Linda Moulton Howe | American Airlines flight 2292 encounters mystery object | Feb. 24, 2021



NASA Mars Perseverance rover lands on Mars on Thursday, February 18, 2021
- Set to look for microbial love in Jezero Crate
- NASA hoping to return samples to Earth one day

COVID-19 updates
- President Biden conducts candlelight ceremony to commemorate over 500,000 US deaths to date
- CDC advising to keep wearing masks thought 2021

American Airlines flight 2292 reported UFO at over 36,000 feet near Des Moines, New Mexico
- Flight originate in Cincinnati, flying to Phoenix
- Steven Douglass picked up broadcast in Albuquerque
- Reported on​
- “Looking light a cruise missile…moving really fast”
- “encounter with unknown flying object”
- Interview with Steven Douglass
- “As if the air traffic control…did not now how to answer this”
- “the FAA gets involved.. that’s a major headache”
- “a very strange call”
- “I’ve heard several incidents like this”
- American Airlines not denying possible UFO spotting
- Fox News confirmed radio transmission is authentic
- “Following a debrief…this radio transmission was from American Airlines flight 2292…for additional information reach out to the FBI”
- FAA spokesperson: “A pilot reported seeing an object…FAA air traffic controllers did not see any object in the area on their scopes”

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