Linda Moulton Howe | Alien presences on Earth, the moon and beyond | Feb. 10, 2021


The extraterrestrial Grey-human hybrid “Betty” returned eleven weeks ago on November 19, 2020, to communicate again in person with attorney Terry Lovelace before the release of his second book, Devil’s Den: The Reckoning. Telepathically, Betty expressed concern about the future of Earth humans as she confirmed the existence of a secret space program already based on the moon, Mars and beyond.

COVID-19 update
- over 40 million vaccine doses administered so far
- UK Kent mutation spreading rapidly, doubling every 10 days.
- 98% of mutations in USA have been B.1.1.7. variant
- 27,897,214 cases & 483,200 deaths to date.

Japanese scientists to study source of high heat on asteroid from samples takes by Hayabusa probe

Interview with Terry Lovelace, attorney and author
- visited in the middle of the night on October 2017 and November 2020 by “ashen” human hybrid named “Betty”.
- She said, “On February 1st, the world will change…”
- “the moon was a hollow vessel…it had been placed in the orbit”
- “aliens are her hosts…her job is an intermediary”
- “facing the dark side of the moon…I saw a free flying disc…there were towers and building”
- “Betty” was pointing out a mining operation on the moon.
- “big sprawling collection of buildings…” on the back side of the moon
- “my hosts also reside here…on the moon”
- “subterrainean residents are reptilian”
- “reptilian entities feed on blood from cattle…your government has a treaty…the Eisenhower Accord”

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