3MIN News | Many Updates, February 7, 2013

Source: Suspicious0bservers

Snowy Moscow
Not so Great Lakes
Nemo to Bring Feet of Snow
Weekend threat USA
Solomon during Quake

Jay Weidner with Vinny Eastwood | Sandy Hook & Psychopaths, February 6, 2013

Source: thevinnyeastwoodshow.com, jayweidner.com

New World Next Week | Drone Ban, 3D Organs, Silent Circle, February 7, 2013

Source: NewWorldNextWeek.com, corbettreport.com, mediamonarchy.com

Story #1: City in Virginia Becomes First to Pass Anti-Drone Legislation
Washington state's anti-NDAA bill introduced with viral support
Virginia moves closer to creating state's own currency
Drones Fly Over Alabama Bunker Standoff

Story #2: Scientists 3-D Print With Human Embryonic Stem Cells
Corbett Report Episode 251 -- Solutions: 3D Printing
The New MakerBot Replicator Might Just Change Your World  

Story #3: Now You Can Encrypt Your Calls, Texts to Protect Them From Being Spied On
Kim Dotcom: 'I want to encrypt half of Internet, total govt spying must stop!'

3MIN News | 8.0 Santa Cruz, Electroquake Recap, Solar Eruption, February 6, 2013

Source: Suspicious0bservers

Tom Secker | The Theory and Practice of Predictive Programming, February 5, 2013

Source: smellslikehumanspirit.com

Predictive programming is the theory that the public's responses to events such as grand-scale terrorism are pre-conditioned through cultural production. Proponents of this theory point to elements in television, film, and literature that have seemingly foreshadowed catastrophes before they have occurred, and suggest that the collusion between intelligence agencies and media institutions is much deeper than is given credit for.

Tom Secker, the British-based writer, researcher, and filmmaker, argues that we can be quite certain that this is a real phenomenon. In this episode, we critically examine some of the main tenets of the predictive programming concept, discuss his recent article on the CIA's Operation Mockingbird, and take a look at the reasons why we have seen a rise in the 'morally ambiguous protagonist' in popular culture. Listen, share, and enjoy! ~SmellsLikeHumanSpirit.com
download mp3 

Russell Targ | Inception of Remote Viewing & The Reality of ESP, February 3, 2013

Source: redicecreations.com, espresearch.com


February 3, 2013–Russell Targ is a physicist, scientific researcher and author whose pioneering contributions to laser and laser communications has earned him two National Aeronautics and Space Administration awards. He holds a B.S. in Physics from Queens College and did graduate work in physics at Columbia University. Targ has published over a hundred scientific papers on lasers, plasma physics, and ESP research.

In 1972 Targ cofounded and worked for the innovative CIA-sponsored Stanford Research Institute (SRI) where psychic abilities were tested for two decades. Targ retired as the senior staff scientist from Lockheed Martin Missiles and Space Co. in 1997. His latest book, The Reality of ESP: A Physicist's Proof of Psychic Abilities, comprehensively details the recently declassified data collected at SRI, as well as serving as a guide to allow everyone to tap into their own psychic potentials. He teaches remote viewing workshops worldwide, and has coauthored eight books on the topic of psychic abilities. In this program we cover the inception of the remote viewing program at SRI and the reality of extra sensory perception.

Hal Puthoff and Ingo Swann were two talented remote viewers that Targ worked with in the early days. He also talks about Werner Von Braun at NASA and the CIA’s interest in the concept of psychic spies. (Note: This program was recorded one day before we heard about the passing of Ingo Swann.) download mp3

Crystal Clark & James Horak on Beyond 2012 Radio with Tony Kudos, February 2, 2013

Source: beyond2012radio.com, truthfrequencyradio.com, drowninginabsurdity.com, emvsinfo.blogspot.com

Tony Kudos interviews James Horak and Crystal Clark on Beyond 2012.
Write-up coming soon...

Max Igan | A Time of Transition, February 2, 2013

Source: thecrowhouse.com

Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix, February 2nd, 2013.

Jim Marrs on The Richard Dolan Show, January 26, 2013

Source: kgraradio.com, jimmars.com

A fascinating interview with best-selling author Jim Marrs (Crossfire, Alien Agenda, Rule by Secrecy, Inside Job, The Fourth Reich, The Trillion Dollar Conspiracy, Our Occulted History).

Jim talks in depth on his latest research into the Kennedy assassination, as well as his forthcoming book, "Our Occulted History."

Crystal Clark & James Horak on OffPlanet Radio with Randy Maugans, January 30, 2013

Source: offplanetradio.com, drowninginabsurdity.wordpress.com, emvsinfo.blogspot.com

First Hour - Crystal Clark discusses: The Gloves are off......
Identity mining/monitoring and personal profiling with a view to a totally control RFID chipped society.
The speed of peoples ability to see that Sandy Hook was a False Flag and their subsequent analysis and realisation of how far their Governments will go to emotionally manipulate people.
DHS Drills and Crisis Actors.
Discusses her recent article on Cosmology and the importance of understanding how our perceptions are manipulated and controlled by the Social Engineers.
Alternative Media Infiltration
Agenda 21

Second Hour - James Horak discusses:
Space Agencies hiding true number of Planets in our Solar System.
Astronomers silenced and finds classified.
Inability of Alternative 3 to be implemented. ET introduced fungus that destroys Earth made metals explaining cancelled Space Program.
1950's Nato Alliance to discredit Ufology. Hostile ET Invasion False Flag off the cards.
Abduction Scenario - creation of false perceptions - Non-existence of hybrid clones - Eugenics - Nazis
EBEs are a Government tool being used against Humanity. Hacking the Human Mind. Blonde ETs. Invasive Hypnosis used to implant false memories, Psychic Block. Propaganda constantly employed to prevent the mind from accepting reality. Some movie makers in Hollywood try to tell the truth. Dynasty of Pharaohs who were Extra Terrestrial - elongated skulls. Etruscans inspired by ET leaders. Inter-dimensional visitors and much more.......

3MIN News, January 31, 2013

Source: Suspicious0bservers

Italy Supervolcano
Comet Venus
Planetary Influence on Solar Activity
Planetary Influence on Solar Activity II
Volcanic Fertilizer

Douglas Dietrich, Topher Field | Secrets of Desert Storm, Australia's Bush Fire Deaths Caused By It's Own Government, January 30, 2013

Source: thevinnyeastwoodshow.com, douglasdietrich.com

Hour 1: Having been a part of the first Gulf War Douglas knows all too well the health defects affecting its veterans and himself. Both invasions of Iraq were on false pretenses, and the only WMDs that were found had "Made In The USA" written all over them, so instead of admitting the truth, the army corp of engineers detonated the weapons cache's and rained down chemical and biological agents all over their own soldiers.

Blessed with a wealth of knowledge and first hand experience in the region Douglas gives a presentation of the hidden history of Desert Storm that will detonate your mind!

Hour 2: Topher Field Film maker and supporter of individual liberties, Topher gives an Australian story that the media wouldn't dare, government and local government policy towards fire safety are in fact the very reasons why Australia has had record setting bush fires recently. Ranging from banning the collection of firewood to preventing individual citizens from cutting down trees that are fire hazards even on their own properties, this is a sad story to behold, particularly considering that the government does not prosecute itself for incompetence that leads to the deaths of its citizens. On the bright side new anti-free speech legislation being introduced by the extreme socialist government will soon come into effect to prevent talking about such unfortunate facts relating to government ineptitude. ~Vinny Eastwood
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