Dark Journalist & Dr. Joseph Farrell | JFK Assassination & UFO File Revealed! | July 29, 2023

Source: darkjournalist.com, gizadeathstar.com

Please join us as Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes back Dr. Joseph Farrell to go deep on the JFK Assassination and Its connection to the UFO File NASA Apollo and Paperclip Space Rituals ...!

S0 News | Massive Solar Eruption, Proton Storm, They Don't Know Novae | July 29, 2023

Source: suspicious0bservers.org

New World Next Week | Kissinger and Xi Keep Great Reset on Track | July 28, 2023

Source: NewWorldNextWeek.com, corbettreport.com, mediamonarchy.com


This week on the New World Next Week: Kissinger meets old buddy Xi Jinping in Beijing to discuss the New World Order plan; the banksters prepare the public for the age of debanking; and the Hollyweird strike portends the new era of deepfake unemployment. 

Joseph P. Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | July 27, 2023

Source: gizadeathstar.com

...about those so-called Congressional UFO Hearings: Joseph argues that they've simply turned Comgress into a typical UFO conference:

Dark Journalist | CIA UFO Disclosure Hearings | July 26, 2023

Source: darkjournalist.com

Please join Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt tonight as he goes deep on the Intel Community creating a false UFO Disclosure in Congress while providing zero data. DJ unmasks the Opsters and CIA Players!

Everything you need to know about the House Hearing on UFOs in 50 seconds | July 26, 2023

Source: information-machine.blogspot.com

James Corbett on The Weaponization of Psychology | July 23, 2023

Source & Show Notes: corbettreport.com

Investigative journalist James Corbett has investigated how psychology is being weaponized to target dissidents. In this episode he is explaining the absurd previous diagnosis “anarchia” - which was “too much” love for freedom. And “drapetomania” - which was the mental illness of slaves running away from their masters.

Over the last three years, we have seen a medical doctor being diagnosed and force medicated for “corona insanity”. This was because of his resistance to the government narrative in Switzerland. We have also seen an increased willingness to pathologize “conspiracy theorists”, and to label people as “domestic terrorists” for using their right to share their opinions.

Even though the methods used against us are ugly, and the majority just go along uncritically, James Corbett shows examples of how modelling disobedience can dramatically turn the situation around.

The Secret Alien Interrogation Program Exposed | Redacted with Clayton Morris | July 23, 2023

Source: Redacted youtube

Clayton Morris sits down with guest John Stewart, former candidate for Illinois governor to talk about actual footage of an alien interrogation that took place in the early 90's.

TAKEN by UFOs Chris Bledsoe Incredible First Hand Extraterrestrial Encounter Beyond Skinwalker Ranch | July 23, 2023

Source: Carl Crusher youtube

Beyond Skinwalker Ranch: Team Reviews Results from EEG Exam | New Series Tues. at 10/9c | History

UFO of God the Extraordinary True Story of Chris Bledsoe Book: http://www.ufoofgod.com

Dark Journalist | X-Steganography UFO File Mystery Schools & Elon Occult Mars | July 24, 2023

Source: darkjournalist.com

Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt been telling you in over 150 episodes of the X-Steganography Series about the X-Technology in the UFO File that the elites plan to bring forward and its connection to Mystery School secrets and the enigmatic ancient code. Now, Elon turning Twitter into 'X' is in a sense the magic ceremony to kick off the proceedings...the next step will be Out of this World!

The Corbett Report | Tell-Lie-Vision | July 24, 2023

Source: corbettreport.com

How has television been used as a vehicle of propaganda? What psychological techniques are deployed in media manipulation? What is the future of media? Join James for this important edition of The Corbett Report podcast on the past, present and future of television, media and brainwashing.

Time Reference:
01:02 The Media Matrix
01:23 "David Kelly" search on corbettreport.com
04:17 Murdoch on the Iraq War
05:30 Fox Admits To Planting Political Brainwashing In Popular TV Shows
07:27 Amazon advertisement disguised as "news" and aired on multiple tv news programs
10:22 Is THIS Japan?!?
11:33 Bystander Points Out Maskless MSNBC Cameraman During Segment About People Not Wearing Masks
12:25 Neil Postman on audiovisual entertainment, education, culture, politics 1988
17:37 Nayirah testimony at hearing on Human Rights Violations in Kuwait
18:37 Nayirah Episode of 60 Minutes
19:42 Clips from To Sell A War - Gulf War Propaganda (1992)
22:45 Polls Show People Don't Trust Dinosaur Media - New World Next Week
25:18 Information on Herbert Krugman experiments
27:20 Quotation from The Responsive Chord: How Radio and TV Manipulate You, Who You Vote For, What You Buy, And How You Think
32:29 Tucker Carlson: We were shocked to learn this
34:41 Alison Morrow QUIT TV LIES...I Mean "News"

40:22 US adults spend 13 hours a day with media
43:32 Episode 420 - Mass Media: A History
52:45 Become a Corbett Report member

Max Igan | The Binding | July 23, 2023

Source: thecrowhouse.com

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