Launch Control Officer to go public about the incident the United States Air Force attempted to cover up.

This is one of many former nuclear officers that have testified to the AARO office in the past few months. Researcher Robert Hastings, and his book "UFOs and Nukes" , brought this issue to light that UFOs / UAP have interfered with our strategic nuclear deterrent for decades.

You can find Captain Salas on Twitter: @keptycho.

Dark Journalist | The X UFO Disclosure President 1963-2024! | March 10, 2023


THE DISCLOSURE PRESIDENT Join us for this Special LiveStream as Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt goes deep on the Presidents of The United States who tried to move the culture forward on UFO Disclosure while exposing Covert Powers.

ANOTHER KENNEDY IN THE WHITE HOUSE? DJ looks closely at the election of 2024 and the President who will need to move Disclosure forward and how this dovetails with the announcement of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. seeking to defeat the failing President Biden to become the Disclosure President in 2024!

WEAPONIZED : EPISODE #3 with Jeremy Corbell & George Knapp + The Pentagon's Top UFO Hunter | Feb. 6, 2023

Source: Jeremy Corbell youtube

Between 2007 and 2021, the U.S. government authorized three distinct efforts to investigate and evaluate UFO/UAP incidents, cases, and effects - the acronyms were AAWSAP, AATIP, and the UAPTF. Only one person in the entire Defense Department had a key role in all three programs.

Jay Stratton was a career intelligence officer who worked for the Office of Naval Intelligence, the Defense Warning Office of the DIA, and in other sensitive national security programs. He specialized in the reverse engineering of technologies, threats, and future scenarios. 
In 2007, he was recruited to consult with the DIA-funded investigation known as AAWSAP, the Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program, a contract awarded to a private company affiliated with Bigelow Aerospace. The first case he investigated was the now-famous "Tic Tac" UFO incident. After AAWSAP ended, Stratton worked closely with Lue Elizondo on a successor effort known as AATIP, which focused exclusively on military encounters with UFOs.

After Elizondo left government, Stratton was asked to form a new program that eventually was formalized by Congress as the UAP Task Force. During those years, he created a massive, classified briefing presentation that was delivered to Pentagon officials, intelligence agencies, defense contractors, and members of Congress. Stratton left government in 2021 and is currently employed by Radiance Technologies. The interview with WEAPONIZED is the first public statement he has ever made about his work as the government's top UFO hunter.
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