Dane Wigington | Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News | June 15, 2019

Source: GeoengineeringWatch.org

Normalcy bias and apathy continue to rule the day for the majority of populations in first world industrialized militarized nations, most especially the United States. As biosphere and societal collapse accelerate, few are yet willing to face or acknowledge what is unfolding on the wider horizon. How much longer can mainstream media propaganda maintain the facade of normalcy? Can populations be awakened in time to make a difference?

The challenges we collectively face are immense, but not yet impossible to alter in the right direction. All who are awake and aware are needed in the desperate effort to fully expose the atrocities in our skies and on countless other fronts. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard, make every day count. -GeoengineeringWatch.org

Jay Dyer & Primal Edge Health | The Final Revolution of the Elite | June 16, 2019

Source: jaysanalysis.com, primaledgehealth.com

Club of Rome and the climate agenda analyzed and how it relates to the new social engineering around diet and the rise of mandated veganic cultism. The climate agenda and the diet agenda are all connected, especially when we consider the inside connections revealed by the Dr. Day tapes or my globalism books series. We know documents like the Tavistock Institute and Changing Images of Man influenced this realm, but we cannot forget the Club of Rome’s First Global Revolution work.

Steven & Kiersten Sedlmayr | What You Need to Know about Your Drinking Water | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio

Source: veritasradio.com, DiviniaWater.com, startengine.com/diviniawater

Water is the most precious resource on the planet, yet water everywhere is contaminated. Originating from polluted sources, bottled water is transported across oceans and continents in potentially toxic plastic containers to consumers, while simultaneously contributing to the global crisis of pollution and carbon emissions. Recently, the World Health Organization released a study revealing 98% of all bottled waters contain microplastics.

The greatest conspiracy right now to people on the face of the Earth is the drinking water that they're drinking. They cannot tell people that they're drinking opium-laced, arsenic-laced, lead-laced, radioactive water in the cities. You cannot tell the people that the water that they're drinking is contaminated and expect to maintain control and to be able to push your agenda. It is the greatest conspiracy going.

More than 15 years of work experience as employee of "Fortune 200" size corporations and more than 25 years as an entrepreneur founder with three start-up companies to his credit. Took a startup company with $5 million initial investment to NASDAQ with a peak market cap of over $120 million. Consults to major Fortune 50 companies on technology and strategic planning.

He holds 24 U.S. patents, and at least 24 U.S. patents are in application stages. This has generated over $20 million in invention technology licensing and fees. Youngest recipient of a National Science Foundation grant when he received it. Forefather of HDTV

James Bacque | Scapegoating Germany | Guns & Butter | June 12, 2019

Source: gunsandbutter.org, jamesbacque.com

James Bacque discusses his in-depth research into the fate of the many millions of German citizens who went missing or died from intentional starvation after the end of World War Two, detailed in his second book on post-war Germany, Crimes and Mercies – The Fate of German Civilians Under Allied Occupation 1944 to 1950;

Potsdam Protocol the formal declaration of intent to destroy Germans and Germany; the forced expulsion of 15 million Germans as starving, penniless refugees from their ancestral lands in Germany’s eastern provinces; Germany loses one third of her pre-war territory; Marshall Plan a fraud; Herbert Hoover and others’ humanitarian efforts stave off famine worldwide; Britain plotting the destruction of Germany since 1895; human rights denied to all Germans. -gunsandbutter.org

S0 News | NASA Surprise Solar Forecast, Weather Disaster | June 17, 2019

Source: Suspicious0bservers.org

Max Igan | The Definitive Interview - June 2019

Source: thecrowhouse.com

Unfortunately not enough time to record a radio show this week but in its stead, I thought I would share this recent interview which I personally consider may well be one of the most important interviews I have ever done. Recorded June 10th, 2019 ...Please wake up. -Max Igan

Red Ice TV | Flashback Friday | US-Iran Conflict, FB's Hate Agent Label & YouTube Videos: a Health Crisis

Source: redice.tv

** Starts at 8:30 **

Henrik and guest host Angelo John Gage discuss the latest news and important stories from the week. Tune in live.

Stories covered:
* US blames Iran for oil tanker explosions
* Harriet Tubman $20 bill mockup ready
* Koch Brothers Team Up With George Soros
* Facebook’s Process to Label You a ‘Hate Agent’ Revealed
* James Damore wins Google discrimination lawsuit
* Watching non-conformist YouTube videos is a health crisis according to e-celeb Caleb Cain
* NYTimes feed people lies, favors communism
* HBO cancels Vice News Tonight
* Operation “Broken Heart” 1700 Pedophiles arrested
* How NeoCon Billionaire Paul Singer Is Driving the Outsourcing of US Tech Jobs to Israel
* Female Swedish Police can not reload machine gun, Fail Gun Training "arms too weak"
* Newcomers from Congo in San Antonio, TX: Ebola Scare ensues

Jeff Rense & David Icke | The AI Takeover And The Subjugation Of Humanity | June 12, 2019

Source: Rense.com, davidicke.com

This Jeff Rense Program Hour Is from 06-12-19 with Guest David Icke.

Richard Dolan | The Wilson Leak: Latest Developments | June 15, 2019

Source: richarddolanpress.com

The leak of a 15-page note by Dr. Eric Davis of his 2002 meeting with Vice Admiral Thomas Wilson represents the most significant UFO leak of the 21st Century. Richard Dolan has new information regarding the source of the leak. He also analyzes the overall scenario of how the meeting took place and the current denials and no-comments offered by certain parties.

The Wilson Leak: Latest Developments

Keith Basterfield's current blog piece: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena - scientific research

Dark Journalist | To The Stars TTSA CIA UFO Disclosure Cult! Special Report! | June 15, 2019

Source: darkjournalist.com

The Corbett Report | Language is a Weapon | June 14, 2019

Source: corbettreport.com

"In our time it is broadly true that political writing is bad writing" wrote George Orwell 70 years ago, and the observation remains true today. But bad writing is not just bad writing; the language employed by politicians (and their string pullers) can literally be a matter of life and death. Join James today on the podcast as he delves into the tyrants' linguistic weapons and how we can arm ourselves against them.

Show Notes:
Politics and the English Language, by George Orwell (text)
Politics and the English Language, by George Orwell (video)
Corbett Report Radio 186 – Politics and Language with Andrew Gavin Marshall
“Enemy Combatants” and drone killings
The Tyranny of Words by Stuart Chase
Episode 350 – History Is Written By The Winners
The WWI Conspiracy
re:publica 2012 – Rick Falkvinge – Working swarm-wise
Swarmwise by Rick Falkvinge

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | June 13, 2019

Source: gizadeathstar.com

Suspected toropedo attacks on tankers in the Persian Gulf...but there's much to ponder here:
US blames Iran for suspected ‘tanker attacks’, Iran denies responsibility

Joseph Has a few speculations on who may be behind the incidents, and these articles may prove helpful in that respect:

In Florida, It is Now HIGHLY ILLEGAL to Say 'Jews Control Hollywood'
DeSantis, Florida Cabinet’s trip to Israel will include top-tier lobbyists, academics
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