Chris Bledsoe | Entity Encounters, The Invisible College, & The Lady | Dec. 9, 2020


On January 8th 2007, Chris Bledsoe Sr. came face to face with extraterrestrial beings and had missing time.

While on the banks of the Cape Fear River, Chris, his son Chris Jr. and three of his subcontractors experienced an array of unexplained phenomena, leading them to believe this was the end of the world.

MUFON sent their highest trained team to investigate the encounter, only to attempt to debunk and ridicule the Bledsoe family. Their experience was featured on the Discovery Channel’s 2008 series UFOs Over Earth: The Fayetteville Incident.

This was just the start though, Chris (and his family) have experienced a cornucopia of strange things since that original encounter, including a visitation and prophetic vision from a being he refers to as “The Lady.”

Multiple three letter agencies have been involved with the Bledsoe case, bringing increased attention and mystery to this ever evolving story. He’s also working closely with previous guest, Diana Pasulka.

Chris currently lives in North Carolina with his wife Yvonne and their four adult children residing nearby. He enjoys building projects, gardening, being in service to others utilizing his healing gifts, and traveling with his wife.

The Corbett Report | Mouse Utopia and The Blackest Pill - #PropagandaWatch | Dec. 8, 2020


You've probably heard about John B. Calhoun's mouse utopia experiment by now. Everyone's been talking about it recently. But what does this experiment really tell us about the human experience, and can we avoid swallowing the poisoned black pill of the propagandists when covering this highly anti-human idea? Join James for this important exposé of the Malthusian eugenicists behind the great reset.

Show Notes:
John B. Calhoun Film 7.1 [edited], (NIMH, 1970-1972)
Grand Theft World
Grand Theft World Podcast 005 | Unmasking Dystopia
John B. Calhoun’s Mouse Utopia Experiment and Reflections on the Welfare State
Mouse Utopia Experiment
Death Squared: The Explosive Growth and Demise of a Mouse Population
Escaping the Laboratory: The Rodent Experiments of John B. Calhoun & Their Cultural Influence
Letting the rat out of the bag
Soylent Green – FLNWO #04
Why Big Oil
Meet Paul Ehrlich, Pseudoscience Charlatan
see What is Sustainable Development?

S0 News | Sun Fires at Earth, 1-2 Punch Coming, Superfamine | Dec. 8, 2020


Rich Hoffman | Aids to UAP Research and Investigation | Dec. 7, 2020


Abstract: In today's mobile and connected world, application developers have built many applications and websites that can provide invaluable support to Ufologists and Researchers. This presentation will cover many of these key applications and websites in an effort to bring all up to date on what is available. Some applications are built for the Apple Products but may not be built for the other Operating Systems. Additionally, there are other easily purchased add on tools that can be added to these iPhones that will provide solid data in support of all. Some of these tools have costs, while others are free. A listing of these aids and other resources will be provided to participants.

Bio: Rich Hoffman is a 25+ year Army Information Technology (IT) defense contractor with By Light IT Professional Services. He is a Senior Lead Architect working in the US Army Materiel Command Head Quarters at Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville, Alabama helping to shape the future directions of systems, networks and application hosting arrangements used within the Army.

For the past 55 years, since his eighth grade science class and timed with the Lonnie Zamora sighting on 24 April 1964, Rich has been pursuing his primary interest in investigating, researching and lecturing on the subject of UFOs. He even had the opportunity to lecture to the Air Force on the subject at Wright Patterson, AFB.

In June 2017, Rich left his position as MUFON Director, Strategic Projects, and Alabama State Director along with other positions within MUFON. He is still a Benefactor and as such is a lifetime subscribing only member. Currently, he is supporting a newly formed group called the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies (SCU), a coalition of like-minded serious and dedicated scientists and professionals who want to solve the phenomena using scientific methodologies and leverage current technologies to do so.

For more information about the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies visit:

The Corbett Report | Your Guide to the Great Monetary Reset | Dec. 4, 2020


Do you know what it means when the Managing Director of the IMF warns of a "new Bretton Woods moment?" How about when the head of the BIS revels in the total surveillance power that digital currencies will afford the central bankers? Well, you're about to. Don't miss this info-packed edition of The Corbett Report podcast where James peels back the layers of the great currency reset onion and uncovers the New World (Monetary) Order.

Show Notes:
A New Bretton Woods Moment
Century of Enslavement: The History of the Federal Reserve
The WWI Conspiracy
Winds of Change: The Case for New Digital Currency by Christine Lagarde
China Prepping Digital Yuan
Who’s Afraid of Decentralized Currency?
The Bitcoin Psyop
Central bank cryptocurrencies
What’s in Store for the Dollar? (Goldman Sachs)
Central bank digital currencies: foundational principles and core features
Cross-Border Payment—A Vision for the Future
Interview 1604 – John Titus on Central Bank Digital Currencies
Bill Gates on Digital Currency
Who Is Bill Gates?
The battle of Bretton Woods : John Maynard Keynes, Harry Dexter White, and the making of a new world order
Zhou Xiaochuan: Reform the international monetary system
Steven Guinness website
Bank of England Governor Signals Central Bank Digital Currency is Coming
BOE on Course to Begin Roll Out of New Payment System
Solutions at

S0 News | Space Tornados, Solar Particle Forcing, Galaxy Alignment | Dec. 7, 2020


Dark Journalist | Catherine Austin Fitts |  Stopping The Technocrat Takeover! | Dec. 7, 2020


Stopping The Technocrat Takeover & Reset Regime!
***Catherine points out that the number one problem in America today is Mind Control!

Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes Former Asst. HUD Secretary and Solari Report Publisher Catherine Austin Fitts to the show for a breakthrough Interview of the Globalist Agenda being rolled out through the World Economic Forum. Catherine sees a totalitarian regime in charge of the "great reset" with the central controllers trying to keep humanity from discovering our personal power to stop them and make our own future!

Destroying Small Business
Mind Control/Entrainment
Missing Government Money
Black Budget
AI Robotics
Full Spectrum Dominance
Nano Tech Dangers

Paul Stonehill | Super Soldiers of Eurasia: Declassified and Leaked Information | Dec. 7, 2020

Source: Paranormal Research Paul Stonehill youtube

… Super soldiers who do not know fatigue and pain, can do without food and rest, do not know fear and blindly obey any orders… several such experiments have been partially declassified… to increase the endurance of soldiers, make them more aggressive, and deprive them of the need for sleep and food… that paranormal special forces were used… no wonder the training of special forces soldiers was dubbed the "road to hell"… -Paul Stonehill

Jacques Vallée & James Fox | The Joe Rogan Experience | Dec. 4, 2020

Source: PowerfulJRE 12

Jacques Vallée is a venture capitalist, technologist, and world-renowned figure in the field of unidentified aerial phenomena. James Fox is the director of The Phenomenon: a new documentary about UFOs and a global effort to conceal their existence.

Brien Foerster | Exploring Mexico's Most Famous Pyramids | Truth Be Told Radio | Dec. 4, 2020


Tony is speaking with Researcher and Explorer Brien Foerster to talk about some of Mexico's most famous Pyramids sites Chichen Itza and Teotihuacán. Tony will be travel to the sites in December and wants to find out the history and what to look for. Please join us and ask questions in the chat room.

S0 News | More Nova Isotope Mysteries on Earth, Alaska Supervolcano | Dec. 4, 2020


Press For Truth | Operation VECTOR Exposed!! THIS Is Why The Coming Vaccine Rollout MUST BE REJECTED!!! | Dec. 3, 2020


The Canadian Armed Forces have engaged operation VECTOR, its vaccine rollout plan to immunize the entire population of Canada. 

The plan is being rushed through under the guise that COVID-19(84) is the biggest threat to humanity and therefore the military (who have recently been caught engaging in propaganda campaigns to scare the Canadian people) is now tasked with ensuring a nationwide rollout as early as Spring of 2021. 

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth exposes operation vector as a plan that must be avoided at all costs! DO NOT get the shot because the shot IS the pandemic!
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