Showing posts with label Jeremy Rys. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jeremy Rys. Show all posts

The Corbett Report | Who Had Access to the Twin Towers? - Questions For Corbett | July 16, 2024


If you, like Ancap94, have been getting into 9/11 Truth lately, you might want to know who had demolition access to the Twin Towers before 9/11. If so, boy does Kevin Ryan have some answers for you! Join James for today’s edition as he shines the light on Kevin Ryan’s groundbreaking article on “Demolition Access to the World Trade Center Towers,” the pre-9/11 WTC power down, and other long-forgotten bits of 9/11 conspiracy reality.

Show Notes:

Demolition access to the World Trade Center towers
Meet In-Q-Tel, the CIA’s Venture Capital Firm (2011)
Clearing the Decks – Questions For Corbett
Interview on Richard Gage Unleashed
Interview 293 – Aidan Monaghan on remote control airplanes
How to Steal an Airplane: From 9/11 to MH370
George Washington’s Blog cover Forbes story
Mysterious Power Down at WTC days before 9/11 Jack Blood interviews Forbes
Gary Corbett [no relation] discusses the WTC power downs
Scott Forbes discusses the WTC power down
WTC Employee Discusses pre 9/11 Power Downs
Kevin Ryan on The Corbett Report
Another Nineteen: Investigating Legitimate 9/11 Suspects
9/11: A Conspiracy Theory
9/11 Whistleblowers: Michael Springmann
9/11 Trillions: Follow The Money
False Flags: The Secret History of Al Qaeda
Interview 741 – Jeremy Rys Identifies the Real 9/11 Suspects

The Lost Physics Knowledge of Nikola Tesla | AlienScientist |

Source: AlienScientist youtube,

I decided to do this week's podcast on Nikola Tesla and the laws of electromagnetism which he used to build his inventions. After reading the following article deifying Tesla as some sort of God with supreme knowledge of the universe, I decided to break down the laws of physics as Tesla likely understood them in order for people to gain more insights into what Tesla actually knew or didn't know in an effort to separate myth and legend from the real history.

The Influence Vedic Philosophy Had On Nikola Tesla’s Idea Of Free Energy

The Police State: Dirty Tricks, Corporate Interests, and How to Fight Back! | Jeremy Rys aka "Alienscientist" on Susan Lindauer's Covert Report Radio

Source: The Covert Report TFN,

Flowers in Tanks: Civil Rights Activist and truth seeker Jeremy Rys talks about surviving the apparatchik of the Security State. Today’s show points out the dangers of a fearful government, and the mechanics of the NDAA, Patriot Act and the government’s compulsion to demonize dissidents. Cases of Brandon Raub, your host Susan Lindauer, and the murder of Joshua Messier are spotlighted to demonstrate the brutality & corruption that’s now confronting all of us. But Rys also points out how activists are fighting back and beating the system, how we can win, despite the force of muscle amassed against us. A great show! -Susan Lindauer

Jeremy Rys | Alien Scientist, New Discoveries & 9/11, January 13, 2013


January 13, 2013–Jeremy Rys is a physicist, researcher and media producer who runs the website Alien Scientist as well as the popular Youtube channel that puts forth a rational approach to Fringe Science, Aliens, and Conspiracy Theories.

In the first hour, we’ll discuss resources and sustainability. Jeremy explains how nature will sort out what we don’t. Then, we’ll get into government black op programs and technology. We’ll also discuss recent news that physicists have created a quantum gas capable of reaching temperatures below absolute zero, paving the way for future quantum inventions. In hour two, we touch upon what genetic enhancements may bring, the end result being something similar to the greys. That leads us into a discussion about alien abductions, UFO files and secret space programs. Later, we’ll discuss 911 as the dividing point in history. ~Red Ice Creations
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