Showing posts with label Saudi Arabia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Saudi Arabia. Show all posts

Joseph P. Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | June 13, 2024


More horizontal escalation rhetoric from Dmitri Medvedev (and it's very important rhetoric too), and a bit of commentary on the end of the petro-dollar agreement between the USSA and Saudi Arabia:


West has declared ‘war without rules’ on Russia – Medvedev

Russia’s ‘brazen’ and intensifying sabotage campaign across Europe

Saudi Arabia ends 80-year petrodollar deal with US for multi-currency sales

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Mar. 17, 2022


The war in The Ukraine is already having some major financial repercussions, and more are on the way.

The Corbett Report | The Saudi Purge is a Global Crisis | Nov. 17, 2017


The House of Saud is in crisis as MBS consolidates his hold on the kingdom and prepares to transform Saudi Arabia in his image. But what is behind the purge, and how does it relate to the future of the world monetary system. Join James for a classic Corbett Report debriefing on the Saudi purge and the rise of the petroyuan.

Time Reference & Links:
02:47 Marwa Osman on The Corbett Report
08:50 5 Things You Need to Know About the Saudi Purge
11:09 The Death of King Abdullah and the Future of Oil Geopolitics
11:28 Saudi Arabia reshuffle as king appoints nephew to crown prince post
12:12 Saudi king empowers young reformer son in succession shake-up
12:49 New Saudi committee to investigate public corruption opens ‘new era of transparency’
13:54 House of Saudi Cards: The Inside Story
16:39 A coup in the House of Saud?
17:07 The inside story of the Saudi night of long knives
22:58 “Explosive” Leaked Secret Israeli Cable Confirms Israeli-Saudi Coordination To Provoke War 23:03 IDF chief to Saudi newspaper: ‘Israel ready to share intelligence on Iran’
26:06 Sharmine Narwani on the Changing Face of the Middle East
31:01 Corbett Report Extras
33:29 How Big Oil Conquered the World
39:19 Why is the MSM (Finally) Reporting on the Petrodollar?
42:24 Weak oil prices squeezing Saudi Arabia’s coffers, but reserves won’t run dry – for now
42:28 Saudi plans spending cuts, reforms to shrink budget deficit
42:32 Saudi Arabia seeks $6B-$8B bank loan to shore up state coffers
42:37 Oil Price Swings Spark Cigarette Taxes In Saudi Arabia
42:42 Saudi Arabia to increase domestic petrol prices by 80 percent
44:28 China, Saudi Arabia form comprehensive strategic partnership
45:08 China and Saudi sign 14 deals worth US$65 billion
45:08 President Xi attends inauguration ceremony of China-Saudi joint refinery
47:37 Exclusive: China offers to buy 5 percent of Saudi Aramco directly – sources
48:37 China crude futures becomes new force
50:37 Episode 320 – Echoes of WWI: China, the US, and the Next “Great” War

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Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Nov. 16, 2017


There are more strange connections and speculations coming out about the Las Vegas shootings and the connections to the Saudis...


Was Las Vegas a Saudi Crown Prince Salman Assassination Attempt?

The Corbett Report | Marwa Osman - What Is Happening In Saudi Arabia? | Nov. 9, 2017


The Lebanese Prime Minister has "resigned" on Saudi tv. Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman has rounded up a dozen other princes in the House of Saud in a startling move that threatens to upset the kingdom. Reports saying that King Salman will step aside for the crown prince abound. What the hell is happening? Joining us to help sort through the rubble of this incredible week is Marwa Osman, a political analyst and commentator in Beirut.

Show Notes:
Marwa Osman’s Twitter
Saudi channel retracts Twitter posting on Salman rise to throne
Lebanese PM Hariri resigns, stresses ‘Iran’s hands will be cut off’
Saudi prince, relieved from National Guard, once seen as throne contender
Saudi Arabia Just Announced Plans to Build a Mega City That Will Cost $500 Billion
Mystery surrounds fate of late King Fahd’s son amid Saudi crackdown
Reports claim Prince Muqrin helicopter did not crash, was shot down
Saudi prince Mansour killed in helicopter crash near Yemen border
Hariri firm in Saudi Arabia ‘facing bankruptcy’
Lebanon president ‘waiting for Hariri to return to Beirut’ before taking further action

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Nov. 9, 2017


There are some very strange bread crumbs in the Saudi Coup...

In Shocking Purge, Saudi King Arrests Billionaire Prince Bin Talal, Dozens Of Others In Cabinet Crackdown

Several of Top Saudi Officials Arrested Over Weekend Are Linked to Podesta Group
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