E.A. James Swagger on OffPlanet Radio | Archeo-Acoustics and Ancient Altered Consciousness, March 6, 2013

Source: offplanetradio.com, jamesswagger.com, newgrangecosmology.com

James Swagger trained as a Systems Analyst in the energy industry. He has a taught Masters degree in engineering, a Bachelors degree in Physics with astronomy, and a Masters degree in Science, Research and Society. Initially James Swagger sought out the megalithic monuments of Western Europe in his spare time travelling around the UK, Ireland, and Denmark. His embrace of a multidisciplinary approach to the research of megalithic sites, and the larger view of passage grave cosmology produced his first book, -The Newgrange Sirius Mystery: Linking Passage Grave Cosmology with Dogon Symbology-.

We discuss his current explorations in astro-archeology which includes upcoming travel to the world's oldest megalithic site, Gobecki Tepli; and his latest stream of inquiry: 'The Newgrange Acoustics Mystery: Linking Passage Grave Acoustics with Dogon Mythology'. -OffPlanetradio.com

CIA Black Ops, Mind Control, MK-Ultra, New Phoenix Project, Organized Stalking, Monarch

Source: FansFiltration youtube

Max Igan | Good and Evil, Freedom and Slavery, Love and Fear, March 8, 2013

Source: thecrowhouse.com

Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - March 8th, 2013

PROPAGANDA | North Korea Documentary Film, Presented By The Coming Crisis

Source: comingcrisisvideos youtube

Description: PROPAGANDA (2012) is a documentary film purportedly smuggled out of North Korea and focused upon analyzing and attacking the use of propaganda in the West to control its citizens. The Coming Crisis presents it here in its entirety. Viewer discretion is definitely advised.

Propaganda: The fake North Korean documentary that fooled the world

In Summer 2012 New Zealand filmmakers released a 'North Korean' propaganda film attacking western media. Many, however, believe the film to be genuine, throwing the lives of the cast and crew into turmoil.

Josh Reeves | The Lost Secrets of Ancient America, March 7, 2013

Source: redicecreations.com, theglobalreality.com

March 7, 2013–Josh Reeves is a Dallas, Texas-based researcher, filmmaker, and radio talk show host. He has made several documentaries and mini-docs, his latest being The Lost Secrets of Ancient America. Josh will discuss the ancient wall in Rockwall, Texas and who the ancient and mysterious peoples, who inhabited the Americas long before the rise of colonial America or Natives might have been.

We’ll talk about mysterious mounds in various states, similar myths, giant skeletons and the stories surrounding them. Also, we go deeper into the giants myth and discuss the stories of the red haired giants and the savage black haired giants. Josh will also explain diffusionism vs. the isolationist theory, mostly accepted. -Red Ice Creations
download mp3

Sgt. Chuck Sorrells Testimony | Lights Over Edwards AFB, March 8, 2013

Source: SiriusDisclosure.com, disclosureproject.org

Chuck Sorrells is a career Air Force military man who was at Edwards Air Force Base in 1965 when not one, but at least seven UFOs appeared over Edwards Air Force Base airspace, moving in extraordinary fashion at enormous speeds, making right-hand turns and other maneuvers which no known aircraft was capable of at the time. This event lasted for five or six hours.

4MIN News | Tsunami Geography, New Bacteria, Quake Stat Simplification, March 8, 2013

Source: Suspicious0bservers

New Bacteria
Tornado Threats by Month

Dr. Richard Miller | ESP, Mind Control & The New Alchemical

Source: richardalanmiller.com

This is a great lecture by Dr. Richard Miller given at the Nexus Conference in Australia. He is a Former Navy Seal who has worked in numerous amount of projects and speaks about Mind Control that is being implemented on the population through ELF Wave Technology, GMO's, MKULTRA and Media Programming. He also Provides solutions to over come the assault of this New World Paradigm.

Solfeggio Tibetan Bowl & Theta Binaural Beats

Source: JezebelDecibel youtube, unisonicascension.com

An advanced duel Theta 4.25 Hz rate of binaural beats, with an ancient Solfeggio scale. This track has all 12 Solfeggio Hz in various audio forms, such as 8 Solfeggio Tibetan bowl tunings. There is also a Theta isochronic AH pulse FX around 525 Hz. For lucid entrainment support, their is also some low Alpha isochronic white noise. This meditation can be plaid through speakers, but is more powerful listening via stereo headphones. (Level 3)

New World Next Week | Exit Chávez, Torture Crimes, Silent Cardinals, March 7, 2013

Source: NewWorldNextWeek.com, corbettreport.com, mediamonarchy.com

Story #1: Venezuela President Hugo Chavez Dead at 58
Flashback: Hugo Chavez Says US Is Giving South American Leaders Cancer
Hugo Chávez Believed In Reptilians
Can South America Avoid the Globalist Trap?
SourceWatch: American Enterprise Institute

Story #2: U.N. Calls On Obama To Publish Findings On Bush-Era Torture
UN Demands Prosecution Of Bush-Era CIA Crimes
Criminalize War Clubs
Holder Does Not Rule Out Drone Strike Scenario In U.S.
Republicans, Led by Rand Paul, Finally End Filibuster

Story #3: US Cardinals Cancel Press Briefings Ahead Of Papal Conclave At Vatican
Claims Of Corruption Worry Cardinals Seeking Answers On Vatican Dysfunction
Pope Will Have Security, Immunity By Remaining In The Vatican
Ground Zero: Path Of The Unworthy

GRTV | How the Markets Are Manipulated, March 6, 2013

Source: corbettreport.com, GRTV.ca

As the major stock indices hit new record highs, many are left wondering how such a bull market can develop while the average worker faces layoffs, lower wages and rising costs. The answer presents itself in the documented, admitted and openly acknowledged manipulations of the markets by governments, central bankers, and institutional banks. This is the GRTV Backgrounder on Global Research TV. -James Corbett
Transcript & Sources corbettreport.com

4MIN News | Ice Age, Methane, Spaceweather, March 6, 2013

Source: Suspicious0bservers

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