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A Conversation with Area 51 Special Projects Manager TD Barnes | Sept. 18, 2024

Source: AlienScientist youtube

With the help of Manny from Area503 we were able to edit down this interview and rerelease it. I will be making the other one unlisted so save the link if you want to go back and reference it!

Alien Scientist | NASA, DARPA, and MIT Scientists Meet Regularly to Discuss Anti-Gravity Physics and Engineering | Sept. 25, 2021


The APEC Conference has begun to go mainstream.


AlienScientist | Michael Mataluni & The Singularity Lab | The Big Phone Home 2 | Aug. 30, 2021


Special Guest Michael Mataluni joins me to discuss The Big Phone Home 2, his work with The Singularity Lab, and more!

AlienScientist interviews Walter Bosley (USAF) | April 10, 2021

Source: AlienScientist youtube,, The Walter Bosley Channel, Walter Bosley Books


Show Notes:
Dynamical Casimir effect within reach of optomechanics

DIA Warp Drive Study Page 36

Bob Bigelow and his obsession with UFOs

NIDS, National Institute for Discovery Science

Alienscientist | The REAL Bob Lazar Story: Inconsistencies, Contradictions, and Lies. | Jan. 1, 2019


An Historical Documentary and Parody of the Bob Lazar Area 51 story. Think you know Bob Lazar?? Think again!

- A summary of my research on Bob can be found HERE.
The complete Lazar timeline
More evidence against a secret installation at Papoose Lake

To summarize AlienScientist views on the Bob Lazar case:

1. Did he work at Los Alamos? Yes, in the unsecured, unclassified area that he brought George Knapp to, and was a "Rabbit in his own Burrow" because according to John Lear and Gene Huff (his two best friends at the time) He had the contract to repair 300 Alpha probes every 6 weeks, which are used daily at Los Alamos by the radiation health monitoring people there per OSHA. While at Los Alamos he cleverly persuaded people like Dr. Krangle by showing off his jet car, and dressing with a pocket protector.

2. Is there a Stable Isotope of Element 115 with these properties? The answer is: No. Not yet anyway... (let's hope and pray they do find it! But in the meantime, let's keep studying REAL science and educating ourselves!)

3. What kind of Person was Bob? Why would EG&G hire somebody like Bob? A 'physicist', a pimp, and a photo processor. Bob took the money he made off the Lazar Tapes and started United Nuclear a major distributor of glassware and other lab equipment essential for making methamphetamine, which is why he was kicked out of NM and moved to Michigan.

4. How did Bob KNOW about the Wednesday Night Test Flights? Answer: They were most likely Janet Airlines Flights which John and Gene knew all about from their obsession with the base. When they filmed the incoming Janet flights with one of the old school camcorders where there are videos of UFO researchers showing people how to make point sources of light magically turn into saucers using reflections within the aperture. Also Gene bumps the camera and pretends the craft moved.

5. Did Bob really copy Billy Meier? Does it look like he copied Billy Meier? In Billy Meier's books he even talks about an antimatter propulsion system. (Go here and scroll down to PROPULSION: He also obviously spent some time at the Los Alamos History Museum and learned about the Slotin Accident on May 21, 1946, with the DEMON CORE, where Slotin's screwdriver slipped and the Beryllium half shell in their critically experiment accidentally went supercritical and Slotin received a fatal dose of Radiation when he heroically sacrificed his own life in a moment of quick thinking he grabbed the half shell and tossed it to the floor.

6. Is there a secret installation at S-4 (Papoose Dry Lake) ? Probably not. After Lazar blew the lid off Groom Lake, a lot of testing moved to Edwards and Tonopah. Papoose would be a horrible choice for such a base given the proximity to the Nevada Test Site.

Alienscientist | Hypocrite Jeremy Corbell Responds to my Bob Lazar Video! Creepy AF!!! lol | Jan. 1, 2019


Anatomy of a deception: 46 minutes of Bob Lazar, John Lear, Gene Huff, and George Knapp telling us the REAL truth about who Bob Lazar REALLY is, and who he was and what he was really doing in late 1989 when he came forward with this fantastic story.

AlienScientist | The Ongoing Quest for Free Energy and Anti-Gravity Technology... | Sept. 13, 2018


Join us as we talk about the best ideas to date on anti-gravity and free energy, followed by the worst ideas. The ideas that have been debunked time and time again, yet continue to be an ongoing business for hoaxers to defraud people out of money in exchange for blue prints on how to build these free energy machines that defy physics and don't actually work under experiments.

FORCING The Deep State Disclosure! Declassify THIS!! | | Nov. 17, 2017


Skunkworks Director Ben Rich said these things:
"Anything you can imagine we already know how to do."
"If you've seen it in Star Trek or Star Wars, we've been there and done that."
"We have things in the Nevada desert that are alien to your way of thinking far beyond anything you see on Star Trek."

If Tom Delonge's group are really interested in helping to bring helpful "alien" technologies out to the public, then why aren't they saying anything real about these technology? AlienScientist calls out Steve Justice and Hal Puthoff with a demand for disclosure and discussion! You will quickly become irrelevant if you do not stand and face your critics! Get these two on a live interview with me and we will know by their answers whether they are in this to tell the truth or to obfuscate facts and muddy the waters...

Additional Links:

Tajmar's Paper on the Biefeld-Brown Effect

Microwave Resonance Anti-gravity

Martin Tajmar on rotating superconductors

Dr. Martin Tajmar describes his theoretical concept for the coupling of gravitational and magnetic fields within superconductors, which he postulates as an explanation for the profound results being currently measured by his research team at ARC Seibersdorf (Austria). The documented effects include an effect similar to a Lense-Thirring frame-dragging, but measured using precision accelerometers at 20 orders of magnitude larger than Einstein's Theory of Relativity would predict. Tajmar's speculative physics hopes to reconcile this discrepancy.

The Lost Physics Knowledge of Nikola Tesla | AlienScientist |

Source: AlienScientist youtube,

I decided to do this week's podcast on Nikola Tesla and the laws of electromagnetism which he used to build his inventions. After reading the following article deifying Tesla as some sort of God with supreme knowledge of the universe, I decided to break down the laws of physics as Tesla likely understood them in order for people to gain more insights into what Tesla actually knew or didn't know in an effort to separate myth and legend from the real history.

The Influence Vedic Philosophy Had On Nikola Tesla’s Idea Of Free Energy

The Police State: Dirty Tricks, Corporate Interests, and How to Fight Back! | Jeremy Rys aka "Alienscientist" on Susan Lindauer's Covert Report Radio

Source: The Covert Report TFN,

Flowers in Tanks: Civil Rights Activist and truth seeker Jeremy Rys talks about surviving the apparatchik of the Security State. Today’s show points out the dangers of a fearful government, and the mechanics of the NDAA, Patriot Act and the government’s compulsion to demonize dissidents. Cases of Brandon Raub, your host Susan Lindauer, and the murder of Joshua Messier are spotlighted to demonstrate the brutality & corruption that’s now confronting all of us. But Rys also points out how activists are fighting back and beating the system, how we can win, despite the force of muscle amassed against us. A great show! -Susan Lindauer

Jeremy Rys | Alien Scientist, New Discoveries & 9/11, January 13, 2013


January 13, 2013–Jeremy Rys is a physicist, researcher and media producer who runs the website Alien Scientist as well as the popular Youtube channel that puts forth a rational approach to Fringe Science, Aliens, and Conspiracy Theories.

In the first hour, we’ll discuss resources and sustainability. Jeremy explains how nature will sort out what we don’t. Then, we’ll get into government black op programs and technology. We’ll also discuss recent news that physicists have created a quantum gas capable of reaching temperatures below absolute zero, paving the way for future quantum inventions. In hour two, we touch upon what genetic enhancements may bring, the end result being something similar to the greys. That leads us into a discussion about alien abductions, UFO files and secret space programs. Later, we’ll discuss 911 as the dividing point in history. ~Red Ice Creations
download mp3

Black 9/11 | Money, Motive, Technology, and Plausible Deniability

Source:, Several Links in youtube description

Special thanks to Michael C. Ruppert, Mark H. Gaffney, and Kevin Ryan for their dedicated research in bringing this information out of the shadowy black operations underworld from which it came. This video is a compilation of evidence they have uncovered.

Financial 9/11 | Following the Money Trail, October 30, 2012


The motivation for this video came from reading Mark H. Gaffney's newest book "Black 911", here is an overview:
Was 9/11 an Inside Job?
A guide to 9/11 Whistleblowers
Project Hammer
SEC Act Section 12(k)2
Richard Grove's testimony (complete transcript)
"Collateral Damage" by E.P. Heidner
The CIA's forty-year complicity in the narcotics trade by Alfred W. McCOY
Executive Order 12333 created an agreement between the CIA and Justice Department (DEA) to look the other way on Government Drug Trafficking
AIG and Drug Money
Maurice Greenberg's report for the CFR
Richard Armitage, Frank Carlucci, Herbert Winokur, and company
Post 9/11 Promotions
9/11 Gold Theft and other smoking guns:

9/11 Explosive Connections | The 9/11 Masterminds


For references see the youtube description.

"Black Ops" In The Mainstream Media


AlienScientist reviews Jesse Ventura's "Conspiracy Theory" episode on Area 51, Penn & Teller's "Bullshit", Call of Duty Black-Ops the video game's "Nazi Bell Project" references and more in this discussion of mainstream media coverage of Black Operations, particularly Area 51.

The Energy Conspiracy | AlienScientist Radio Interview


AlienScientist discusses Cold Fusion and the Energy Conspiracy with William Alek:

Italian Cold Fusion Announcement:

Hit Pieces by Popular Science and Discover Newson Cold Fusion:

Other Links:,2933,1...

MIT receives massive funding from the Defense Department:

India Cold Fusion:
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