Robert Schoch | The Solar Induced Dark Age | Aug. 29, 2018


The archaeological site of Gobekli Tepe in Southeastern Turkey is evidence of an advanced civilization that existed before the end of the last ice age which ended suddenly in 9,700 BC due to cataclysmic solar events that rained havoc on the earth.

The beautifully carved stone pillars unearthed at Gobekli Tepe were oriented toward the Pleiades, Taurus, and the constellation Orion. Above and underground rock shelters in the Cappadocia region of Turkey are estimated to have at one time each sheltered tens of thousands of people and small animals.

Easter Island in the South Pacific also reveals evidence of catastrophic solar events on petroglyphs - stone carvings depicting powerful plasma events in the skies that ended the last ice age. Stone bunkers built on Easter Island would have given shelter. The Easter Island Rongorongo glyphs depict what resembles plasma discharges that would have been seen in the sky. A 6,000 year dark age ensued which Robert Schoch refers to as the Solar Induced Dark Age.
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