Showing posts with label F. William Engdahl. Show all posts
Showing posts with label F. William Engdahl. Show all posts

F. William Engdahl | The Lost Hegebon | Our Interesting Times with Tim Kelly | Aug. 14, 2016

Source: Our Interesting Times Podcast,

F. William Engdahl joins the show to discuss his latest book The Lost Hegemon: Whom the Gods Would Destroy and some current affairs including the 2016 Presidential election.

William is an award-winning geopolitical analyst, strategic risk consultant, author, and lecturer. He has authored many books including the international best-selling A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics, Seeds of Destruction: The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation, Full Spectrum Dominance: Totalitarian Democracy in the New World Order, Gods of Money: Wall Street and the Death of the American Century, and Myths, Lies and Oil Wars.

William is a graduate of Princeton University, and he earned a post graduate degree from Stockholm University. His website is

F. William Engdahl | Is the CIA Friend or Foe of ISIS | Aug. 3, 2016


William Engdahl uncovers the pro ISIS relationship the CIA has fostered over many years and addresses its role in the recently attempted coup d’état in Turkey.

F. William Engdahl | Weaponization of Religion & The New Crusade | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio


Europe and the West face a social crisis as a brutal war in Syria has spread around the world. The ISIS, also known as Islamic State erupted violently onto the world stage in 2014 proclaiming its aim to create a Global Caliphate. War and terror in Syria have created a massive refugee crisis across Europe.

In autumn 2015 Russia was invited to help defeat ISIS in Syria. That Russian military action signaled a new era in global politics. Washington no longer dominated the military world. The world was ineluctably moving towards a new world war, one claiming to have religion at its core.

Islam was being instrumentalized as a weapon of war, but by whom? Few asked who was behind the IS terror or Al Qaeda. For that it would be necessary look back to the 1950's and the birth of a new American intelligence agency and their ties to the secret Muslim Brotherhood. What emerges is a picture so incredible few could imagine.

William Engdahl | As Gold Prices Soar, Russia & China Are Well Prepared! Is the U.S.? | June 21, 2016


William Engdahl talks about where the price of gold could be headed given the existing policies of NATO, Russian and China.

William Engdahl | China & Russia Are Launching a Giant Gold Bull Market | May 25, 2016


William Engdahl explains America’s adversaries are using gold as money to pick up the pieces when the dollar self-destructs and the gold price explodes.

William Engdahl | Rothschild, Cheney, Murdoch's Genie Energy oil in the Golan Heights

F. William Engdahl | On the Brink of Nuclear War | April 4, 2016


Jerry Robinson is joined by historian and economic researcher, F. William Engdahl, to discuss the current chaotic conditions across the Middle East and Russia’s recent decision to pull out of Syria in the fight against ISIS.


F. William Engdahl | THE LOST HEGEMON: NWO From Clinton To Trump


Best-selling author F. William Engdahl joins me to discuss his latest book 'The Lost Hegemon: Whom The Gods Would Destroy. This gripping interview encompasses the crimes of the Clinton and Bush families and the rise of Trump who William calls a "mafia don". So buckle up and thanks for tuning in.

F. William Engdahl | The Gods of Money


"The Gods of Money" F. William Engdahl is an American German freelance journalist, historian and economic researcher. "The Gods of Money" lecture is based on Engdahls book "Gods of Money".

The dollar financial system of Wall Street was born not at a conference in Bretton Woods New Hampshire in 1944. It was born in the first days of August, 1945 with the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. After that point the world was in no doubt who was the power to reckon with.

This lecture traces the history of money as an instrument of power; it traces the evolution of that power in the hands of a tiny elite that regards themselves as, quite literally, gods-The Gods of Money. How these gods abused their power and how they systematically set out to control the entire world is the subject.

F. William Engdahl | TRUNews Radio


Rick Wiles greets best-selling author and oil and geopolitics expert, F. William Engdahl, to discuss how American oligarchs and corrupt hegemon's are directly responsible for the destruction of the U.S. Constitution and semblance of free market economics. Rick will also break down the latest in today's news, including $28 per barrel oil and the upcoming DAVOS economic summit.

Interview start at: 20:00 minute.

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Feb. 18, 2016


F William Engdahl has a fascinating new analysis out about the geopolitics of the Middle East; listen, and add in some usual high octane speculation...

Article: Washington’s Machiavellian Game in Syria

William Engdahl | What’s really Going on With Oil? | Feb. 2, 2016

Source: Jay Taylor Media,

William Engdahl explains why most of the reasons given for oil prices collapsing really are the Wall Street elite setting us up for an explosive turn upward.

William Engdahl Explains the Context of the Paris Attacks | Corbett Report | Nov. 18, 2015


F. William Engdahl of joins us today to give his perspective on the Paris attacks. We discuss the historical background to what is taking place now in Syria, how it plays into the current geopolitical agenda of the US/NATO military powers, and what it means for France, Syria and the world moving forward.

Show Notes:
Who Are the Muslim Brotherhood?
Know Your Terrorists: Ayman Al-Zawahiri
Who is Really Behind ISIS?
Who Is Really Behind the Syrian War?

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Humanity vs Insanity #45 | William Engdahl | Greek Tragedy | Part 2 | July 14, 2015


GREECE : Where 'NO' means 'YES'!
The people of Greece have been totally screwed by a 'visionary' Syriza leadership which ultimately lacked the knowledge, the courage and the fundamental wisdom to stand up to the hegemony of the Global Corporatists. The people of Portugal, Spain, Italy & Ireland need to take note ... 'cos you're next!

Part 1: Humanity vs Insanity #44 | William Engdahl | Greek Tragedy

Humanity vs Insanity #44 | William Engdahl | Greek Tragedy | July 6, 2015


Yanis Varoufakis is being hailed by many as the 'visionary' to bring about an end to 'Austerity' and take Greece out of the Euro ... but what if his true purpose was to bring about the total financial annihilation of the Greek nation? William Engdahl shares his insights into the unfolding 21st Century Greek tragedy, suggesting that Varoufakis may have 'Master-Minded' an End Game resulting in the ultimate treason! What will it take to end the insanity and bring about the demise of the Socio-psychopathic Global Corporatists!!

William Engdahl | Western sanctions may be extended far longer than the expected six months | June 24, 2015

Source:, Sputnik Radio Soundcloud

William Engdahl - historian, economic researcher and best-selling author

That’s according to Vnesheconombank Deputy Chairman Andrey Klepach speaking at the SPIEF.
Earlier the EU Committee of Permanent Representatives agreed to extend economic sanctions against Russia by six months. The formal decision may be taken on June 22.

However despite the sanctions regime the representatives of the largest Western companies attended the forum in Russia. To discuss this we are now joned live over the phone by our correspondent Andrew Korybko with William Engdahl, historian, economic researcher and best-selling author.

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F. William Engdahl | Geopolitical Update: 2015 | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio


F. William Engdahl is back to discuss the most important geopolitical aspects of 2015.

We discussed:
How Russia saved the world from a one-world dictatorship of bankers and their military
Russia's Remarkable Renaissance
The parallels of 1939's Poland and today's Ukraine (Germany / Russia)
Sanctions against Russia have boomeranged and have rallied the Russian people around Putin NATO's concerted effort to eradicate nation states
NATO is Russia's biggest threat and is trying to destroy it as a functioning state
All regime changes in Tunisia, Libya and Egypt were conducted to prevent a regional currency (gold dinar).
Ukraine is becoming a failed state (on purpose) so that it can be "rescued" by western banks.
China surpasses de United States GDP in 2014 (although it was projected to be in 2020)
China and Russia create a strategic relationship as a synergy to leverage China's economic and Russian military prowess.
U.S. defense contractors are heavily exporting and we will see more regional wars (proxies).
Trans Pacific Partnership (T.P.P.)
Real unemployment rate in the USA = 23%
Stock market unprecedented rise is due to Federal Reserve injecting cash into it.
Dollar strength is due to Federal Reserve indication that it will raise interest rates in the future. Monsanto's rise as a supra goverment and global power
The Rockefellers are aiming to destroy farmers worldwide
...and more

The Truthseeker | NATO's 'Gladio' army in Ukraine (E41)


The openly Nazi core of Kiev's new army; WikiLeaked cables set Ukraine 'nationalists' in NATO 'dirty wars' abroad; and the 'psychopaths' who run CIA special operations. 

Seek truth from facts with the world's leading scholar on NATO's Operation Gladio Dr. Daniele Ganser; Editor of new book Flashpoint in Ukraine - Dr. Stephen Lendman; Intelligence specialist William Engdahl; and victims of the Butcher of Lyon.

William Engdahl | Doomsday Food & The Business of Eugenics, September 9, 2013



September 9, 2013–William Engdahl is an award-winning geopolitical analyst, strategic risk consultant, author, professor and lecturer. He has been researching and writing about the world political scene for more than thirty years. His various books on geopolitics have been translated into 14 foreign languages. After earning a degree in politics from Princeton University, and graduate study in comparative economics at Stockholm University, he worked as an economist and investigative freelance journalist in New York and Europe.

In this program, we discuss William's book Seeds of Destruction in which he outlines the dark agenda to take control of the global food supply. He'll talk about who the players are and how they have created the green movement to get the job done. Before Monsanto and Syngenta were formed, the Rockefeller Foundation together with The Ford Foundation and DuPont/Pioneer were instrumental in turning agriculture into agribusiness.

The latest move in their plan has been to set up the Global Seed Vault in Svalbard, also known as the Doomsday Vault. Engdahl explains how philanthropists like Bill & Melinda Gates and Warren Buffet have been involved in donating large amounts of money to this project. Do they know something we don't? Finally William connects the dots between depopulation, eugenics and the conspiracy to control the world's food production.
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William Engdahl | War in Syria & Manufactured Conflicts, September 3, 2013



September 3, 2013–William Engdahl is an award-winning geopolitical analyst, strategic risk consultant, author, professor and lecturer. He has been researching and writing about the world political scene for more than thirty years. His various books on geopolitics - the interaction between international power politics, economics and geography - have been translated into 14 foreign languages. Born in Minnesota, William Engdahl grew up in Texas. After earning a degree in politics from Princeton University, and graduate study in comparative economics at Stockholm University, he worked as an economist and investigative freelance journalist in New York and Europe.

William will discuss the serious situation in Syria and the underlying reasons behind the expansion of the empire into yet another Middle Eastern country. He explains how a radicalized version of Islam has been created and used to manage the war on terror. Engdahl describes the dire situation in Europe, with mass immigration and radicalized Islam, causing much conflict and internal struggle. Finally, he outlines the bigger geopolitical chessboard and where he sees the pieces moving if a greater strike on Syria is initiated.
download mp3 hour 1

F. William Engdahl | Oil Wars, Gods of Money, and Seeds of Destruction | Segment 1 of 2



The myth of oil scarcity has allowed four giant corporations along with a handful of Wall Street banks to control the world's largest and most essential commodity, oil. The myth originated in the 1950's from a geologist at Royal Dutch Shell. It was revived in 2003 in time for the US invasion of Iraq. The reality is quite different from claims of Peak Oil. In reality the world is running into oil and not running out of oil.

Oil does not come from the accumulation of algae, plankton or dinosaur remains. In fact, Russian researchers, over decades of testing and observation, concluded that oil fields dot die. They constantly renew themselves. But we are told otherwise to perpetuate the scarcity myth.

The wars in Africa, the 'Arab Spring', Iraq—are all to maintain a lock-grip control of the world's known oilfields. The myth of scarcity has been a pillar of their power and in fact of the power-projection of the United States as sole superpower. As Henry Kissinger said, "If you control the oil you control entire nations." The opposite is also true--If oil cannot be controlled the controlling powers lose their control over other nations and the wars that go with it.

The dollar financial system of Wall Street was born not at a conference in Bretton Woods New Hampshire in 1944. It was born in the first days of August, 1945 with the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. After that point the world was in no doubt of who was the power to reckon with. Tonight, we will trace the history of money as an instrument of power; and trace the evolution of that power in the hands of a tiny elite that regards themselves as, quite literally, gods- We will discuss how this group of psychopaths abused their power and how they systematically set out to control the entire world.

We also discuss how a small socio-political American elite seeks to establish its control over the very basis of human survival, the provision of our daily bread. Control the food and you control the people. There is a World of profit-driven political intrigue, government corruption and coercion, where genetic manipulation and the patenting of life-forms are used to gain worldwide control over food production.  

F. William Engdahl is one of the more widely discussed analysts of current political and economic developments. In addition to discussing oil geopolitics and energy issues, he has written on issues of agriculture, GATT, WTO, IMF, energy, politics and economics for more than 30 years, beginning with the first oil shock and world grain crisis in the early 1970's. He is the author of many books translated into 11 foreign languages, including Full Spectrum Dominance, Seeds of Destruction, A Century of War, Gods of Money, and the most recent: Myths, Lies and Oil Wars. William Engdahl tries to shed light on various dark corners so that ordinary people will get an idea of what has been done to us and how to act accordingly.
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