Showing posts with label Dr. Dean Radin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dr. Dean Radin. Show all posts

Dean Radin | Real Magic: The Secret Power of the Universe | Legalise Freedom Radio | Aug. 27, 2019


Dean Radin discusses his book Real Magic – Ancient Wisdom, Modern Science, and a Guide to the Secret Power of the Universe.

The principles that form the scientific materialist world-view assert that everything can be understood like the gears of a clock, and that events unfold forward in time in a strictly orderly fashion. They tell us that everything can be described with real properties that exist in ordinary space and time and that everything, including mind and consciousness, consists of matter and energy. It makes no sense to call anything ‘spiritual’, ‘non-physical’ or ‘immaterial’. We are told that everything is made up of a hierarchy of ever-smaller objects, with subatomic particles at the bottom.

However, according to the author, who has spent the last forty years conducting controlled experiments exploring psychic phenomena, the scientific materialist world-view is woefully incomplete and furthermore, scientific evidence for a reality beyond this world-view exists. The picture that is emerging is of a reality where the entire Universe is interconnected, and where there is only one consciousness, which is fundamental, and which underlies everything, including the everyday materialist world that so many of us take to be all there is.

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Dr. Dean Radin | Real Magic, Parapsychology, & The Lab Tested Results | July 12, 2018


Dr. Dean Radin is the currently the Chief Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences and Associated Distinguished Professor of Integral Trans-personal Psychology at the California Institute of Integral Studies. But along the way he’s held appointments at AT&T Bell Labs, Princeton University, and SRI International just to name a few.

For nearly 4 decades he’s been at the forefront of consciousness research and along the way He’s authored over 250 articles, and 3 popular books entitled The Conscious Universe, Entangled Minds, & Super-normal.

He’s been on dozen’s of popular shows including Oprah, Larry King, and now The Higherside Chats- which we call the true trifecta around here.

Coming in hot with the release of his latest book, boldly spelling it out for his colleagues in the title so there’s no mistake:

It’s called: Real Magic: Ancient Wisdom, Modern Science, and a Guide to the Secret Power of the Universe and I’m siked to talk to him about it.

This episode’s Plus content includes:
- The way magic works in non-linear time and the data that supports that notion
- The science of sigils
- Developing and getting familiar with your deep mind
- Nuero-feedback devices to use as training wheels
- ‘Big C’ consciousness vs ‘little c’ consciousness
- Psychic levitating robots
- Ceremonial magic and it’s relationship to potency
- The VooDoo doll lab test
- Merlin level magicians
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