Susanne Posel | Reflections on a World Gone Crazy, March 12, 2013


March 12, 2013–Susanne Posel is an investigative journalist from, an alternative news website dedicated to exposing the elite and their plans to globalize money, governments and people.

Susanne discusses her entry into alternative media and her understanding of how many grassroots organizations and movements are under elite control. In the second hour with Susanne Posel, we’ll continue on fake revolutions and the reformation of society. We’ll discuss internet censorship, Raytheon’s Riot software and manipulation via the aid of social media. Then, Susanne will discuss Neocons as Trotskyites, exporting the revolution, faux conservatism and collectivist movements. Later, we cover transhumanism and Agenda 21 and discuss where a godless, soulless scientific dictatorship is taking humanity. -Red Ice Creations
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Information Machine | Opener 2013 HD

Big Dairy Petitions FDA to Allow Unlabeled Use of Aspartame in Dairy Products, March 13, 2013


The International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA) and the National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF) have filed a petition with the FDA1 requesting the agency “amend the standard of identity” for milk and 17 other dairy products.

This was done to provide for the use of any safe and suitable sweetener as an optional ingredient — including non-nutritive sweeteners such as aspartame” to deceive you by not having to indicate its use on the label.

It’s a move that could endanger your health for decades to come, and disproportionally harm underprivileged children who rely on school lunches for the bulk of their nutrition.

If the amendment goes through, that would mean anytime you see the word “milk” on the label, it could include aspartame, sucralose, or any other dangerous artificial sweetener, but you could never be quite sure, since there will be no mention of it — not by listing the artificial sweetener used, nor with a no- or low-calorie type label, which is a tip-off that the product might contain a non-nutritive sweetener.

The IDFA and NMPF claim the proposed amendments would “promote more healthful eating practices and reduce childhood obesity by providing for lower-calorie flavored milk products” since many children are more inclined to drink flavored milk products than unflavored milk.

According to the Federal Register:
“[T]he proposed amendments would assist in meeting several initiatives aimed at improving the nutrition and health profile of food served in the nation's schools. Those initiatives include state-level programs designed to limit the quantity of sugar served to children during the school day.”

As if that’s not nonsensical enough, the IDFA and NMPF argue that the proposed amendments would “promote honesty and fair dealing in the marketplace.” How could altering the definition of “milk” to include unidentified artificial sweeteners possibly promote honesty or fair dealing in the marketplace, you might ask? Read on... Read full article here

Michael Ruppert on his portrayal in 'Collapse', CIA complicity in drug trafficking, 9/11, and more, March 13, 2013


Michael Ruppert is a former LAPD narcotics investigator, whistleblower and a 1973 Honors Graduate of UCLA in Political Science. He authored ‘Crossing the Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil’, was publisher and editor of the newsletter ‘From The Wilderness’ until 2006, and is perhaps best known for being the subject of the 2009 documentary ‘Collapse’.

In this interview Michael discusses, among other topics:

- His portrayal in the critically acclaimed documentary 'Collapse'
- CIA complicity in drug trafficking in the United States
- The showdown with then-CIA director John Deutch at Locke High School in 1996
- Why Socialism, Communism, and Capitalism are outdated concepts
- Alex Jones being a "liar" in regards to Gary Webb's suicide
- Barack Obama's relationship to megabanks and big business
- Meeting with Leonardo DiCaprio and other public figures
- His case for why 9/11 was "orchestrated and executed" by the U.S. government
- The 'Fox Magic' comments he made on the Joe Rogan Experience Podcast
- NDAA and what it means for democracy

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James Corbett | The Dragon Stirs: China's Role in the New World Order, March 13, 2013


Beijing's been rapidly growing over the last two decades - at a speed which has brought it close to the traditionally major economies - including the US and even allowed it to surpass Europe's powerhouse, Germany. That's slowed down a bit recently but, China's still expected to overtake the US as the world's biggest economy in 2016. The economic rivalry comes amid the battle for influence in Asia between the two. James Corbett joins RT to discuss the situation.

3MIN News | Sun Awakens, March 13, 2013

Source: Suspicious0bservers

Solar Magnetics
Mars Could Sustain Life

William Henry on Veritas Radio | The Ark of the Covenant | Segment 1 of 2


William Henry discusses historical, geopolitical, and supernatural aspects of the lost Ark of the Covenant, and its possible connection to end times prophecies. The Ark is traditionally thought of as a rectangular container made by Moses to contain holy books and other items, but Henry believes it's actually a component of a larger, powerful Judgment Day device. He suggested that this device can operate as an otherworldly ascension tool, transmuting a person upon contact into a body of light, who can then travel the universe. It's really a "throne of God," which facilitates the manifestation of luminous beings that can appear on the Earth plane, he continued.

Henry contended that the Ark is not currently on Earth, but will be brought here by advanced beings who use it like a stargate. Yet, various countries such as Iran and Israel may be seeking out the Ark, he said. Israel's recent operation in Gaza was called "Operation Pillar of Cloud," which is a direct reference to the Ark, he commented. Further, the Ark was a factor in the Iraq war-- "there's no doubt that's why we wanted to stop Saddam Hussein-- this is the weapon of mass destruction," he argued. And Ayatollah Khamenei, the spiritual leader of Shi'ite Islam in Iran, believes he is divinely ordained to introduce the Islamic messiah, the Mahdi, who will recover and reveal the Ark.

In July, 2012 Khamenei told the Iranian people to prepare for Judgment Day and the imminent return of the Mahdi. Various prophecies speak of the appearance of a great sign before the Second Coming, and Henry believes the re-emergence of the Ark of the Covenant is that sign. He also addressed how the Ark exists as both a material object, and spiritual potential within each person. For more, check out a trailer for Henry's new DVD, The Judgment Day Device.

Walter Pierpaoli MD | Little Pineal Gland, Big Deal, March 11, 2013


In the field of medicine, the pineal gland has been practically ignored. 40 years ago,  Walter Pierpaoli MD was led to research this often-overlooked gland and spent a good portion of those years in the laboratory with hands on research. Dr. Pierpaoli is a pioneer in pineal gland and melatonin research, anti-aging and longevity restorative medicine, and is the author of The Melatonin Miracle and The Key of Life. His groundbreaking research findings have been suppressed for years because, as he will share in this interview, the pineal gland holds the keys to so much of the body’s vitality and longevity.

Dr. Pierpaoli is courageous, passionate, and committed like few I have ever met. He has dedicated his life to restoring health in his patients and bringing new knowledge to a field dominated by pharmaceutical interests and antiquated medical paradigms that led healthy people to rapid aging and disease. His groundbreaking research offers deeper insight into the hormonal cascade and what he calls “the cyclicity of day and night”, known as the circadian rhythm.

He lays out how melatonin really works and why most supplements containing melatonin don’t work and interfere with the body’s pineal gland. Additionally, he fills in critical gaps in our understanding of aging and our ability to prevent diseases such as cancer, macular degeneration, and cardiovascular disease.

Join me with Dr. Walter Pierpaoli and learn how the pineal gland really works, how and why it is important to maintain its juvenility, and how it impacts all other hormones and systems in the body. You will never be the same.
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John Lenard Walson | Close Moon Footage HD, March 11, 2013

Source: JohnLenardWalson youtube

3MIN News | Tungurahua Erupts, 6.7 Earthquake, Sunspot Instability, March 11, 2013

Source: Suspicious0bservers

PanSTARRS Timelapse
NASA, Amplified Greenhouse Effect
Tsunami Debris

Fred Burks on OffPlanet Radio | UFOs, Mind Control, and The Awakening, March 10, 2013


Whistleblower, Fred Burks was a high level interpreter for the U.S. State Department during the Clinton and G.W. Bush administrations. He served as translator in the Indonesian tongue for Presidents Clinton and Bush and their cabinet members until 2004 when he resigned over the extreme non-disclosure terms of his contract.

In 2001 he began to -wake up- as result of reading Dr. Steven Greer's "Disclosure : Military and Government Witnesses Reveal the Greatest Secrets in Modern History", and learning about the UFO coverup and mind control projects. He began his website,, while still employed by the State Department, and being given insider information about government operations. Today he runs PEERS Network, a group of sites that provide information for skeptics, educational courses on spiritual growth, community development, and consciousness and awareness. -OffPlanet Radio

Civil-War in America | Mark Snider with James Horak Part 3, March 10, 2013

Source: Ohio Exopolitics,

This again was a great show with host Mark Snider and included (but was not limited to) the following topics:

• Vatican Sex Crimes and Satanism
• Parsons, JPL and NASA
• America is likely to going hungry
• Bohemian Grove, hunting the Maiden
• Chemtrails, athmospheric microbes and the white light of the Sun
• UFO contact from the Pleijades and the Pyramids
• Connection to former lineages
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