Showing posts with label Jasun Horsley. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jasun Horsley. Show all posts

Jasun Horsley | What if Some People Out There in the World Are Not Like Us? | Part 1 | June 17, 2021


Jasun Horsley and Greg Moffitt ponder the question: “What if some people out there in the world are not like us?” Some people go through life not quite feeling fully part of the human race. 

Surrounded by untold millions who seem to want from life only that which they are told they should want, those who refuse a simple life of comfort and consumption are often made to feel like misfits and failures by the corporate machines and media matrix which promote and profit from mass conformity. 

But what if there are more bodies than souls on Earth and, despite what we are told, all people are not in fact created equal? Do all humans really have the same potential? Are all the people in the world fully human or, merely existing rather than living, even human at all? 

A Tulpa is a paranormal being created through spiritual or mental powers, either through a deliberate act of individual will or unintentionally from the thoughts of numerous people. Could this concept account for the strange, uncanny sense some people have about many of the humanoid beings they live among, and about a consensus reality splintering more and more with each passing day? -

Jasun Horsley | Freedom From Fear #1 | Legalise Freedom Radio | Aug. 27, 2020


Beginning in August 2020, 'Freedom From Fear' is a free-form discussion series taking the title as its starting point.

In this episode, Jasun Horsley and Greg Moffitt explore the origins and purpose of fear, how fear can cause us to overlook the most important things in life, and how fear of the future stops us living in the present.

We also discuss the pandemic of fear triggered by the current coronavirus crisis, the collective insanity infecting human consciousness, and how the root of all human fear ultimately lies in our fear of death.

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Jasun Horsley | Transhumanism and the Colonisation of Space | March 16, 2020


Jasun Horsley discusses transhumanism and the colonization of space. The talk draws upon Jasun's book 'Prisoner of Infinity - UFOs, Social Engineering, and the Psychology of Fragmentation'.

Despite the idealism and hope surrounding the first manned space flights and missions to the Moon, in their wake the drive to explore and colonise space seemed to stall, or even regress. Dreams of cities on Mars and beyond appeared to be just that – dreams.

Today, however, the space race is on again like never before, with Elon Musk's SpaceX, Jeff Bezos's Blue Origin, and Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic just three of the high-profile companies leading the charge. But what lies behind this flurry of activity? Are the forces driving technological development changing?

Then we have the technologies of transhumanism such as artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, biotechnology, cybernetics, cloning, mind-machine melding, mind-uploading, and others. The nexus between these and the new space race is highly significant, and not a little sinister.

Transcend the body, escape the Earth, achieve immortality among the stars, and all those nasty political, economic, and social problems simply dissolve. But walking away won't be so easy, especially when our predicament has its origin in the way we think about ourselves, each other, and our place in the world. This entire agenda is based on a fundamental misunderstanding of the nature of life, death, and consciousness, a new understanding of which is urgently needed if our species is to survive.

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Jasun Horsley | Sex, Occultism and Social Engineering | Legalise Freedom Radio | Part Two | Feb. 4, 2019


Jasun Horsley discusses his book 'The Vice of Kings: How Socialism, Occultism, and the Sexual Revolution Engineered a Culture of Abuse'.

In today’s post-truth world, we are becoming inundated with fantasy fiction, alternate truth, fake news, and grossly-oversimplified, wildly-exaggerated conspiracy theories in which cryptocratic power structures and shadowy elites rule our fates. But suppose the truth is both stranger than any fiction and more nuanced and disturbing than any theory? Suppose it is not conspiracy but complicity that creates our world? Beginning as an investigation into the author’s childhood inside a closet aristocracy of so-called ‘progressive’ British entrepreneurs, The Vice of Kings uncovers a shocking and deeply-disturbing history with links to powerful, high-profile individuals and organisations within the media, entertainment, government, law enforcement, the intelligence services, and more.

By juxtaposing disc jockey Jimmy Savile’s secret cultural, criminal, and political affiliations in the second half of the 20th century with the life and teachings of Aleister Crowley in the first, it uncovers an alarming body of evidence suggesting that organized child abuse is not only the dark side of occultism, but the shadowy secret at the heart of culture, both ancient and modern.

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Part 1
Jasun Horsley | Sex, Occultism and Social Engineering | Legalise Freedom Radio | Part 1

Jasun Horsley | Sex, Occultism and Social Engineering | Legalise Freedom Radio | Part One | Jan. 18, 2019


Jasun Horsley discusses his book 'The Vice of Kings: How Socialism, Occultism, and the Sexual Revolution Engineered a Culture of Abuse'.

In today's post-truth world, we are becoming inundated with fantasy fiction, alternate truth, fake news, and grossly-oversimplified, wildly-exaggerated conspiracy theories in which cryptocratic power structures and shadowy elites rule our fates. But suppose the truth is both stranger than any fiction and more nuanced and disturbing than any theory? Suppose it is not conspiracy but complicity that creates our world?

Beginning as an investigation into the author's childhood inside a closet aristocracy of so-called 'progressive' British entrepreneurs, 'The Vice of Kings' uncovers a shocking and deeply-disturbing history with links to powerful, high-profile individuals and organisations within the media, entertainment, government, law enforcement, the intelligence services, and more.

By juxtaposing disc jockey Jimmy Savile's secret cultural, criminal, and political affiliations in the second half of the 20th century with the life and teachings of Aleister Crowley in the first, it uncovers an alarming body of evidence suggesting that organized child abuse is not only the dark side of occultism, but the shadowy secret at the heart of culture, both ancient and modern.
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