S0 News | Solar Flares Returning, Cosmic Monsters, Sun Reconstruction | Jan. 20, 2021

Source: Suspicious0bservers.org

Press for Truth | The Presidential (s)Election And The EMPTY INAUGURATION Explained! | Jan. 19, 2021

Source: pressfortruth.ca


Ever since Joe Biden “won” the presidential (s)Election it has been obvious that his inauguration would be an empty wasteland just like his various rallies and conferences have been because people don’t actually like Biden, for many he’s just the “lesser evil”…Earlier this month an “insurrection” was staged in an effort to provide the perfect excuse as to why Washington DC will be empty on the 20th of January. 

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth provides more evidence that the “insurrection” or “coup attempt” was nothing of the sort but rather a LIHOP event (Let It Happen On Purpose) to not only hide the fact that the system is rigged, but to also show their force and might to the American people as the potential for civil war continues to brew. -pressfortruth.ca

Dark Journalist | X Crisis in World Affairs | Jan. 19, 2021

Source: darkjournalist.com 


S0 News | Mantle Conductivity & Rotation Glitches, Nebulae, Fluff Planet | Jan. 19, 2021

Source: Suspicious0bservers.org

The Corbett Report | Freedom Airway - #SolutionsWatch | Jan. 19, 2021

Source: corbettreport.com

Professor Delores Cahill joins the deprogram today to discuss a solution for freedom-respecting travel in the age of COVID. The Freedom Airway & Freedom Travel Alliance is seeking to create travel options that don’t require travelers to submit to vaccination, face masks or quarantines. Find out more in this week's edition of #SolutionsWatch. 

Clif High | Secrets of the Digital World | Part 1 | Forum Borealis | Jan. 18, 2021

Source: forumborealis.net 


Description pending...

G. Edward Griffin | Big Pharma in the age of Covid-19(84) | Jan. 19, 2021

Source: pressfortruth.ca, Realityzone.com, redpilluniversity.org 


To better understand our current situation regarding the Covid-19(84) scamdemic it is important to understand the history of how big Pharma came about, who the major players are and what their ultimate goal is.

Following the first and second world wars companies like IG Farben of Germany and Standard Oil of the US began forming a cartel with the single goal of monopolizing the entire heath and wellness industry.

Fast forward to today’s Covid-19(84) nightmare and you’ll find it’s the same players with the same agendas.

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth speaks with author and researcher G. Edward Griffin about the history of big Pharma, how that ties into our world today and most importantly what you as an individual can do about it to help turn this situation around! -pressfortruth.ca

In Memory of Kevin Smith | KSS - The Kevin Smith Show Online Archive! | Kevinsmithshow.info

Source: kevinsmithshow.info

I would like to make this huge archive available to all of you. Please enjoy!

S0 News | The Liquid Sun, Solar Storm Ozone Destruction | Jan. 18, 2021

Source: Suspicious0bservers.org

The Corbett Report | The 4th Annual Fake News Awards! | Jan. 16, 2021

Source: corbettreport.com 

From the palatial living room studios of The Corbett Report it's the 4th Annual Fake News Awards. 
The boldest lies. The stupidest propaganda. The ugliest presstitution. 

Join James as he debunks the lies and shames the liars behind the biggest fake news stories of 2020. Who will take the Dino for the worst fake news story of the year? Watch and find out! -corbettreport.com

Tim Sanders | "Law Of Creation, EMF Matrix, Zero-Point Force, Illusions Of Matter" | Age Of Truth TV | Jan. 17, 2021

Source: ageoftruth.tv, omniaradiationbalancer.com

Tim Sanders is a British Researcher of Electromagnetic Frequencies and Radiation and the possible dangers on our body, mind and spirit.

He is a F-i-V-e Gee expert and the founder of Omnia, the Omnia Radiation Balancer. Also a Truth Speaker and a Researcher of Science and the Esoteric.

Tim Sandars´ specialist subject is the new physics of consciousness. The understanding of the location of the zero point in each atom and the fundamental role this plays. The knowledge that we interact with this zero point field at all times, and that it responds to our conscious human intent. So we are the master manifesters – of matter, systems, buildings, art etc. And the zero point is the field of creation – the field of divine intelligence which we interact with to create.

Tim Sandars is working with a new unit of energy. It’s called the Deca and it is here for us to develop new energy solutions that can eventually replace electricity.

Our first product is called the Omnia Radiation Balancer which brings together this new science and this new technology, this new energy. The new energy is programmed to override or harmonise the radiation field.

In this FASCINATING, MIND EXPANDING interview with AGE OF TRUTH TV Presenter and Investigative Reporter, Lucas Alexander, Tim Sandars explains the zero point physics and shows how we bring the zero point of a microwave radiation field from a phone back to centre so that it’s in the same vibrational pattern as the human cell. Therefore, we create ‘resonance’ between the radiation field and the body...... and much much more... -Ageoftruth.tv

The Black Vault | The CIA and UFOs: Inside the Release of the CIA’s UFO Records | Jan. 17, 2021

Source: theblackvault.com


Nearly a quarter of a century ago, The Black Vault was born.

I was fifteen years old when I started what you’re seeing now, and it was at that same age back in 1996, that the CIA quickly found out the name John Greenewald.

I tried to gain access to documents on UFOs that the CIA had already released to the public at the time, but the CIA pushed back on my efforts by charging me money to get them. And that was money I just didn’t have as a teenager.

So, I switched gears. I targeted the information the CIA had never released before. It was more recent, and quite possibly more interesting. But I had no idea what else they would have in store for me.

In an in-depth and convoluted tale that stretch over the course of years, The Black Vault would finally pry loose thousands of UFO related documents that at the time, had never seen the light of day before.

And recently, a data CD-ROM also obtained from the CIA by The Black Vault which compiled most of these records, was put online in effort to make the most simplistic and straight forward way to download them all at once for public consumption.

And the internet… went wild.

It took only a few days for The Black Vault’s servers to be hit more than 101,000,000 times by nearly 1.7 million people. A record hit of traffic ever logged in 25 years of operation.

What is in these records? Why is the public so fascinated? And WHAT did the media get wrong?

Stay tuned – you’re about to journey INSIDE THE BLACK VAULT.

Show Notes:

UFOs: The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Collection
Vice News: You Can Now Easily Download All CIA UFO Documents to Date
The Black Vault: "All UFO Documents From..." Collection
Dr. Leon Davidson's FBI Files
The FULL Robertson Panel Report
Chief Armed Forces Medical Examiner Saved One Single 1994 UFO Article – This Was It -
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