MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL

Source: After Skool youtube

AfterSchool Presentations teams up with Academy of Ideas to bring this well presented and thought provoking video explaining the Mass Psychosis of almost an entire worlds population and how it was possible...

Key points: 
-Jung’s theory of Psychic Epidemics causing Mass Psychosis.
An epidemic of insanity that occurs when a large section of society looses touch with reality and descends into delusions.

(Such previously seen in the witch trials of the 1600-1700s, where whole towns of women where murdered for nothing other than being accused and feared of being witches)
When a mass psychosis breaks out, the implications are devastating.
Crimes being committed that those under psychosis would normally never stand for are overlooked and those committing the crimes are revered rather than feared.

What causes a Mass Psychosis
Psychogenic triggers are caused by a flood of negative emotions such as fear or anxiety, driving an individual into a state of panic. While in this state, an individual will naturally seek relief.
Escaping this state can be achieved by adaptive means such as facing upto or defeating the fear or threat, or through a psychotic break.
The flood of mass psychosis can occur between a population of people driven into a state of fear from both threats that are real, imagined or fabricated.

Mass Psychosis of Totalitarianism is this period is history’s greatest threat
The social transformation that unfolds under totalitarianism is built on delusions.

Menticide, a killing of the mind
Priming a population for the crimes of Menticide begins with the sowing of fear.
Individuals are flooded with negative emotions such as fear and anxiety. They are then susceptible to the decent into madness by threats, whether they be real, imagers or fabricated.

Waves of terror
This is a very effective technique that stages of fear are staggered with stages of calm. Each period of calm builds upto an even bigger wave of fear.

Fear primes the population for Menticide. Wide spread propaganda to spread more fear and disinformation promotes confusion, helping to break down the minds of the masses.

“Confusion heightens the susceptibility of a descent into the delusions of totalitarianism. While the people are still searching for a reasonable counter argument to the first lie, the totalitarians can assault them with another’ ~Joost Meerloo

Social media, internet, television and media give the totalitarian rulers a perfect way to access and assault the minds of the masses.
Flooding them with fear whilst using algorithms to keep any genuine information that goes against their narrative hidden.

‘Technology makes modern man addicted and takes no time to step back and reflect. Senses are continuously overloaded with stimuli, man does not learn to question his world anymore’ ~Joost Meerloo

Interrupting normal social interactions, an individual becomes far more susceptible to delusions for several reasons.

Humans are more easily pushed into new patterns of thought and easily reconditioned while isolated. Especially whilst isolated away from those with an anti Menticidal mind set.

A population alone and under the control of a menticide by a controlling elite descends them into a state of being able to think for themselves and craving a return to a more normal world. The would be totalitarians can now step forward to offer a way out...
But the way out comes at a price, give you your freedoms and cede control of all aspects of life to them.

How can totalitarianism be prevented?
Can the effects of a mass psychosis be reversed?
So as the menticide attack is mutlipronged, so must be the counter attack.

Steps to beat the totalitarian regime:
-Bring order to your own mind.
-Live in a way that provides inspiration to others.
-Seek out other Redeemer Personalities, the ones who emancipate themselves from the grip of the collective psychosis.
-Spread truth and information
-Use humour to ridicule those inflicting totalitarian control
-Live and set up a Parallel Structure

Any forms of organisation, business, network or institution that exists within a totalitarian society, yet lives and functions independently from it is a parallel structure.
They are far more successful in combating totalitarian structures than protesting.
When enough alternate parallel structures form, a secondary society spontaneously forms and starts a process of freedom against totalitarianism.

Action by as many people as possible
“Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered. Yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph” ~Thomas Paine

Special thanks to Sérénité for the description.
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