S0 News | Electric Earth Rotation Glitches Confirmed, Everything Connected | March 26, 2021

Source: Suspicious0bservers.org

Darwin Morgan | NNSS | Mystery Wire Interview | March 25, 2021

Source: mysterywire.com

MYSTERY WIRE — Area 51 might be the world’s best known ‘secret’ base but there is another, much larger facility in the Nevada desert that has been host to highly classified programs and testing.

For more than 30 years, one man has worked as a gatekeeper for those secrets.

Darwin Morgan is the Director of the NNSS public affairs office. He has spent 31 years as a portal through which secrets were shared and rumors were quashed.

After 31 years of shining a light on dark programs and projects that were otherwise shrouded in mystery, Darwin Morgan is set to retire from the Department of Energy. He hopes he can still visit from time to time and plans to write about more of the untold history. “It’s just, it’s amazing, the amount of things I’ve been able to see in my career out there.” -mysterywire.com

Anthony Peake, Pascal Immanuel Michael | The Near Death Experience | March 26, 2021

Source: anthonypeake.com

Pascal obtained his BSc Hons from Aberdeen University in Neuroscience with Psychology, researching the neurotrophic effects of Omega-3 fatty-acids, and graduated with an MSc from University College London in Clinical Mental Health Sciences in 2018, exploring wellbeing changes associated with the DMT experience.

He is currently a PhD student at University of Greenwich with Dr. David Luke, investigating psychedelic and spiritual experiences, specifically the phenomenology and physiology of the DMT and near-death experience (NDE). He has a particular interest in how the scientific method can be harnessed, not least using psychedelics as ideal tools, to investigate the nature and transformative capacity of mystical-type and other ‘exceptional human experiences’ – and how the continuum of the molecular mechanisms to the humanistic experience of death and dying will inevitably illuminate the nature of life.

His interests include psychedelic experiences and/or near-death experiences, neurobiological and subjective mechanisms of psychotherapeutic effects; Neural correlates; Experiential phenomenology.

John Lenard Walson | Moon Footage 2021 | March 25, 2021

Source: John Lenard Walson youtube

You can support his work for building bigger, more powerful telescopes here: John Lenard Walson Paypal

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | March 25, 2021

Source: gizadeathstar.com

The Nefarium has been busy this week, and we have two very different stories to talk about:

Chief AstraZeneca Scientist Josep Baselga Developing Anti COVID-19 Therapies Dies Of Rare Neurological Disease

Ship blocking Suez Canal like 'beached whale' could be stuck for weeks

Clive de Carle | The Global Health Conspiracy | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio

Source: veritasradio.com, clivedecarle.com

New World Next Week | Biden Sprays Colombia | March 25, 2021

Source: NewWorldNextWeek.com, corbettreport.com, mediamonarchy.com

Story #1: Self-Driving Cars Will Stop For Police, Roll Down Your Windows, Unlock Your Doors
"Autonomous Vehicles: Expert Panel Lists Top Needs for Law Enforcement as the Dawn of Driverless Roads Inches Closer"
Self-Driving Uber Car Kills Pedestrian in Arizona, Where Robots Roam
Tesla Driver Who Died In 'Autopilot' Crash Was Playing On Phone, Inquiry Finds
"Driverless" Search on Corbett Report
Kia’s Driverless Future! – #PropagandaWatch
Car Insurance Horror: Wearing A Face Mask While Driving Can See Policies Invalidated
CDC: Drivers Should Not Wear Masks While Driving

Story #2: Reuters, BBC Participated In Covert UK-Funded Programs to “Weaken Russia”
OP. Trojan Horse: Undermining Russia

Story #3: Biden Pushes Colombia to Restart Glyphosate Spraying Program
2021 INCSR–Volume I: Drug and Chemical Control (As submitted to Congress)
Biden Eyes First Major Tax Hike Since 1993 in Next Economic Plan
Yellen on OECD Tax Cooperation
Biden Aides Disclose Their Corporate Ties
Biden White House Sandbags Staffers, Sidelines Dozens for Pot Use
GOP Senators Accuse Biden Of Breaking Law, Sparking 'Humanitarian Crisis' at Border

S0 News | CME & Solar Storm, California Quake Risk, SMOS | March 25, 2021

Source: Suspicious0bservers.org

Geoengineering Watch | Climate Engineering News Q & A | March 24, 2021

Source: GeoengineeringWatch.org

In the attempt to answer as many questions as possible on the dire issue of climate engineering, Geoengineering Watch has decided to produce an online “Climate Engineering News Q and A”. We will try to post a new segment every Wednesday. -GeoengineeringWatch.org

James Corbett on Life and Life Only | March 24, 2021

Source: corbettreport.com, lifeandlifeonly.podbean.com

via LifeAndLifeOnly: James Corbett of the Corbett Report joins me to discuss a number of topics around the theme of alternative information and how to combat the propaganda, both intentional and in some cases unintentional, that is all around us.

We discuss how we came to have non-mainstream worldviews, how a global conspiracy can and provably has happened, our experiences in Asia and how we can all change the world in our own way every day. After all that, we end the talk with a few minutes of talk about a band we’re both rather fond of!

Show Notes:
Life And Life Only podcast – Web / Facebook / Twitter
Everything I Know About Conspiracies I Learned From The Beatles
The 5 Filters of the Mass Media Machine
How Can A Global Conspiracy Work? – Questions For Corbett #074
G. Edward Griffin – The Quigley Formula
The WWI Conspiracy
James Ellroy’s “American Tabloid” – FLNWO #40
Anatomy of the New World Order (James Corbett on The Mind Renewed)
Episode 062 – 9/11 Truth in Japan
Understanding Lennon & McCartney (documentary series)
Pop Goes The 60s (Youtube Channel)
Aesop’s Fables – FLNWO #42

The Black Vault | The Coming 2021 UAP/UFO Report: A Historical Perspective | March 23, 2021

Source: theblackvault.com

Beginning in December of 2017, rumors of a "Secret Pentagon UFO Study" was reported by the mainstream media. The result was an avalanche of UFO stories throughout the next couple of years; each one increasing the hope that Disclosure of some sort of alien existence, was about to become reality.

As a result, Congress wanted answers.

Now? They will get them from the intelligence community in mid 2021. But will it all be public knowledge, or just something for our elected leaders behind closed doors?

And what, if anything, will be revealed?

It may just be that the 1960s foreshadowed what might expect. But, is that a good thing? Stay tuned -- you're about to journey inside The Black Vault.

Show Notes:
Gerald Ford Presidential Library UFO Documents
The Road to a Congressional UFO Hearing, 1960’s Style
Hearings Before and Special Reports Made by Committee on Armed Services of the House of Representatives on Subjects Affecting the Naval and Military Establishments, 1966 (Full Congressional Hearing Transcript)
Here Are The Navy Pilot Reports From Encounters With Mysterious Aircraft Off The East Coast

Linda Moulton Howe | Two brothers taken into UFO craft | March 24, 2021

Source: earthfiles.com

Looking forward to Summer Equinox on June 21 and the 180 day countdown to government disclosure.

March 19, 2021 - Fox TV interview with former DNI under Trump
- “some of these are unexplained phenomenon”
- UAPs… “engage in actions that are hard to explain”
- “we do not have the technology for”

Space news
- original piece of Wright brothers’ plane is inside Perseverance rover helicopter.
- helicopter set to begin initial flights

Strange sounds from the sky
- email from witnesses around the USA.

Crook Country animal death investigations
- new cattle mutilations in Prineville

How to tall blond Nordics relate to greys, reptilians?

Interview with 29-year old “Tyler Jones” from Gadesden, Alabama

- interview on November 15, 2012
- history of genetic manipulation of DNA by extra-terrestrial
- “they inhabit 2 galaxies”
- “there wasn’t even tracks”
- “my stepfather saw lights”..in the sky.
- “the lights would come before the mutilations”
- “blond hair, blue eyes..that took me and my brother”
- “around 7 feet tall”
- “time stopped…I hear a voice in my head…he was showing me his memories”
- “some type of floating, mining machines”
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