Nick Bryant | From Franklin to Epstein: The Cover-Up Continues


Nick Bryant discusses his book, "The Franklin Scandal: A Story of Powerbrokers, Child Abuse and Betrayal" and "Confessions of a D.C. Madam: The Politics of Sex, Lies and Blackmail" that he co-wrote with Henry W. Vinson, which parallels the child trafficking networks partially exposed in the current Jeffrey Epstein scandal; the Finders; the Nebraska Franklin Federal Credit Union scandal;

pedophile Lawrence E. King; foster parents Jarrett and Barbara Webb; child abuse victims charged with perjury; grand jury cover-ups; the Franklin Committee of the Nebraska legislature; private investigator Gary Caradori assassinated; FBI intimidation and cover-up; Henry Vinson’s D.C. Gay Escort Service; Craig Spence and the White House Call Boys Network; Spence and Epstein’s mansions wired for audio/visual;

William Barr Attorney General under Presidents George H.W. Bush and Donald Trump; Jeffrey Epstein’s little black book; Epstein’s house manager circles names in the black book; U.S. attorney told to lay off of Epstein in 2006; rampant sexual blackmail to achieve political control; pedophile networks protected at highest levels of power.

Stop the Cover-Up - Demand Justice for Jeffry Epstein’s Victims
Vanity Fair Interview
Jeffrey’s Epstein’s Little Black Book posted on Gawker

S0 News | Satellite Anomaly, Space Energy, Galactic Field | March 9, 2020


SGT Report | Jim Willie | The 2020 Black Swan Event | March 8, 2020


Jim Willie returns to SGT Report to discuss the very real possibility of an economic collapse brought on by the event none of us saw coming just two months ago.

Mike Anthony & Leslie Kean | Surviving Death | March 9, 2020

Source: Ryan Sprague youtube, >

Ryan is joined in-studio by Leslie Kean and Mike Anthony to talk all about their extensive work looking in to a subject many refuse to think about; death.

What happens when we die? Our body ceases to function, but what about that unknown force within us? Is it consciousness or a soul. Are they different or one in the same? Have we lived many lives before and can we remember them? And most importantly, can we survive death?

Returning this week is investigative journalist for the New York Times, and New York Times Best-Selling author, Leslie Kean. Her most recent book, Surviving Death: A Journalist Investigates Evidence for an Afterlife tackles the very questions I just asked and so much more.

Mike Anthony is an actor in New York City. Several years ago, his father died unexpectedly. Then, something extraordinary occurred. Something Mike didn’t believe was possible. And ever since, he's been on a personal journey to find out if his father ended with his body, or continues on in ways we once thought impossible, but are now beginning to understand in the most profound of ways.

Michael Joseph | Occult Catholic Alchemy | Segment 1 | Offplanet Radio | Mach 9, 2020


Michael Joseph is a long time esoteric researcher connecting occult doctrines to social movements, trends, art, entertainment, organizations and world events. He is the host of the series: Occult Catholicism as well as series on Occult 911, Occult Cryptocurrency, Occult JFK, and the Occult Religions of the Elite, as well as the Boston Bombing (his own wake up).

Michael Joseph returns to discuss his latest video series "Occult Catholicism", and his own spiritual journey.

Segment 1: We discuss the conflict between the Old World empire based on monarchial and clerical hierarchy and the Freemasonic New World Order founded upon "equality" "liberty" and "fraternity"; the first 1,000 years; early church fathers, the easter (orthodox) church, Constantine and the Order of Loyola/Jesuits; The Cathar heresies; Catholicism vs. Protestantism and Evangelicalism.

Anna Clark | The Flint Water Crisis, Engineered Inequality, & America's Big Lead Problem | March 7, 2020


Anna Clark is a journalist in Detroit. She’s the author of The Poisoned City: Flint’s Water and the American Urban Tragedy, named one of the year’s best books by the Washington Post, the San Francisco Chronicle, Kirkus, the New York Public Library, Audible, and others.

It is the winner of the Hillman Prize for Book Journalism and the Rachel Carson Environment Book Award. She also edited A Detroit Anthology. Anna has been a Fulbright fellow in Nairobi, Kenya, and a Knight-Wallace journalism fellow at the University of Michigan.

Dark Journalist | Rudolf Steiner New Jupiter Vs Ahriman and the Eight Sphere | Gigi Young | March 7, 2020


Dark Journalist and Intuitive Gigi Young goes deep into Austrian Mystic Rudolf Steiner's vision of the New Jupiter an evolutionary step that brings unique spiritual awareness..

This great step is being hindered according to Steiner by sinister astral forces called Ahriman that seek to operate through technology and scientific materialism to enslave humanity's future. Steiner describes something he calls the "Eighth Sphere" which Ahrimanic powers are setting up as an artificial astral prison of consciousness that manifests in modern society as excessive materialistic greed and mind control!

The Corbett Report | Derrick Broze | Fact Checking the 5G/Coronavirus Hypothesis | March 6, 2020


Derrick Broze of The Conscious Resistance joins us to discuss the hypothesis that 5G is responsible for the symptoms associated with the coronavirus outbreak. We discuss the identifiable facts and the notable shortcomings with this hypothesis, and we contrast that with Derrick’s documentary, which lays out the no-nonsense, no-speculation truth about the dangers of 5G.

Show Notes:
The Conscious Resistance
The 5G Trojan Horse
The Speculation Around Coronavirus and 5G
China’s Battle Against Coronavirus: 7 Takeaways
Maduro: The coronavirus is a possible biological weapon against China and the peoples of the world
Virus is biological attack on China and Iran, Iranian civil defense chief claims
Derrick Broze on The Corbett Report

Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt | What's Really Going On?

Source: David Vickers Wisdom youtube

Klinghardt describes here the relationship between the pineal gland, W-LAN, 5G and toxins such as glyphosate and aluminium.

S0 News | Space Water Fountain, Mars Life, Solar Zharkofail... Again | March 6, 2020


Derek Tyler | Alien Contact: The Difficult Truth & A Paradigm Shift | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio


We live in a world of illusion. Nothing is what it appears to be. All we see are the surface layers, which form an intricate, interlocking system of falsehood and deception. Nothing really works the way we think it does. Most of the things we have been taught to believe are true, turn out to be lies. No one is immune from this.

If you are reading these words then you, too, have been a victim of this deception. Many people will not want to believe that, and they surely won't. I tell you that it is true anyway. The fact that you are unaware of it does not mean that it has not occurred. Rather, it serves as a demonstration of the subtlety and efficiency of a methodical, meticulously planned combination of disinformation and propaganda which has been specifically designed to prevent us from being able to see the underlying truths about our world.

These truths hold great power. They confer an enormous advantage to those who are aware of them. For this reason, they are revealed only to a carefully selected few. Those who are made aware of them operate covertly, standing unseen in the shadows and working behind the scenes. From there, they pull the strings of power which allow them to control the world. Tonight, we discuss many aspects of the alien contact phenomenon, including a thorough debunking of Darwinian human evolution, America's secret underground bases on Mars, why disclosure will not occur in the near future and much more. Our special guest demonstrates that he is a powerful force to be reckoned with.

New World Next Week | The Afghanistan War Is Over!!! (...if THEY want it) | March 5, 2020


Story #1: US Troops Out Of Afghanistan In 14 Months, If Taliban Keeps Commitments 
PDF: “Agreement for Bringing Peace to Afghanistan between the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan which is not recognized by the United States as a state and is known as the Taliban and the United States of America”
Update: Afghan Gov’t Rejects Peace Deal’s Call to Release Taliban Prisoners
The Secret Lie That Started the Afghan War

Story #2: Can Non-GM Breeding and Agroecology Save the Banana?
BASF⁩ Wants Out Of $250M Dicamba Punitive Award
The Federal Court has ordered Johnson and Johnson to pay almost $2.6 million in damages to three women implanted with faulty pelvic mesh

Story #3: In Coronavirus Fight, China Gives Citizens a Color Code, With Red Flags
Now Might Be a Good Time to Review the Post-9/11 Document: “The Model State Emergency Health Powers Act”
Medical Martial Law
Coronavirus: The “Cures” Will Be Worse Than the Disease
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