Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | June 6, 2019


Joseph said to "watch Italy," and the latest currency moves in that country, plus Russia and China, provide some data for some high octane speculation:

Russia, China Prepare To Dump Dollar, Agree To Bilateral Trade In National Currencies
Brace for Impact: Italy Poised to Launch Euro Parallel Currency

New World Next Week | The Next Stage in The ThemTube Purge | June 6, 2019


Story #1: YouTube to Ban “Hateful,” “Supremacist” Videos
From ThemTube’s Own Maw: “Our Ongoing Work to Tackle Hate”
“If I don’t sign into youtube ya’ll can’t notify me and take down my channel. #Checkmate.”
“To placate media elites screaming for censorship and demanding punishment, YouTube will impose rash, ill-considered new standards that end up harming small independent “creators” who’ve done nothing wrong. But that’s acceptable collateral damage for the moralizing media freaks”

“What if you’re an indie broadcaster that has never monetized anything ever in 13+ years and wonders why we’re still having this conversation after three years and acting shocked?” #VoxAdpocalypse

Israel Pressured U.S. for Intelligence on Targeting Killings

Facebook’s New Public Policy Manager for Ukraine Is Nationalist Hawk Who Volunteered With Fascist Party During US-Backed Coup

The Mysterious Trump-Biden-NYT-Ukraine Connection, Not Explained

Story #2: Candidates Pledge Support For Israel In Identical Propaganda Videos
2020 Presidential Candidate Video Messages to AJC Global Forum

Story #3: California Town Sees Businesses Vanish Following Minimum Wage Hike
Jacob Vigdor on the Seattle Minimum Wage
The Ugly Truth About the Minimum Wage

James Bacque | Let's Stop Torturing Germany | Guns & Butter | June 5, 2019


James Bacque Other Losses: An Investigation into the Mass Deaths of German Prisoners at the Hands of the French and Americans after World War II

James Bacque discusses his devastating research into allied war crimes against a defeated Germany in post-World War Two Europe, as detailed in his most famous book, Other Losses; Eisenhower imposes starvation on surrendered German soldiers interned in death camps; official records of German POWs and refugees purged and hidden; eyewitness and survivor accounts of American brutality; the Morgenthau Plan to ravage and grind into dust post-war Germany; Geneva Convention not followed; Soviet KGB archival records of refugees and POWs opened; evidence of war crimes and mass deaths of German prisoners still being suppressed by the governments of Germany, the US, France, Britain and Canada; the real life consequences of a reinterpretation of history.

Graham Hancock & Dark Journalist | America Before: The Lost Civilization & Global Cataclysm! | June 5, 2019


Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt presents Best Selling Ancient Mysteries Author Graham Hancock live in Cambridge for a revealing and wide ranging interview that reveals the new evidence for an Advanced Lost Civilization that passed down a Spiritual message for us to decipher in the 21st Century!

Was an advanced civilization lost to history in the global cataclysm that ended the last Ice Age?

Graham Hancock, the internationally bestselling author, has made it his life’s work to find out — and in America Before he draws on the latest archaeological and DNA evidence to bring his quest to a stunning conclusion. Hancock’s research takes us on a series of journeys and encounters with the scientific rebels responsible for the recent extraordinary breakthroughs. In the process, from the Mississippi Valley to the Amazon rainforest, he reveals that ancient ‘New World’ cultures share a legacy of advanced scientific knowledge and sophisticated spiritual beliefs with supposedly unconnected ‘Old World’ cultures.

S0 News | Hail, Tornado, Plasma Cosmos, Vega, Lightning | June 5, 2019


The Corbett Report | No, US Banks Are Not Terrified of Chinese Payment Apps - #PropagandaWatch | June 5, 2019


Bloomberg would have us believe that the banksters are quaking in their boots over the possibility that Chinese-style payment apps and a truly cashless economy will be making its way to the West in the near future. But is this the banksters' nightmare or their ultimate dream come true? Find out in this week's edition of #PropagandaWatch.

Show Notes:
U.S. Banks Are Terrified of Chinese Payment Apps – Bloomberg
Choke Point: How the Government Will Control the Cashless Economy
Tencent “About” page
Alibaba is the force behind hit Chinese Communist Party app: sources
Inside China’s High-Tech Dystopia
Banks TERRIFIED! Chinese Payment App Cuts Out Banks! (Jimmy Dore)

Blue Chicken Cult EXPOSED! BOMBSHELL Information From #CITD2019 with Ryan Gable | June 4, 2019


Ryan Gable from The Secret Teachings podcast (FringeFM) joins me for this HUGE update in the aftermath of this years Contact In The Desert conference. Ryan brings with him a recording that exposes those pushing something called the Sphere Being Alliance & the infamous Blue Chickens!

David Icke Talks To Lou Collins About Renegade, Brexit, Child Trafficking, & More | June 2, 2019


Max Igan | Most People Simply Cannot See What is Coming | May 31, 2019


Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - May 31, 2019.

Jeff Rense & Herbert Dorsey | Magnetic Motors, Perpetual Motion, Fascinating Physics! | May 31, 2019


This Jeff Rense Program Hour Is from 05-31-19 with Guest Herbert Dorsey.

Dark Journalist | X-Series 55: Edgar Cayce in Hotzone: Atlantis Rising Bimini Temple Revealed | May 31, 2019


In this fascinating X-Series Episode Dark Journalist reveals the fascinating bloodline aspects releating to the knowledge of a Lost Civilization. The Psychic Edgar Cayce pointed to the Poseidian Temple off of Bimini in the HotZone off of Florida as the first that will rise. Cayce pointed to the Elite family of the Dodge Brothers as being involved in this process and DJ reveals evidence that points to their deep interest in esoteric history. Even their company logo is in fact the same as the Theosophical Society Mystery School.

Catherine Austin Fitts | Solutions in our Battle for Humanity | Forum Borealis | May 30, 2019


Let's explore preserving civilization. Some themes raised: Why is it crucial to maintain, own, & enjoy art, beauty, & culture? Creativity: Antidote to negativity obsession? Cryptocurrency: Solution or trap? Universal Basic Income: Freedom or enslavement? Mind control: Key to slave labour? Which economic model serve citizens?

Can intention influence reality? How to fix the Black Budget? What of the Pentagon audit? How to build a happy life amidst gloom? Is the Space Force a whitewash of the Classified Space Program? Is false dichotomy & identity politics a distraction? What did Voyager mission detect in Saturn's rings? + Hear Al's tourist prospect of Norway.
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