Grant Cameron | Whistleblowers and Disclosure: Government Influence | FADE To BLACK with Jimmy Church | Aug. 1, 2017


This show was one of the most explosive and intense on the subject that we've ever broadcast... so much so that our network feed started to get interference at the 90 minute mark...which lasted about 45 minutes...shutting down the feed completely 3 times...but our backup systems kicked in and we had everything recorded...8 minutes of the show were the 90-98 minute mark. The 45 minutes of interference during the broadcast were saved and are presented here for the first time.

Grant Cameron has been a UFO researcher since 1975, and was recognized as both the Leeds Conference International Researcher of the Year and the UFO Congress Researcher of the Year. He is a world-renowned expert on UFOs, conspiracies, government cover-ups, and has spent decades watching and chronicling developments around extraterrestrial contact. He is the author of Charlie Red Star.

Tonight we are going to discuss government influence with ‘whistle-blowers’, ‘insiders’ and groups that deal with the UFOs and disclosure in modern ufology.

Interview start: 31:45 min.

Jim Marrs | December 5, 1943 - August 2, 2017

Godspeed Jim, you will be missed but not forgotten. RIP.


Dane Wigington | Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News | July 29, 2017


These are indeed strange days on planet Earth. From perpetual war that is spawned, fueled and funded by the military industrial complex to mandatory toxic vaccinations, intentionally poisoning water (with fluoride), catastrophically destructive climate engineering, and so much more, the circus of insanity is accelerating. It is difficult to comprehend the apathy and near total willful blindness of so many populations. Will total collapse be the only means by which the masses can be awakened?

If populations can learn to look past the media and power structure orchestrated political theater of the absurd, they will begin to see and comprehend the bigger picture. Those who are already awake are desperately needed to assist with the critical effort of educating the (so far) willfully uninformed, every day counts.

Nick Redfern | The Paranormal of Cryptozoology & Alternative Roswell | July 31, 2017


Nicholas "Nick" Redfern, born 1964 in Pelsall, Walsall, Staffordshire, is a British best-selling author, Ufologist and Cryptozoologist now living in Dallas, Texas, United States.

Redfern is an active advocate of official government disclosure of UFO information, and has worked to uncover thousands of pages of previously classified Royal Air Force, Air Ministry and Ministry of Defence files on unidentified flying objects (UFOs) dating from the Second World War from the Public Record Office and currently[when?] works as a feature writer and contributing editor for Phenomena magazine.

Max Igan | Some Truths You Probably Don't Really Want to Hear | July 28, 2017


Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - July 28th, 2017.

S0 News | Sun Erupts Again, Sunspot Return Anticipated | July 28, 2017


Joseph Farrell | Antarctica Atlantis! Edgar Cayce Poseidian Fire Crystal | Dark Journalist | July 28, 2017


In this fascinating part 2 episode. Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes back Oxford Scholar Dr. Joseph Farrell to analyze the strange history and the recent peculiar happenings around the mysterious icy continent of Antarctica.

The possibility that Antarctica once formed a part of Atlantis in ancient times is explored, along with the idea that a pole shift took place 12,000 years ago and may be responsible for its current position on the globe. Edgar Cayce’s unique vision of the enigmatic Atlantean ‘Mighty, Terrible Fire Crystal’ or 'Tuaoi Stone’ which powered the lost civilization is theorized as being the cause for the destruction and inundation of Atlantis.

Cayce’s High Technology Version of Atlantis
While many esoteric traditions embrace the concept of a root culture that rose to great heights and destroyed itself, Cayce’s unique version of Atlantis had them located on the heart of the Atlantic Ocean and fully equipped with Advanced Technology, Flying Ships, Solar Power Stations, Laser Weapons, and Age Rejuvenation Centers. He saw two major groups vying for power: the Sons of the Law of One, a spiritually advanced race of psychic avatars, and the Sons of Belial, a powerful group of black magic sorcerers and shadowy engineers. The war between these two groups actually set off volcano activity due to misuse of the Fire Crystals and was responsible for splitting the continent into three islands between Florida on one side and Spain on the other.

Eventually the advanced members of the Law of One group survived founded the Ancient Egyptian and Mayan civilizations and were responsible for the cultural pyramid building as a way to preserve their ancestral memory. With the latest happenings and developments that Dr. Farrell has been tracking since last year, is it possible a small part of this Atlantean group also went to Antarctica?

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | July 27, 2017


...and now it's The Netherlands that is waffling on its central bank gold...

Did The Dutch Central Bank Lie About Its Gold Bar List?

New World Next Week | Employees Getting Microchipped in the US | July 27, 2017


Story #1: China Shuts Down 3,918 Illegal Websites in Second Quarter
China’s Online Media Purification Drive Is Changing Millennials’ Lifestyle
China Force-Installing Spyware Onto Muslim Citizens' Phones, To Monitor Them
Morning Monarchy: China Shuts Down 3,918 Illegal Websites in Second Quarter // China’s Online Media Purification Drive Is Changing Millennials’ Lifestyle
Good News, Chinese Citizens! Law-Abiding Companies, Individuals Can Still Use VPNs
NWNW Flashback: China's Leading Search Engine to Require Real-Name Registration for Its Services (May 25, 2017)

Story #2: 32M Becomes the First U.S. Company to Implant RFID Chips in Employees’ Hands
Flashback: Clubbers Choose Chip Implants To Jump Queues (May 21, 2004)
Flashback: California Bans Forced RFID Tagging of Humans (Oct. 17, 2007)
Flashback: Microchips Will Be Implanted Into Healthy People Sooner Than You Think (Aug. 8, 2014)
Flashback: Happier, More Productive…Would Tagging Your Workforce Transform Your Business? (Dec. 4, 2014)
Flashback: Swedish Office Puts Chips Under Staff's Skin (Jan. 29, 2015)
Flashback: Companies Start Implanting Microchips Into Workers' Bodies (Apr. 3, 2017)
NBC Prediction That We Will All Have an RFID Chip Under Our Skin by 2017
Tennessee Jails Offer Inmates Shorter Sentences In Exchange For Sterilization

Story #3: Toronto Man Builds Park Stairs for $550 After City Gives $65,000 Estimate
City of Toronto Tears Down Handyman's Park Stairs
“It’s Amazing!”: Toronto Replaces Stairs at Etobicoke Park
Anarchists Fixing Potholes On Portland Streets
DARPA Announces $65 Million in Funding to Make CRISPR Gene Editing 'Safer and More Effective'
NWNW Flashback: CRISPR Gene Editing Can Cause Hundreds Of Unintended Mutations (Jun. 22, 2017)

James Corbett | Bracing For "Cyber 9/11" | Press for Truth | July 24, 2017

Source: Press for Truth on twitter,

The global war on terror has entered the digital age and it's no longer a question of if there will be an attack on the world wide web but when!

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth speaks with James Corbett of The Corbett Report about what a possible cyber attack scenario might look like, who the perpetrators are likely to be, who the scapegoat will be to take the fall and most importantly what we all can do about it BEFORE it happens. -Press for Truth

To learn more about the coming cyberterror false flag attack read "Bracing For Cyber 911 by James Corbett"

Gary McKinnon MUFON Symposium 2017

Source:, Gary McKinnon youtube

Speaking to MUFON LV over Skype 22.07.2017. I had to speak quickly because they were running over time. Full event available at -Gary McKinnon

Jeremy Corbell | UFOs as a Clockwork Orange | Somewhere In The Skies with Ryan Sprague | July 16, 2017


On episode 14 of SOMEWHERE IN THE SKIES, Ryan first reads an email from Tommy, a listener out of Fife, Scotland. Tommy recounts perhaps one of the strangest UFO encounters Ryan's ever come across. So strange in fact, that it seems as though something truly trickster-like was at play. Whatever Tommy saw, it seemed as though it were some sort of performance or display played out before his innocent eyes.

This bleeds into the interview this week with filmmaker, Jeremy Corbell. Jeremy speaks of his recent experiences at Contact in the Desert, including introducing UFO researchers, Linda Moulton Howe and Jacques Vallée. Jeremy then dives deep into his own presentation, 'UFOs are a Clockwork Orange.' Could the UFO phenomenon be some sort of display set forth by an advanced artificial intelligence?

Could the machines or objects we see somewhere in the skies be a projection whose source lay somewhere in time and space? And if so, are we truly helpless against its playful agenda? The conversation then moves into a shocking film of Jeremy's called 'Patient Seventeen', in which a surgeon claims to remove highly advanced implants which could represent nanotechnology microchips, supposedly embedded by aliens. We then move into Jeremy's current work with investigative news reporter, George Knapp, on the infamous Skinwalker Ranch. It was a vast and deeply compelling conversation in which Jeremy Corbell hopes to weaponize your curiosity.

Guest Bio: Jeremy Corbell is an American contemporary artist and investigative filmmaker based in Los Angeles, California. He's has been deep in the trenches documenting extraordinary individuals and their belief systems. This research has taken him into the worlds of nanotechnology, advanced aerospace exploration, exotic propulsion systems, as well as, an in-depth examination into the life and discoveries of the enigmatic “Godfather of Conspiracy” John Lear.

Corbell has documented the surgical removal of alleged off-world alien implants, and with access to NASA, he has filmed the analysis of anomalous materials alleged to be physical evidence of extraterrestrial nanotechnology from UFO landing sites. Corbell has obtained death-bed confessions from former CIA and government intelligence officials, who claim to expose the truth about the UFO reality and the worldwide coverup of the ultimate truth. He has deeply investigated the Bob Lazar UFO case, and all the individuals associated with his claims. Corbell’s film work reveals how ideas, held by credible individuals, can alter the way we experience reality, and force us to reconsider the fabric of our own beliefs. To learn more, visit:
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