Sibel Edmonds | The US Bombing Doctrine the World Must Abide By! | March 27, 2019


Sibel Edmonds sums up the US bombing doctrine in less than five minutes.

Richard Dolan | INCREDIBLE Russian Soviet UFOs | March 26, 2019


The history of UFOs and encounters with other-worldly beings includes events from all over the world. Russia -- formerly the Soviet Union -- has a major part of that history. Its story is dramatic, at times chilling, and always provocative.

Richard Dolan is one of the world’s leading researchers and writers on the subject of UFOs and believes that they constitute the greatest mystery of our time. He is the author of two volumes of history, UFOs and the National Security State, both ground-breaking works which together provide the most factually complete and accessible narrative of the UFO subject available anywhere. He also co-authored a speculative book about the future, A.D. After Disclosure, the first-ever analysis not only of how UFO secrecy might end, but of the all-important question: what happens next?

S0 News | Major Ocean Change, Deadly Floods, Plasma Filament | March 26, 2019


Ole Dammegard | Christchurch EXPOSED | The Vinny Eastwood Show | March 26, 2019


Darius Nikbin | Rise of the Machines: Our Techno Future? | Legalise Freedom Radio | March 24, 2019


Darius Nikbin discusses his book The Universal Subject of Our Time (Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Machine).

In the dialectic of man versus machine, can machines ever become more than glorified number crunchers? How would we know if a machine was actually beginning to think? If it did, might it eventually develop self-awareness and if so, might it also develop self-interest? What if its interests conflicted with ours?

In the context of scientific optimism versus post-modern pessimism, we ponder whether artificial intelligence can deliver on its promise of tackling social and economic problems and enhancing our lives, or whether its ultimate threat of a subjugated or even annihilated humanity could one day come to pass.

Machines are doing more and more of what used to be the work of the human mind, reducing us to shallower thinking and understanding. In the drive to develop the ever more complex and autonomous technological matrix within which we are increasingly subsumed, is the human race being lost?

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Brien Foerster | Peruvian Elongated-Skull People: Human Subspecies or Hybrids? | March 22, 2019


Recent and ongoing DNA tests reveal that the elongated-skull people of ancient Peru were not indigenous to South America and potentially migrated from the Black Sea and Crimea over 3000 years ago.

This data shatters the belief that all pre-Columbian people came across the Bering Land Bridge some 12000 or so years ago before migrating southward. Also, medical examination of the skulls of the Paracas people shows that physical and genetic anomalies clearly indicate that they were not Homo sapiens. Additionally, DNA evidence shows that these people had red hair, light-colored skin, and likely green or blue eyes.

Also, they were at least 6 inches taller than most Native Peruvians and had long thin necks. At the forefront of these scientific breakthroughs is author and researcher Brien Foerster, who will be leading us through the science of these mysterious ancient Peruvians.

Kenneth Gronbach | Predictive Demographics: 7 Top Trends That Will Shape the Coming Decade | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio


If you want to predict the future with accuracy, only one crystal ball will do: people, by the numbers. By looking at demographics, we can predict the future. From commercial to social to political to cultural trends, counting people reveals what will trend in the next ten years. That's because it's based on what people are really doing, from fertility to location to aging.

For instance: women are on the rise in the workforce, shattering glass ceilings. Meanwhile, Generation Y -- the largest generation in history -- is going to be moving into their own homes. These are but two of the key changes that will determine fortunes and futures in the next ten years.

Want to get ahead in your field? Pay attention to these seven trends:
1. Women: On the Move
2. Immigration: On the Rise
3. Housing: A Shortage Looms
4. Education: More Students and Different Classrooms
5. Healthcare: An Oncoming Tidal Wave
6. Cars: Waning Market Demand
7. Trucking & Shipping: Strained to the Limits

The truth is, most people don't count people, even at the most basic levels. And have no idea that there are 320 million or so of us living in the United States as of now. That knowledge gap translates into many realms: marketers who don't know how many consumers there are in specific markets; city planners who don't know how many housing units to build for the next decade; manufacturers who don't scale operations to meet rising demands. There are countless questions to ask -- and the answers as well as the upsides can be found in real numbers. As waves of generations are born and age, that's what determines our fortunes, and our futures. With so much at stake, it pays to know, not guess.

Max Igan | The Christchurch Massacre - An Independent Analysis | March 22, 2019


Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - March 22, 2019.

What They Dont Want You to See in The NZ Mosque Shooting Video - And Its Not "CGI"

Dark Journalist & Dr. Joseph Farrell | Apollo Moon Nazi Bell & Antarctica Mysteries! | March 22, 2019


APOLLO MOON NAZI BELL & ANTARCTICA MYSTERIES REVEALED! In this fascinating episode Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt and his special guest Oxford Scholar and Giza Death Star Book Series author Dr. Joseph Farrell wade deep into the murky waters of Hidden Technology, Apollo 11 Moon Mysteries, The Nazi Bell, Paperclip Scientists, Admiral Byrd’s Antarctica Expedition, the Secret Space Program, the Black Budget and UFO X-Technology.

The Corbett Report | Solutions: Open Science | March 22, 2019


In the face of the crisis of science, it is easy to throw our hands up and watch as the old guard of the scientific establishment circles the wagons and goes back to business as usual. But there are real solutions to these problems, and we all—scientists and non-scientists alike—have a part to play in implementing them. Today on The Corbett Report we explore Solutions: Open Science.


Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | March 21, 2019


There are possible long term massive changes looming in Europe, as the Trump administration's attempts to block the Nordstream 2 pipeline appear to be failing:

Germany says it will abandon its NATO spending commitments and invest even less than promised
Time Runs Out on U.S. Opposition to Nordstream 2

Newsbud | Sibel Edmonds | Eerily Same Exact “Terror Warnings” Mark Suspect’s Trips: Turkey-Germany & Tarrant | March 20, 2019


This is Sibel Edmonds reporting on the ground from Turkey. I have another exclusive report for you today. I am going to report on eerily same events taking place in Turkey upon the New Zealand alleged mass shooter’s arrival in the country. What are the statistical chances of one individual’s both entries into a country coinciding with rare events like this?
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