In Memory of Jef Harvey, R.I.P.

Jef Harvey on Veritas Radio | Confessions of a Former U.S. Navy Intelligence Operative, Segment 1


This is Segment 1 of 3. Segment 1 is being provided as a courtesy of VERITAS Radio.

It would be very difficult to summarize this interview as it includes a plethora of topics, ranging from Jef Harvey's experience as a former U.S. Navy Intelligence Operative. During his tenure in the military, Jef came very close to the truth. Some he cannot still mention due to his top secret clearance, but he does mention many other encounters with pedophiles within the military; multi-country submarines that seem to be guarding something of importance in the Marianas Trench.

In addition, Jef Harvey comes forward with information regarding an implant of unknown origin removed by Dr. Roger Leir. The latter was televised during an episode of UFO Hunters. Jef believes UFO Hunters is nothing but COINTELPRO and many of its cast are there with the purpose of maintaining the Status Quo and to be gatekeepers for the establishment. During the episode the producers did not mention that the implant could have been placed by the U.S. Military. Jef discusses his current work with radionics and issues recommendations of how to detoxify of all the poisons in our food, air, water, and mind. This is a 3-segment / 3-hour interview with a lot of information. You may have to listen more than once to absorb it all.

Jef Harvey is a technologist and healing arts practitioner working with emerging technologies in the healing field. Jef specializes in chronic disease reversal and accelerated deep tissue wound healing. Jef is a board certified Quorum Nutrition Consultant.

Jef spent six years in the United States Navy Electronics unit assigned to the USS John F. Kennedy CV-67 Intelligence Center. Jef worked four years in Industrial Infrared moisture detection and sampling to 6 decimal places.

Jef has actively worked 10 plus years in health research. He is highly trained in low frequency sound therapy. He works closely with various naturopathic physicians and medical doctors to provide integrative support.

Jef completed continuing education classes from the American Naturopathic Medical Association. He is highly sought out to speak on national and international radio shows about healing and detoxification. He has been interviewed by " Coast to Coast Am and many others". His You Tube videos and interviews are available to all.

Jef Harvey | 4th Phase Water Healing: Living Waters! | OffPlanet Radio | Sept. 22, 2014


The assault on the human biology deepens: chemtrails, water fluoridation, GMO foods, rampant epidemic threats like Ebola, and a weakening of the Earth’s energetic grids all conspire to make us sick and shorten our lives. We need solutions:

Jef Harvey returns to discuss the healing properties of what is called “EZ (exclusion zone) Water” or fourth phase An energetically re-structured water made under a proprietary special process, which when consumed or applied topically, has a tremendous cure rate for cancers, Morgellans, diabetes, and numerous ailments; it also opens the cells to properly hydrate and purge toxins at the cellular level.

Wolfgang Halbig | "Key People Who Had Direct Contact With Sandy Hook Have Died Or Are Missing" | Rich Allen Show


Frank Salter | Eugenics, Ready or Not | Hour 1 | July 31, 2015


July 31, 2015–Frank Salter is an Australian academic and researcher at the former Max Planck Institute for Behavioral Physiology. He is a political ethologist, studying political phenomena using the methods and theories of behavioral biology in addition to conventional methods. Frank’s recent essay, “Eugenics, Ready or Not” is the platform for our conversation, which begins with clarification of the definition and background of eugenics, along with its links to genetics and the rapidly advancing field of reproductive technology.

Frank details some points in history that have given eugenics a bad name, underscoring instances where the state has stepped in and taken authority over individual sovereignty, an action he declares is extremely dangerous. We discuss where eugenics gets mixed up in the utopian dreams of the left, with social engineering schemes based largely on the denial of science and technology. Frank gives examples of positive, negative and coercive eugenics, and we look at the conditions that have created a consumer-driven eugenics industry via the expanding utilization of in vitro fertilization (IVF).

download hour 1 mp3

Zero Point | The Story of Mark McCandlish and the Fluxliner

Source: James Gladman vimeo

Military-aeronautical Illustrator Mark McCandlish was riding the wave of success making images of classified projects for the military-industrial complex. Then he made a drawing of a top secret project that he wasn't supposed to know about. And big trouble ensued. For those who want a story of intrigue, secrets, and technology. Detailed information on the history, physics and technological mechanisms regarding faster-than-light travel, antigravity, and zero-point energy is also covered in detail.

Max Igan | PressTV | Iran Calls for a Nuclear Weapons Free Middle East | July 31, 2015


Iran Calls for a Nuclear Weapons Free Middle East - PressTV - July 31st, 2015.

New World Next Week | Israelis Arrested in JPMorgan Hack Case | July 31, 2015


Story #1: Arrests in Florida, Israel Tied to JPMorgan Hack
Digital Misfits Link JPMorgan Hack to Pump-and-Dump Fraud
A Brief History of Israeli Spying in the US

Story #2: Her Very Lowness Shown Giving Nazi Salute in Leaked 1933 Home Movie
Queen 'Nazi salute': British Film Institute Works with Buckingham Palace to Find Source of Leak
UK Lord John Sewell Caught in Cocaine Party with Prostitutes

Story #3: #GoodNewsNextWeek
Hay for Cheese? Barter Booms in Cash-Squeezed Rural Greece
MigrantCrisis Meets #GreekCrisis as Refugees Set Up Camp in Athens

NewWorldNextWeek Updates:
Hospitals the #3 Killer in the United States
Satanic Temple Unveils #Baphomet Statue in Detroit
Australia’s 60 Minutes Special on ‘Westminster Paedophile Network’
JadeHelm Psyop? : General Wesley Clark, the Mad Bomber of Belgrade, Wants to Intern Disloyal Westerners
IranDeal Will Be 'Competing in Europe Head-On With Russia'
Russia Vetoes MH17 Tribunal Draft at UN Security Council

Martian Archaeology | NASA Sourced Images Prove Mars Had Technology & Tools | July 30, 2015

Source: Martian Archaeology youtube

Sources Listed as they appear in the Video

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | July 30, 2015


Russia and China both enact legislation against non-government organizations (NGOs) which have been the principal agents of US soft power and covert operations since the Reagan administration. But there's more possibilities to the story as Joseph outlines in today's high octane speculation from the Nefarium. -Jospeh Farrell

US National Endowment for Democracy labeled ‘undesirable’ group under new law
China’s NGO Law: Countering Western Soft Power and Subversion

James Corbett | What is the alternative media?


On July 7, 2015, James Corbett was asked to present to a course on alternative media in the International Relations department of Japan's prestigious Ritsumeikan University. The lecture covers how James came to start The Corbett Report, the technology that has enabled the alternative media revolution, and the promises and perils of that revolution.

Ole Dammegard | False Flag Operations Are Almost Always A Drill To Get Explosives, Actors & Vehicles Into Position | Richie Allen Show | July 28, 2015


William Binney to speak at Whistle Blower Summit in D.C. | July 29, 2015


Start time at 8:12 min. 

Former National Security Agency (NSA) intelligence officer William Binney is due to speak at the Whistle Blower Summit in Washington D.C. on Wednesday, July 29.

The whistleblower will take part in a panel entitled ‘Money for Nothing: Why Are American Taxpayers Paying for Surveillance that Doesn’t Work.’ Other participants include director of the Center for Financial Privacy and Human Rights Bradley Jansen, vice president of policy for Campaign for Liberty Norman Singleton and national director of the Liberty Coalition Michael Ostrolenk.

Binney, who resigned in 2001 after working for the NSA for more than thirty years, is an outspoken critic of the agency’s warrantless surveillance. He has been awarded the Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence Award in 2015.

Brien Foerster | Search For The Lost Civilization Of Konko Wankane In Bolivia | July 28, 2015


Seldom ever visited and hard to find, Konko Wankane is a collection of stone carvings on the barren altiplano of Bolivia which dates from at least 2000 years ago, and may have given rise to the more famous Tiwanaku civilization. -Brien Foerster
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