The Corbett Report | Bayer + Monsanto = A Match Made in Hell | June 23, 2018


It is hardly surprising that the first thing Bayer did after completing their takeover of Monsanto earlier this month was to announce that they were dropping the Monsanto name, merging the two companies' agrichemical divisions under the Bayer Crop Science name. After all, as everyone knows, Monsanto is one of the most hated corporations in the world. But Bayer itself has an equally atrocious history of death and destruction. Together they are a match made in hell.


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Dr. Joel Wallach | A Stick of Butter A Day Keeps the Doctor Away


Dr. Wallach discusses his groundbreaking comparative pathology study of American, Canadian and Mexican zoo animals, funded by the National Institutes of Health, which led to the authorship of the 1,200 page Diseases of Exotic Animals that is now in the Smithsonian Museum as a national treasure;

the 1910 Flexner Report which gave rise to modern medical education; epigenetics, the study of environmental effects on gene expression; the 90 essential nutrients; gluten intolerance; causes of soil depletion; and the role that nutrition plays in the prevention of degenerative diseases.

He played a major role in the development of the market of liquid vitamin/mineral supplements. Dr. Wallach is a Veterinarian, Naturopathic Physician, and holds a Post doctorate fellowship in comparable pathology, as well as being an author and lecturer.

He is the author of many books including Dead Doctors Don’t Lie, Epigenetics: The Death of the Genetic Theory of Disease Transmission, Black Gene Lies, and Rhino Express: The Saving of the White Rhino.

Anthony Peake | Mystery and Meaning in Time, Space, and Matter | Part Two | June 23, 2018


Anthony Peake discusses his book 'Time and The Rose Garden: Encountering the Magical in the Life and Works of J.B. Priestley'. Active from the early 1900s almost until his death in 1984, English playwright and novelist John Boynton Priestly - when considered at all - is generally regarded as an old fashioned, outmoded relic of a bygone literary age.

However, as Anthony Peake shows, Priestly was often far ahead of his time as a thinker, and was an avid explorer of the great existential mysteries which have occupied some of the greatest minds for millennia. Peake draws out common themes in Priestley's work which strongly suggest that time, space, and matter are not what they seem.

In this strange, surreal and, for most people, largely unfamiliar view of reality, mind and matter are intimately intertwined, opening up a panorama of bewildering possibilities. Do past, present and future exist simultaneously in an eternal now? If so, is the past still accessible under certain circumstances, and under similar circumstances, can we foresee the events of the future?

The emergent picture is one of reality as a holistic system in which every part is interconnected with and accessible by every other part. Mind and matter anywhere in the Universe have the potential to affect mind and matter anywhere else in the Universe, instantly, and irrespective of location in either space or time.

In this light, psychic phenomena such as precognition, telepathy, and telekinesis suddenly seem possible, and disturbing anomalies such as time-slips, deja vu, ghosts, and UFOs appear less bizarre.

As cutting-edge physics continues to construct a scientific framework on which to hang such largely subjective experiences, Peake's book calls for a reassessment of Priestley's work and his contribution to our ongoing struggle to comprehend the unfathomable complexities of the cosmos.

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Anthony Peake | Mystery and Meaning in Time, Space, and Matter | Part One | June 18, 2018

Jordan Maxwell | Modern Sun Worship | June 20, 2018


Jordan Maxwell has been a guest on The Ochelli Effect before. In yet another unscripted conversation with the unique education of multiple generations of so many that have sought to decode the world. In this show, we discuss Jeffrey Matte and some of the studies of colors we did last week.

How much is hidden in plain sight? Do you not have ears to hear the embedded messages in your language? Is the ghost of the Roman Empire haunting America? What uniforms might you be wearing? Has alternative information been hijacked? What is modern sun worship? What does Grove mean?

For half a century Jordan has shared his discoveries about this, and so much more. Religion, money, government, and other methods of manipulation are everywhere. Jordan is one of the first and absolute best speakers on the elaborate deceptions hidden in plain sight. is the only website that Jordan Maxwell is a part of. Many people are trying to use his name elsewhere, but that is Jordan’s home site. There is also a way to join the Jordan Maxwell Research Society at his home site to go more in-depth on the subjects we covered here and more.

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | June 21, 2018


It's time for some perspective on the Kim-Trump summit, and what may really be going on with the two Koreas... Joseph offers his usual high octane speculation. First, the standard Communist boilerplate from Beijing:

Article: Xi Jinping meets Kim Jong Un in Beijing

Then the reality from Pepe Escobar:
Article: Sexy metal: the missing element in the Korean puzzle

New World Next Week | Can You Guess Which District Has the Most Psychopaths? | June 21, 2018


Story #1: Congress Must Act to Stop US Involvement In The Yemen War
Obama Yemen Attacks Are Unconstitutional and Unwise
Yemen Facing Largest Documented Cholera Epidemic In Modern Times
No F-35s For Turkey: US Senate Blocks Sale Of Fighter Jets To Ankara
UAE Says US Rejected Repeated Requests To Help Attack Yemen Port
Saudi-Led Forces Seize Parts Of Yemen’s Hodeidah Airport In Heavy Fighting
Corbett Report: “Yemen” Search Archive
Media Monarchy: “Yemen” Search Archive

Story #2: Study Confirms Most Psychopaths Live In Washington D.C.
PDF: ‘Psychopathy By U.S. State’
Big Five Personality Traits
Corbett Report: “Psychopathy” Search Archive
Thanks to spat for the Story: Study Confirms Most Psychopaths Live In Washington D.C.

Story #3: Update Roundup On Previous NWNW Stories
NWNW Flashback: Volkswagen CEO Resigns As Company Crashes Into Carbon Emissions Fraud (Sep. 25, 2015)
Head Of VW's Audi Arrested In Germany Over Diesel Scandal, Throwing Carmaker Into Chaos
NWNW Flashback: CRISPR Gene Editing Can Cause Hundreds Of Unintended Mutations (Jun. 22, 2017)
A Serious New Hurdle For #CRISPR: Edited Cells Might Cause Cancer, Find Two Studies
NWNW Flashback: US to Create ‘Space Corps’ in Radical Air Force Overhaul (Jul. 6, 2017)
Trump Calls on Pentagon to Create #SpaceForce (Audio)
DOC: Space Policy Directive-3, National Space Traffic Management Policy

Jay Weidner & Paul Levy | Archons, Alchemy and Mental Illness | June 20, 2018


Jay Weidner, expert in Hermetic and Alchemical traditions along with Dispelling Wetiko author Paul Levy join Higher Journeys to discuss the plight of mental illness from an angle few dare touch!

Intertwining the ancient teachings of alchemy along with the reality of archonic influence on human society, Weidner and Levy reveal explosive information that will certainly make you think twice about the origin and prevalence of mental illness.

Anyone interested in learning about the underbelly of reality, including what the Native Americans called "Wetiko" - a psychic virus of the mind MUST read Levy's book Dispelling Wetiko.

Anthony Peake | Mystery and Meaning in Time, Space, and Matter | Part One | June 18, 2018


Anthony Peake discusses his book Time and The Rose Garden: Encountering the Magical in the Life and Works of J.B. Priestley.

Active from the early 1900s almost until his death in 1984, English playwright and novelist John Boynton Priestly – when considered at all – is generally regarded as an old fashioned, outmoded relic of a bygone literary age. However, as Anthony Peake shows, Priestly was often far ahead of his time as a thinker, and was an avid explorer of the great existential mysteries which have occupied some of the greatest minds for millennia.

Peake draws out common themes in Priestley’s work which strongly suggest that time, space, and matter are not what they seem. In this strange, surreal and, for most people, largely unfamiliar view of reality, mind and matter are intimately intertwined, opening up a panorama of bewildering possibilities. Do past, present and future exist simultaneously in an eternal now? If so, is the past still accessible under certain circumstances, and under similar circumstances, can we foresee the events of the future?

The emergent picture is one of reality as a holistic system in which every part is interconnected with and accessible by every other part. Mind and matter anywhere in the Universe have the potential to affect mind and matter anywhere else in the Universe, instantly, and irrespective of location in either space or time.

In this light, psychic phenomena such as precognition, telepathy, and telekinesis suddenly seem possible, and disturbing anomalies such as time-slips, deja vu, ghosts, and UFOs appear less bizarre. As cutting-edge physics continues to construct a scientific framework on which to hang such largely subjective experiences, Peake’s book calls for a reassessment of Priestley’s work and his contribution to our ongoing struggle to comprehend the unfathomable complexities of the cosmos.

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Anthony Peake | Mystery and Meaning in Time, Space, and Matter | Part Two | June 23, 2018

Joseph P. Farrell | The Deep State: The Titanic, Age-Old Struggle Between the Globalists and The Nation State | June 15, 2018


Richard Syrett welcomes an Oxford University-educated scholar who delves into alternative history and discusses geopolitical events and Trump’s ongoing battle with the Deep State.

GUEST: Joseph Farrel was born and raised in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. He has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and “strange stuff”. His book The Giza DeathStar was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into “alternative history and science”. Following a paradigm of researching the relationship between alternative history and science, Farrell has followed with a stunning series of books, each conceived to stand alone, but each also conceived in a pre-arranged sequence.

Catherine Austin Fitts | Global Control Grid & The Black Budget | Dark Journalist | June 15, 2018


Exclusive Part 2 with Former Assistant Housing Secretary Catherine Austin Fitts on Control 101: Stunning Black Budget Corruption!

Who or What is in Control of the World?
Catherine Austin Fitts from The Solari Report goes in depth on the various hidden systems of control being rolled out in 2018 by nefarious covert forces controlling financial, political, cultural and technological issues!

- Black Budget
- Mind Control
- Financial Coup
- Control Files
- Covert Surveillance
- Media Manipulation
- Entrainment Technologies
- UFO Technology

Richard Dolan Show | Interview with Peter Levenda | June 11, 2018


Richard Dolan interviews researcher Peter Levenda, whose classic works on the Nazis and the Occult established a stellar reputation for him. More recently, he has become well-known for his collaborative authorship with Tom DeLonge, singer of Blink 182 and organizer of the To the Stars Academy (TTSA).

Dolan's interview of Levenda is fascinating, and Levenda richly explains the goals and actions of TTSA in 2017 an 2018. He also discusses the earlier UFO Disclosure initiative of DeLonge and John Podesta (campaign manager of Hillary Clinton) during 2015 and 2016, giving an invaluable window into the events of that time. Throughout this interview, Levenda gives a clear and honest perspective on what is, without question, the most discussed subject in ufology today. A can't miss interview.

Dark Journalist | Howard Hughes Secret Space Network & The UFO File | June 16, 2018


Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt continues the groundbreaking X-SERIES that follows the X Steganography through the history of Political and Covert groups coordinating in a Stealth fashion the Secret work of the Mystery Schools X Technology.

In this exciting episode Dark Journalist reveals the shadowy connections between Billionaire Howard Hughes, Hughes Aircraft Company, his CIA linked Assistant Robert Maheu, the UFO File and Covert Forces in the Aerospace wing of the National Security State.

Through new documents and testimony, Dark Journalist will reveal how these forces worked through the figure of Hughes to develop a vast Secret Space Network Infrastructure. They would also eliminate any independent political leaders in their way and employ mind control through a Deep State Organization called PERMINDEX.
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