3MIN News | ISON, Sprites, 2nd CME at Earth, Hello Coronal Hole, August 8, 2013

Source: ‪Suspicious0bservers‬

Gateways LIVE interviews Out of Body Explorer, William Buhlman, August 7, 2013

Source: gatewaysofthemind.com, astralinfo.org

William Buhlman is one of the world's leading experts on the subject of out of body experiences. He has over 40 years of extensive personal out-of-body exploration. William will be speaking at the Gateways Of The Mind event in London on the 9th and 10th November 2013, his first visit to the UK in 8 years. Here William outlines his presentation and practical session at the event and his reasons for choosing these subjects, notably healing, creative thought forms and resolving blockages.

Mystery Lights Hovering over Pool caught on Surveillance in Naples, Florida, August 7, 2013

Source: nbc-2.com

NAPLES, FL - A video showing lights hovering over a pool is the talk of Naples. Residents say they have never seen anything like it -- and experts aren't sure either.

Monday night, security officer Debralee Thomas was watching the camera feed from behind a Gulfshore Boulevard condo building just across the street from Venetian Village, when she noticed strange lights swoop in over the pool.

"I realized that it was something that wasn't normal, so I was like 'oh my, what is that,'" Thoma said.

At first glance, what she saw almost looked like a saucer-shaped object up top. Then the object went down into the pool and expanded like a web -- moving back and forth.

After nearly thirty minutes, the object started to disappear.

Thomas said bugs fly up to their cameras all the time, but this was further away.

"It was down on the ground but some of that webbing was longer and it made a funnel down into the pool. Whatever it was doing in the pool, I don't know," Thomas said.

The video was sent to MUFON, a UFO organization in Ohio. Officials at MUFON say it is one of the most fascinating videos they have seen in a while.

They are analyzing it, but they don't think it is a hoax. That's what Thomas' coworkers thought at first, until they saw the video their selves.

"We watched it on tape and to be honest I was so grateful that it was there so I could say it was real…it really happened," Thomas said.

On Wednesday, residents were walking in and out of the office complex to check out the must-see video.

"I have no idea. I've never seen anything like this. The electrical charges coming from it, it's truly unbelievable," said resident Curtis Kate.

But what it is remains a mystery for now. Something Thomas is OK with as long as it doesn't happen again.

The Conservancy of Southwest Florida also looked at the video. Coincidentally, the pool is closed for cleaning over the next few days. -nbc2.com

RT | Cold War Thinking? 'Obama's reaction on Snowden asylum infantile' , August 7, 2013

Source: RT.com

US President Barack Obama has cancelled a one-to-one with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin that was scheduled for next month. The decision, prompted by Moscow giving temporary refuge to the fugitive whistleblower Edward Snowden, was met with disappointment in the Kremlin. John Laughland, a director of studies at the Institute of democracy and cooperation in Paris, joins RT to discuss this. Read more at: RT.com

300 tons of radioactive water leaking into Pacific Ocean daily Japanese official, August 7, 2013

Source: presstv.com

A Japanese official says the Fukushima nuclear plant is leaking some 300 tons of highly radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean per day.

On Wednesday, an unnamed official said the Japanese government believes the contaminated water has been leaking into the ocean for two years, Reuters reported.

The statement comes after Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe vowed to step up government efforts to solve the problem.

Abe ordered Japan's minister of Economy, Trade, and Industry to deal with the crisis and to make sure the plant's operator Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) appropriately handles the cleanup process, which is expected to take more than 40 years.

The cleanup process is also expected to cost USD 11 billion.

Meanwhile, head of Japan's Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NRA) Shinji Kinjo said the leaking contaminated groundwater is "creating an emergency."

Reports also say the amount of contaminated water seeping into the Pacific Ocean could rise soon.

The official also said that Tokyo plans to reduce the leakage amount to 60 tons a day by December.

On March 11, 2011, a nine-magnitude earthquake triggered a tsunami that inflicted heavy damage on the six-reactor Fukushima plant. The cooling systems of the plant's reactors were knocked out, leading to meltdowns and the release of radioactive material.

On July 24, TEPCO admitted that the Fukushima site's reactors were leaking highly contaminated water into the Pacific Ocean, after steam was seen at one of the reactors.

Last July, a Japanese parliamentary panel found that the incident at the Fukushima nuclear plant had been a "man-made disaster" and not only a result of the tsunami. The report criticized the "government, regulatory authorities and Tokyo Electric Power" for being devoid of "a sense of responsibility to protect people's lives and society." -presstv.com

3MIN News | Climate Extremes, Stereo B Coronal Holes [EUVI195], August 7, 2013

Source: Suspicious0bservers

Susanne Posel | Mortgage Fraud & False Memory Implant, August 5, 2013

Source: redicecreations.com, occupycorporatism.com


August 5, 2013–Susanne Posel is an investigative journalist and Chief Editor of OccupyCorporatism.com, an alternative news website dedicated to exposing the elite and their plans to globalize money, governments and people. She has expanded out to touch on all aspects of control the ruling Elite use to coerce the masses into compliance. And because of this fact Susanne believes that non-compliance is the answer to combating the New World Order.

We discuss two main topics: A new US house bill will is designed to deepen the mortgage fraud and foreclosures. Susanne connects the dots to Agenda 21's land grab. She talks about Edward Bernays' propaganda, the bank for international settlements and planned obsolescence. -redicecreations.com
download hour 1 mp3

The Eyeopener Report | How to Boycott Wall Street, August 6, 2013

Source: corbettreport.com, boilingfrogspost.com

The politicians, the media, the financiers and the other supporters of the status quo are not particularly threatened by mass political movements, marches on Washington, or demands for government to do something about the situation. But what they do live in mortal fear of is that people will start taking the matters into their own hands and doing the only thing that it is within our direct and immediate power to do: to withdraw our money from the financial web that they have spun around us.

The idea of a Wall Street boycott is neither new nor radical. It has been advocated many times before, including in the wake of the bailout when, hoping to capitalize on public anger at the bankster class that was so clearly emerging as the real power in Washington, a group called Move Your Money emerged urging the public to take their money out of the Wall Street institutions and into local credit unions and savings and loans. -corbettreport.com

Transcript & Sources

Catherine Austin Fitts | The Big Question is How Violent will Things Get?

Source: usawatchdog.com, solari.com

Money manager Catherine Austin Fitts says, “You are seeing a tug of war between the new system that’s coming up and the old system that’s struggling and dying.” Fitts explains it by saying, “Let’s pretend we have a company called USA, and we create a new company called Breakaway Civilization. We move all of our assets out of USA and put them in Breakaway Civilization. We leave union obligations and pension funds . . . in the old USA economy.” Fitts warns, “I think bail-ins are coming . . . the big question is not will we be able to get out insured deposits. I think the big question is how violent will things get?” Fitts biggest worry is not financial collapse. Fitts contends, “I don’t think the people who run the U.S. military or run the United States government are going to say we’re happy to collapse rather than go to war. They are going to go to war. They’re going to shake somebody down.” Fitts goes on to add, “I think gold is the greatest form of insurance you can have during this transition period.” -usawatchdog.com

The Return of Graham Hancock | London Real

Source: grahamhancock.com

Writer Graham Hancock returns to discuss his new fiction book War God, why the sovereignty over one's body is the ultimate human right, his recent TED talks controversy, and what he believes will be his ultimate legacy.

Helga Zepp LaRouche | Webcast, July 27, 2013

Source: bueso.de, larouchepac.com

Back in Time Series | Illuminati Exposed by Jordan Maxwell

Source: jordanmaxwellshow.com

Jordan Maxwell gives a three hour lecture exposing he Illuminati at the Granada Forum in Los Angeles, California, 2001.
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