Duncan O'Finioan | Rogue Warrior

Source: exotica-radio.com

September 3, 2010–Project Talent was one of hundreds of programs run under the CIA's MKUltra Progam from the 1950s to (allegedly) the 1970s. Targeting young children in both the U.S. and Canada with special, generational abilities; testing and then taking them to secret laboratories where they were physically altered, trained and conditioned; then tortured to produced a "blank" psychopathic alternate personality to be used as a psychic warrior in the battlefields around the planet.

Taken at age six, Duncan was barely a teen when he was deployed into Southeast Asia as part of a group of human weapons, used to psychically destroy the genetically targeted Khmer Rouge under seige conditions. He would continue to be activated for missions involving espionage, military ops, and assassinations...until the "program" suddenly imploded.

Following an automobile "accident", the chip in Duncan's skull was accidentally fried in an MRI machine. The result was a rupture of the partitions of multiple personalities which to this day are emerging---and merging into Duncan O'Finioan's own consciousness.

Today it is believed that only 20 survivors are still alive of these first generation "Omega" warriors. They live now to tell their story of the brutal abuse of young children, the secret wars conducted by an elite coalition of powerful world leaders, and the plans to unleash an army of psychic, genetically altered super-warriors upon the planet. The soldiers have other plans...to expose the plan and topple the "pyramid" of power before the powers-that-would be (and their ET partners) can enslave and harvest humanity.

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