"Infectious Replicatable Defective means a weapon." Dr. David Martin COVID 2023 Int'l COVID SUMMIT

"Pfizer 1990--the very first spike protein vaccine for corona virus--isn't that fascinating? That we were told the spike protein is a new thing that we just found out...filed the first patents for coronavirus in 1990."

"Most of you don't know that coronavirus as a model of a pathogen was first isolated in 1965. Coronavirus was identified, in 1965, as one of the first infectious, replicatable viral models that could be used to modify a series of other experiences as a human condition...in 1966, the very first COV coronavirus model, was used as a transatlantic biological experiment in the human population."

"But then we had an interesting development in 2002, and this date is most important--because in 2002 the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill patented, and I quote, "an infectious replicatable defective clone of coronavirus". Listen to those words: infectious replicatable defective. For those not familiar with (the) language, let me unpack that for you: 'infectious replicatable defective' means a weapon."
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