Dark Journalist | Pasadena Magick Occult Aerospace Secret NASA Parsons-Hubbard Crowley | Sept. 3, 2021

Source: darkjournalist.com 

In this special X-Series episode 107 Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt goes deep connecting the dots of strange happenings in Pasadena, California and their connection to an Occult Underground that included the notorious Black Magician Aleister Crowley, NASA Rocket Pioneer Jack Parsons and Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard.

Dr. Joel Wallach | Ask Doc Live | Spet. 3, 2021

Source: criticalhealthnews.com

Dr. Wallach discusses ways to improve your immune system to protect your self against the virus.

James Martinez | The Invisible Third World War: The Battlefield | Part 1 | Offplanet Radio | Sept. 6, 2021

Source: radio.offplanetmedia.net, patreon.com/randymaugans, jamesmartinezmedia.net, anchor.fm/jamesmartinezmedia

This is part 1 of a 2 part conversation. Because of the density of information contained, and because the concepts of semantic-cognitive disruption and neurolinguistic programming are used throughout, we invite you to listen carefully, and with “an ear to hear” between the words. This is a “fly on the wall” conversation that ranges a wide span of topics, memes, and historical recollections. Part 2 will follow in due course. Part 2 of this presentation is available to the supporters who make this work possible. -Randy Maugans

The Invisible Third World War at CIA.gov-Declassifed FOIA-“Sanitized Copy”

Our current world situation is the culmination of a protracted, multifaceted program of weaponized psycho-warfare and stripping of the human capacity to utilize the mind—the brain— as a proactive force for empowerment. Behind the scenes of the counterculture of the 1970s-1990s, a small group of occultists labored for decades to penetrate the inner circles of power elites utilizing a force that terrifies even the largest military powers: telepathy. The use of remote viewing, clairvoyance, and “perfect” ESP. It’s story begins with Walter Bowart, founder-publisher of the East Village Other, arguably the first major city “alternative free press” newspaper (1965). Bowart went on to marry Peggy Hitchcock, the Mellon heiress who funded Timothy Leary’s “Millbrook” LSD experiments. You see where this all goes…?

Bowart began meeting with returning Viet Nam vets who reported they felt like they had been “brainwashed”, with missing time and out-of-phase memories, violent impulses, and a sense of feeling they had lost their souls. From those meetings and the research that ensued, came Bowart’s book, “OPERATION MIND CONTROL”, published by Dell Books in 1978 with a foreword by The Manchurian Candidate author Richard Condon. Bowart went on to continue writing after leaving New York City in the early 80s, but the fate of “OPERATION MIND CONTROL” was to be pulled quietly from shelves and largely forgotten. In his later years, Bowart labored quietly, putting together books, screenplays, and the aspirational production company, SOMA, to begin using media for “positive mind control projects”.

James Martinez was Walther Bowart’s friend and collaborator in his last years, and continued Bowart’s vision by using techniques of proactive disruption in the areas of banking, where he battled credit card, mortgage, and loan debts for private individuals winning back over $7million; in the film and music industry, where he influences performers, producers, and directors like Oliver Stone (JFK); the energy industry, through his tireless championing of Cold Fusion/LENR technology. James had deep connections with the late Russel Means, founder and leader of the American Indian Movement (AIM) and continues to have active relationships with the Lakota Sioux, with whom he stood at the Standing Rock oil pipeline protests in 2016. Operating “behind the scenes”, as you will hear in this conversation, James infiltrates boardrooms, corporate headquarters, Hollywood studios, and the streets of America utilizing his tools of semiotics, neurolinguistic programming, shamanic techniques, and a blunt force reality about how to reverse the tides of decay in the culture. This is, perhaps, his most transparent and open conversation on the evolution of mind control from the roots of the early UFO disclosure movement, the deep state operators like Andrij Puhaich, Israeli psychic “spoon bender”, Uri Gellar, and the blind abductee, Marianne Schoenefeld.

The battefield of the mind is THE final frontier in the last great war on humankind: as Ingo Swann stated, “…telepathy is the preeminent…modality” for disruption of the mind control programs. We either use it to win back our estate of self determinism, or we will be enslaved forever. After nearly seven years of radio silence, James now returns to the airwaves with a new podcast series, “The Invisible Third World War” based on Walter Bowart’s manuscripts, and infused with James’ own incisive wit and skills in communication. The podcast is a springboard for larger projects to come which will span out into the mass consciousness, to effect the tipping point of reestablishing the lost human gifts of telepathy, clairvoyance, real-time remote viewing and proper use of cognitive languaging.

Michael Wann | The Field Of Dreams & The Merchants Of Death | Sept. 6, 2021

Source: TheHighersideChats.com

About Michael Wann:
The Synchromystic Sage of the Susquehanna returns to THC for a 6th time. Today, discussing what Mike calls "the 2 mile strange attractor field in Wilmington, Delaware." We talk about popular films that have taken place in the area, how the actors and themes weave through them, the legacy of the DuPont family in the area, and more.

Whitney Webb | Afghanistan Chaos and What Comes Next with Tom Luongo | Aug. 29, 2021

Source: unlimitedhangout.com

Whitney is joined by Tom Luongo to discuss his recent analyses of the chaos in Afghanistan, what it means for international geopolitics and the future of Biden's presidency going forward.
Originally published 08/29/21.

The Corbett Report | Red Alert: False Flag Incoming! | Sept. 2, 2021

Source: corbettreport.com

What does it mean when intelligence services start describing the next terror attack . . . despite having no intelligence about it? And what does it mean when former cabinet officials start comparing bodily autonomy advocates to suicide bombers? There’s a false flag coming. And don’t you believe it when they pull it off. -corbettreport.com

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Sept. 3, 2021

Source: gizadeathstar.com

Secretary of State Blinken just had a phone call with the Chinese Foreign Minister... what did they talk about? Well, one version has it they didn't talk about much; the other version has it they talked about a great deal. Guess whose version that was...?

Secretary Blinken’s Call with People’s Republic of China State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi

Wang Yi Speaks with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken on the Phone

Dr. Bryan Ardis | Hospital Protocols Are Murdering Americans by Prescribing Remdesivir Which Causes Renal Failure | Aug. 25, 2021

Source: thedrardisshow.com


Hear Dr. Bryan Ardis explain his research and walks you through each of the reports he uses in the 67+ page Covid Report. See simple facts about the nasty side effects of the current status quo for treating COVID-19 and why you should stand up for your health and the health of your loved ones!

Red Ice TV | No-Go Zone: CDC's Work To Disarm Americans & Covid Vaccine Study On Babies Begin | Sept. 2, 2021

Source: Redice.tv

S0 News | Space Weather, Solar Climate Forcing & Human Health | Sept. 2, 2021

Source: Suspicious0bservers.org

Brien Foerster | Exploring Outside And Inside The Huge Second Pyramid On The Giza Plateau Of Egypt | Sept. 1, 2021

Source: khemitology.com

Linda Moulton Howe | Is There A Doorway Between Universes Near Lake Titicaca, Peru? | Sept. 1, 2021

Source: earthfiles.com

On November 11, 1998, at 11 PM local Peru time, Arizona resident Jerry Wills and his bride Kathy were standing in front of what ancient Incans called Aramu Muru, Gate of the Gods, a mysterious, small “doorway” cut into solid red sandstone. A local shaman said it linked to another dimension and taught Jerry the secret to passing through. Kathy watched Jerry kneel at the “door,” suddenly glow with light and disappear.

Jerry’s original 2016 in-depth interview with Earthfiles Reporter and Editor Linda Moulton Howe, now updated in 2 Parts for Wednesday, September 1, 2021, and September 8, 2021.

- Gallup poll shows that 41% of adults now believe the UFOs involve alien spacecraft
- June 8, 2021 Space.com article - “Do Parallel universes exist? We might live in a multiverse.”

Aramu Muru site - “Gate of the Gods”, discovered in 1996 near Lake Titicaca in Peru
- Site is feared and revered by locals
- Is it a a portal to other locations or universes?

Jerry Wills history of contact from an early age with “Zo”
- Interview with Jerry Wills, recounting his trip through the portal
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