Linda Moulton Howe | Did President Eisenhower Do A Treaty with These Grey Biological E.T.s? | June 22, 2022



Topics: Did President Eisenhower Do A Treaty with These Grey Biological E.T.s? 

More from Linda’s source

Mystery of “Blue Eisenhower November” and OPRP
- Nemesis Protocol
- “time travel… the greatest threat to humanity”
- March 20, 2022 episode on Trantaloids
- Trantaloids are hostile, with ability to manipulate timelines
- “1,000 years more advanced than ours…maybe more”
- “Temporal technology exists and is used almost exclusively by the Trantaloid insect species”

Eisenhower’s knowledge of ETS described by Philip J Corso in “The Day After Roswell”
- Eisenhower knew all about gov’t investigations
- rumours that Eisenhower had treaties with ETs
- “tall greys are mining for helium 3 on the moon”
- Manipulation of our climate to make it livable to Trantaloids
- “humans are being abducted”
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