Noam Chomsky | COVID-19, WHO, China, Gaza and Global Capitalism “Gangster in the White House” | April 17, 2020


We continue our conversation with world-renowned political dissident, linguist and author Noam Chomsky. He responds to President Trump’s cuts to U.S. support for the World Health Organization and the surge in deaths in the United States to another record high, and discusses conditions in Gaza, the rise of authoritarianism around the world, and the progressive response.

“This is typical behavior of autocrats and dictators. When you make colossal errors which are killing thousands of people, find somebody else to blame,” say Chomsky. “In the United States, it’s unfortunately the case, for well over a century, century and a half, that it’s always easy to blame the 'yellow peril.'”

S0 News | Ozone and Magnetic Reversal, Galactic Sheet, Antimatter | April 17, 2020


Max Igan | Remember Life | April 17, 2020


"The illusion of freedom will continue for as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will take down the scenery, move the tables and chairs out of the way, then they will pull back the curtain and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater." - Frank Zappa

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | April 16, 2020


Today is an unusual News and Views, because I am presenting, not my own, but someone else's speculation, that's worth bringing to your attention, along with a few embellishments of my own:

The COVID-19 Hysteria: Is This The Real "Coronavirus" Timeline? It Makes More Sense Than A Lot Of What We Have Seen So Far!

Jordan Maxwell | Intellihub Podcast | April 16, 2020


The man, the myth, the legend Jordan Maxwell joined the podcast today where he talked about the COVID-19 "plandemic" and more.

Dr. Andrew Kaufman | Schizophrenia, The COVID-19 Coronavirus, & Exosomes | April 16, 2020


THC welcomes Dr. Andrew Kaufman to breakdown some really interesting health & wellness information, as well as some super valuable insight into the COVID-19 coronavirus situation. Dr. Kaufman primarily works in forensic psychiatry, but has an impressive wide-ranging medical background and education; including a bachelor of science in molecular biology, a physicians Assistant certification, a Doctor of Medicine, and was even a Teaching Assistant in the Molecular Biology Lab at MIT.

Linda Moulton Howe | COVID-19 updates, Atlas Comet breakup, Dead Seals in Canada, Viewer Q&A | April 15, 2020


- COVID-19 updates
   - Is China under reporting?
   - Other side effects of COVID-19
- Atlas Comet has broken up
- Several hundred dead seals wash up on shores in Nova Scotia, Canada
- Viewer Questions

SGT Report | Ole Dammegard | OUR PLAN VS. HIS PLAN | April 14, 2020


My longtime friend and deep researcher Ole Dammegard joins me to discuss current events.

Dark Journalist | X-85: Constitutional Crisis COG Deep State COVID Coup Takeover! | April 11, 2020


Dark Journalist X-Series Episode 85: The United States Constitution vs Deep State Coup!

The Corbett Report | Corona World Order | April 10, 2020


Some are suggesting that the current crisis is the end of globalization, or that it will wipe out the New World Order altogether . . . but they are wrong. In fact, this crisis is the globalists' dream, and what we are witnessing is the birth of a totalitarian control grid the likes of which could scarcely have been imagined before this pandemic panic kicked off. Welcome to the Corona World Order.

Show Notes:
Will The Coronavirus Wipe Out The New World Order?
Will the Coronavirus Kill Globalization
GLOBALISATION: Is it in Reverse?
A Global Challenge Needs a Global Response
G20 summit: Gordon Brown announces ‘new world order’(2009)
A Letter to G20 Governments
Global Preparedness Monitoring Board
Gordon Brown calls for global government to tackle coronavirus
The Coronavirus Pandemic Will Forever Alter the World Order
Kissinger Still Pushing The Myth Of A Happy New World Order
Info on GAVI and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
CEPI (The Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovation)
Deutsche Bank Predicts ‘Immunity Passports’ for Travel in COVID-19’s Wake – Reports
The US is tracking people’s movements with phone data, and it’s part of a massive increase in global surveillance
‘Immunity passports’ could speed up return to work after Covid-19
Coronavirus: China using app to track quarantined citizens (1m01s – 2m15s)
Accenture World Economic Forum Known Traveller
World Economic Forum Ramps Up “Known Traveller Digital Identity”
Known Traveller Digital Identity Specifications Guidance
Samuel Edward Konkin III – An Agorist Primer PDF and Audiobook
Derrick Broze on Building the Counter-economic Underground Railroad

New World Next Week | Heats Up With Live Fire Exercises | #CyberSpaceWar | April 9, 2020


Story #1: Massive “Live Fire" Exercise April 8 With Starlink Satellites
Air Force Just Conducted the First Test Of Its Advanced Battle Management System
Elon Musk’s Starlink Satellites Light Up Skies Over The UK
Kissinger Calls For a New World Order (Again)
Trump’s Narcoterror Indictment of Maduro Already Backfires
NYT Parrots US Propaganda on Hezbollah in Venezuela

Story #2: Journalists Threatened, Detained As Multiple Countries Restrict Pandemic Coverage
Censorship of David Icke Is Waking People Up
YouTube Tightens Rules After David Icke 5G Interview
Social Media Crack Down On “Crazed” Conspiracies After 5G Masts Torched In Liverpool
New York Bans Zoom For Online Teaching, Advises Microsoft Teams

Story #3: Coronavirus Fuels P2P Connectivity - Crypto-Driven Meshnet Gives Rural Towns Internet
Althea: “Faster, Cheaper, Decentralized Internet”
NWNW Flashback: Hong Kong Protesters Turn to Mesh Networks to Evade China’s Censorship (#October2, 2014)

SGT Report | Data Points, Psyops & The Silent War | April 9, 2020


Join us as we decipher a multiplicity of data points and uncover the REAL enemies of the people. We are in a silent war for the very soul of the American Republic. Are the patriots in control? If so, this is what they must do... Corey from joins me to discuss.

COVID-19: Inside The Hospitals & Why The Lockdown?

Conflict of Interest: The Anthony Fauci/Bill Gates Connection
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