Tess Clark | The Electric Universe, Comets, Catastrophes, & The Ruling Elite | July 17, 2022

Source: thehighersidechats.com, mythosdecoded.wixsite.com

About Today's Guest:

Tess Clark is an author & independent researcher of Mythology, Spirituality, Theology, Antediluvian Civilizations, & Elite Bloodlines. You can find her content on her website: mythosdecoded.wixsite.com including ebooks, audiobooks, articles, interviews & more. She is also always updating her YouTube channel with great content too.

Gonzalo Lira | American Power Has Collapsed, It's Pulling Down the Rest of the World With It | July 17, 2022

Source: geopoliticsandempire.com


Gonzalo Lira discusses the collapse of American power and how Washington has decided to pull down the rest of the world instead of accepting a graceful decline. 

The Russians have the upper-hand in Ukraine and will win the war. The U.S. now wants to pivot to war with Iran and eventually China.

 If the U.S. feels it is losing, in its hubris and pride it may seek to use nuclear weapons. The European project is over, Europe is dead. 

He comments on the Western world's fall into totalitarianism and turn toward the use of population control systems such as social credit and digital currency. The best places to escape to are countries that are poor, backward, and low-tech with lots of food.

David Icke | West vs East - Masks on the same face | July 14, 2022

Source: davidicke.com

Dark Journalist | X Mystery School Predictions! Cayce Gurdjieff Steiner | July 15, 2022

Source: darkjournalist.com

Join us for this Special LiveStream Report as Dark Journalist goes deep on the Hidden Mystery School Message for the 21st Century, Did wisdom initiates from Anthroposophy, Theosophy, Rosicrucianism and the Fourth Way leave us Special Instructions for surviving the Crossroads of Destruction that we face at the current time with the dystopian rise of Transhumanist corruption and its evil twin Scientific Materialism?

Joseph P. Farrell | Origins of the New World Order: Nazi Germany | July 13, 2022

Source: thenewamerican.com, gizadeathstar.com

In all the talk of the so-called New World Order, little attention is spent in discussing how the phrase (and the plan for a European Union, as well as a global fiat currency system) were first proposed by Nazi finance minister Walther Funk in the 1930s. We discuss the origins of the post-WWII system with Dr. Joseph Farrell.

Truthstream Media | WEF: Smart Phones Will Be INSIDE People by 2030 | July 14, 2022

Source: truthstreammedia.com

Redice TV | No-Go Zone: Ethnomasochism ‘Some Cultures Are Just Superior To Others’ | July 14, 2022

Source: redice.tv

Henrik cover the latest in episode 110 of No-Go Zone July 14, 2022.

Joseph P. Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | July 14, 2022

Source: gizadeathstar.com

Runs on banks in China, and it seems everyone is tendering for the Ukraine:


400,000 Chinese Lose Their Life Savings Instantly

Democrats Demand $650 Billion In IMF Aid For Ukraine War Relief – In The Form Of SDRs

The Corbett Report | Mass Media: A History | July 12, 2022

Source: corbettreport.com

Join James Corbett for today's special edition of The Corbett Report podcast where he walks you through Mass Media: A History, a 3-lesson, 6+ hour online course examining the history of media, exploring media’s impact on society, and revealing where technological developments in media technology are taking us in the future. 

With lectures in audio and video formats, hyperlinked transcript, recommended reading and study guides, this course takes you on a whirlwind tour of over 500 years of history and shows you what the future of media might look like and why it matters.

CLICK HERE to purchase the course today at NewWorldNextWeek.com

David Icke | Emerging 'Diseases' To Hide Vaccine Injuries & Deaths | July 11, 2022

Source: davidicke.com

Max Igan | The Calm Before the Storm | July 10, 2022

Source: thecrowhouse.com

Ole Dammegard | "Explosive Unmasking: "Dammegarding" All Flagged Fields" | Age Of Truth TV | July 10, 2022

Source: ageoftruth.tv

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