Climate: The Movie (The Cold Truth) ENG/ DE UT | 2024

Source: The Climate Movie

Following on from his 2007 documentary The Great Global Warming Swindle Martin Durkin presents his new film which includes interviews with Nobel prize winning physicists amongst whom are John Clauser, who really doesn't pull any punches in his disdain for what the scientific community presents as a scientific "consensus" but clearly is really rather a grand deception.

Of course there is also the appalling mobbing and hounding that some, if not all these here, have been subject to for taking a position that counters the lie of CO2 driven "climate change".

Here is a good synopsis from a Mark Mallett:

This new film is a fresh breath of truth. Climate: The Movie is a brilliant and crucial summary of the global power grab through the levers of “pandemics” and “climate change.

Eminent scientists speak out in this powerful and gripping documentary on The Big Lie that the world is on the brink of extinction due to carbon dioxide. Using geological and meteorological data, first-hand testimony, and a long view of history, Climate: The Movie exposes the dangerous ideology that has departed from science and is corralling humanity into what can rightly be called “Communism with a green hat.” Fortunately, Martin Durkin’s exposé also addresses the impacts of the climate change narrative on the poor and how it is not “global warming” but this ideology that is keeping them in poverty. 

Do enjoy - it really is very good.

Joseph P. Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Mar. 21, 2024


What's going on in the US NAvy? Joseph suspects there is an ongoing purge in the officer corps... but there are various reasons for it, and they might all be working in tandem:

Navy Fires Commander of USS Ohio -- 3rd Submarine Skipper Relieved in 7 Months

Max Igan | Mind Controlling The Masses | Mar. 21, 2024


The Corbett Report | Burn, Hollywood, Burn! with Irina Slav | Mar. 20, 2024


Today energy market analyst and fiction writer Irina Slav join us to discuss her recent article, "Burn, Hollywood, Burn!" We discuss the shady, well-funded groups that are working to insert climate propaganda into more and more Hollywood programming and how the clumsy, ham-handed sermonizing of the climate doomsayers is likely to fall flat with the public.

Show Notes:

Andrei Martyanov | Putin's Victory and The Global Paradigm Shift | Mar. 20, 2024

Source: Fiorella Isabel youtube

I have a long chat with author and military analyst Andrei Martyanov on Putin's recent victory, the state of the Ukraine war, multipolarity, global conflicts, Russia's modern political structure, where the US/WEST are going, and where Russia is going.

"Infectious Replicatable Defective means a weapon." Dr. David Martin COVID 2023 Int'l COVID SUMMIT

"Pfizer 1990--the very first spike protein vaccine for corona virus--isn't that fascinating? That we were told the spike protein is a new thing that we just found out...filed the first patents for coronavirus in 1990."

"Most of you don't know that coronavirus as a model of a pathogen was first isolated in 1965. Coronavirus was identified, in 1965, as one of the first infectious, replicatable viral models that could be used to modify a series of other experiences as a human 1966, the very first COV coronavirus model, was used as a transatlantic biological experiment in the human population."

"But then we had an interesting development in 2002, and this date is most important--because in 2002 the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill patented, and I quote, "an infectious replicatable defective clone of coronavirus". Listen to those words: infectious replicatable defective. For those not familiar with (the) language, let me unpack that for you: 'infectious replicatable defective' means a weapon."

The Corbett Report | Guerrilla Marketing – #SolutionsWatch | Mar. 19, 2024


Between fighting the online censors and fighting to break through the wall of noise distracting the average smartphone zombie, it’s getting harder and harder for activists and infowarriors to reach people online with real news and information. So, what can people do in the real world to gain attention and get the word out about important events? From postcards to trash can fliers to good old fashioned homemade signs, join James for this week’s Solutions Watch as he explores the exciting world of guerrilla marketing.

Show Notes: 

Dark Journalist | Kona Blue UFO File vs. Blue Enigma Code Revealed! | Mar. 16, 2024


Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt goes deep on KONA BLUE, a UFO program he revealed last year and that the Government just recently admitted exists. DJ will reveal the steganography of the KONA code and Blue Enigma Space Mystery and how it relates to the secret development of X-Technology!
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