Showing posts with label Abduction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Abduction. Show all posts

A scientist's own alien abduction encounters with author Bruce Rapuano, PH.D | UAP Studies Podcast | May 6, 2024

Source: UAP Studies Podcast 

A Scientist's Alien Abduction Encounters with Bruce Rapuano, Ph.D.

In this episode of UAP STUDIES, we welcome renowned scientist Dr. Bruce Rapuano, author of the book "Dominion Lost: A Scientist's Own Alien Abduction Encounters." As a mainstream American scientist, Rapuano's perspective on the UFO phenomenon and alien abductions offers a rare and credible first-hand account.

Rapuano's Firsthand Experiences

Dominion Lost is Rapuano's narrative of encounters with UFOs and alien abductions. The book, available in both an unabridged Kindle version and an abridged print edition on Amazon, delves deep into all aspects of the abduction issue without any "fluff. A Scientist's Perspective on the UFO Phenomenon

As a credible scientific source, Rapuano's account provides some perspective on a topic often shrouded in speculation and false sensationalism. His book is a level-headed and thoroughly researched exploration of the UFO phenomenon, drawing on his extensive scientific expertise and firsthand personal experiences.

“I was taken on board an ALIEN spacecraft and what they told me SHOCKED ME to my core” | Redacted | Mar. 25, 2024

Source: Redacted youtube

Our next guest took many years to come forward and talk about what he's about to talk about on our show. Aaron Schultz says he was abducted by non-human creatures multiple times over the course a few years when he was child.

Jesse Michels | EW UFO Proof Shocks Jake Paul, Alien Bodies Found, The Truth On David Grusch | Nov. 16, 2023

Source: Jacke Paul youtube

Jake Paul, Jesse Michels and Aubrey Marcus dive deep into the fascinating world of UFOs and alien encounters and the implications they have on our society, technology, and even religion. They also discuss the testimony of high-ranking intelligence officer David Grusch, who blew the whistle on the US government's secret UFO programs and their possession of crafts of unknown origin.

00:00 - Intro
01:39 - How Jesse Michaels got into UFOs
16:55 - History of the world in the context of UFOs
19:00 - The Government HIDING UFOs
29:35 - Conspiracy theories and disinformation: Uncovering the Truth
33:27 - The Hunt for Zero Point: Investigative Journey
38:06 - The SECRECY of UFOs
44:14 - ATIP program: Government UFO Investigation
50:05 - Changing from UFOs to UAPs
54:07 - Do you believe in ghosts?
54:43 - DMT as a window into an objective reality
1:02:37 - Mind over matter: Power of the Mind
1:04:55 - The Scientific understanding of DMT
1:08:50 - Aubrey’s ABDUCTION experience
1:17:45 - Aliens are FUTURE humans?!
1:32:12 - The Philosophical Exploration of Time
1:40:01 - The Ghost of Jake Paul’s past
1:44:14 - Exploring the Downsides of Psychedelics
1:54:07 - Therapeutic Potential with Psychedelics
1:56:57 - OUTRO

Linda Moulton Howe | After UFO Encounters, What Are Mysterious Implants in Human Bodies? | May 4, 2022


Topics: After UFO Encounters, What Are Mysterious Implants in Human Bodies?

Upcoming ESO Press Conference Thursday May 12
- “Press conference at ESO on groundbreaking Milky Way results from the Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration”
- “Pioneering and groundbreaking news”

Mysterious Implants

Interview with Whitley Strieber
- “a faint sulphurous odor”
- “I could not move”
- “they put this in my ear..without a scar”
- “they’re encased in epidural tissue …we don’t have the technology to do that”
- “meteoric iron…a metallic base…cilia were moving…a very sophisticated thing”
- “it was a big had a horrendous odor”
- “like a hive on genius bees”

Interview with Terry Lovelace
- “anomalous metal object with wires in Terry’s right leg”
- “flower-like object in right leg”
- “she could read my mind”
- “she was a hybrid being”
- “if you talk about these things, your government will kill you”
- “they took the devices out of my legs!”
- “there are people that know everything”
- “to build a civilization on Mars”

Linda Moulton Howe | News updates from high strangeness human abduction encounters linked to UFO/UAPs | July 14, 2021


Thank you so much for being there even when we have re-broadcasts as I get back again into the matter world of airplanes for new documentary production and 14th Season of “Ancient Aliens.” Join me for news updates from high strangeness human abduction encounters linked to UFO/UAPs. 
-Linda Moulton Howe

Linda Moulton Howe | Abductee Tyler Jones Interview Part 2 | March 31, 2021


“Zombie Gene” discovery
- Univ. Of Illinois - Chicago researchers discover some brain cells come alive again after death

180-day countdown report
- Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, Christopher Mellon says “it could be profound and affirmative”
- “I think it’s going o raise a lot of questions”

Part 2 of interview with “Tyler Jones” from Gadesden, Alabama
- “alien machined that levitate in the air…being used to build pyramids”
- “it was Giza”
- “they decided to make another being…mixed it with their DNA”
- greys “were genetically engineered”
- humans “…were their children”
- 7 tall blondes beings met with 12 US officials some time in the 50’s

Chris Bledsoe | Entity Encounters, The Invisible College, & The Lady | Dec. 9, 2020


On January 8th 2007, Chris Bledsoe Sr. came face to face with extraterrestrial beings and had missing time.

While on the banks of the Cape Fear River, Chris, his son Chris Jr. and three of his subcontractors experienced an array of unexplained phenomena, leading them to believe this was the end of the world.

MUFON sent their highest trained team to investigate the encounter, only to attempt to debunk and ridicule the Bledsoe family. Their experience was featured on the Discovery Channel’s 2008 series UFOs Over Earth: The Fayetteville Incident.

This was just the start though, Chris (and his family) have experienced a cornucopia of strange things since that original encounter, including a visitation and prophetic vision from a being he refers to as “The Lady.”

Multiple three letter agencies have been involved with the Bledsoe case, bringing increased attention and mystery to this ever evolving story. He’s also working closely with previous guest, Diana Pasulka.

Chris currently lives in North Carolina with his wife Yvonne and their four adult children residing nearby. He enjoys building projects, gardening, being in service to others utilizing his healing gifts, and traveling with his wife.

Linda Moulton Howe | Part 2 - Interview w/Abductee "John Smith" - Kansas Police Officer, Chat Q&A | Sept. 30, 2020


- Bright flash lights up dark skies over parts of eastern US
- “it remained in the sky for a short time…”
- Keith Libby from Texas photographed a beam of light that same night

- Cattle mutilation in Kenya

- PART 2 - Interview with retired Kansas Police Officer “John Smith”, and his UFO experience
- A long-time police officer from Kansas tells for the first time his teenage encounter with a Man In Black that led to an abduction aboard a “white, propane-tank-looking craft” and his realization that the black-clothed “human" was an illusion for a grey-skinned being.

Linda Moulton Howe | Part 1 - Interview with Abductee "John Smith" - Kansas Police Officer, Chat Q&A | Sept. 23, 2020


- Sept 22, 2020 - US reaches staggering milestone - 200,000 COVID-19 deaths
- COVID-19 causing heart damage
- Huge chunk of Greenland ice shelf breaks off
- Japanese Defense Ministry unveils protocol for encountering UFOs

- Interview with retired Kansas Police Officer “John Smith”, and his UFO experience
- A long-time police officer from Kansas tells for the first time his teenage encounter with a Man In Black that led to an abduction aboard a “white, propane-tank-looking craft” and his realization that the black-clothed “human" was an illusion for a grey-skinned being.

Linda Moulton Howe | COVID-19 Updates, Abductee Interview, Viewer Q&A | March 12, 2020


COVID-19 updates:
- WHO declares a coronavirus pandemic
- US reported 1,109 new cases, 41 deaths
- New Rochelle on lockdown
- Michael Osterholm estimates projection. “This is not one to be taken lightly”

Abductee Interview
- Interview with “Wana Lawson” / Arrawana Allen, abductee from “Glimpses of Other Realities Volume 2: High Strangeness”

Viewer Q&A

Derek Tyler | Alien Contact: The Difficult Truth & A Paradigm Shift | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio


We live in a world of illusion. Nothing is what it appears to be. All we see are the surface layers, which form an intricate, interlocking system of falsehood and deception. Nothing really works the way we think it does. Most of the things we have been taught to believe are true, turn out to be lies. No one is immune from this.

If you are reading these words then you, too, have been a victim of this deception. Many people will not want to believe that, and they surely won't. I tell you that it is true anyway. The fact that you are unaware of it does not mean that it has not occurred. Rather, it serves as a demonstration of the subtlety and efficiency of a methodical, meticulously planned combination of disinformation and propaganda which has been specifically designed to prevent us from being able to see the underlying truths about our world.

These truths hold great power. They confer an enormous advantage to those who are aware of them. For this reason, they are revealed only to a carefully selected few. Those who are made aware of them operate covertly, standing unseen in the shadows and working behind the scenes. From there, they pull the strings of power which allow them to control the world. Tonight, we discuss many aspects of the alien contact phenomenon, including a thorough debunking of Darwinian human evolution, America's secret underground bases on Mars, why disclosure will not occur in the near future and much more. Our special guest demonstrates that he is a powerful force to be reckoned with.

Victoria Fitzpatrick | Alien Shades of Greys: Victoria's Secret Truth | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio

Source:, Book: Alien Shades of Greys: Victoria's Secret Truth

Victoria Fitzpatrick was eight years old when she received her 'alien scoop.' Nearby, a US Government defense plant was covertly expelling a million pounds of nuclear waste into the surrounding environment. This unintentionally-formed, intergalactic nuclear beacon attracted visitors from outer space, who selectively abducted Victoria and other humans to harvest their biological cells.

Award winning author and former Department of Defense Senior Scientist, Raymond Szymanski, continues his quest for the truth about extraterrestrial visitation. Victoria's Secret Truth, the second non-fiction book in the Alien Shades of Greys trilogy, is an in-depth case study of lifelong, multi-generational contact with nefarious, unidentified visitors. The compelling medical, clinical, physical, photographic, audio, and video evidence is subjected it to critical scrutiny before arriving at unavoidable conclusions.

The fast-paced narrative in Victoria's Secret Truth is beautifully enhanced by over 60 photographs which document the corroborative physical evidence and take the reader inside the experiencers' sites. Included in this in-depth study are compelling and revealing transcripts and video captures documenting Victoria's four hypnotic regressions by three world class hypnotherapists - Dr. R. Leo Sprinkle, Barbara Lamb, and Yvonne Smith.

Victoria's Secret Truth is a must read for those interested in exploring the extraterrestrial abduction phenomena; the who, what, when, where, and why they abduct; types of alien abduction evidence; the alien hybridization program; hypnotic regression therapy for abductees; hypnotically enhanced memories; and abductee/experiencer/contactee support resources.

Victoria grew up in the suburbs of Cincinnati, Ohio, and moved to Colorado in 1984. She attended the University of Colorado at Boulder, and received two Bachelor of Arts degrees; one in Russian Language, and the other in Central and Eastern European Studies. In 1993, Victoria studied at Gornyi Institute in St. Petersburg, Russia. In 1995, Victoria returned to St. Petersburg, Russia, where she started a successful business importing street artwork.

In 1996, Victoria joined a nurse staffing company, and ultimately held the position of Vice President of Hospital Relations and Marketing. In 1999, Victoria began her career in enterprise software sales, primarily in the Higher Education market. She continued in software sales until 2013, when she took the Administration/Operations/Marketing Vice President position for an alternative medical device company. Today, Victoria works as a consultant in the Energy and Alternative Medicine field, and represents several technologies, therapies, and supplements. She is also the Associate Director for a non-profit that creates a health water supplement. Victoria has supported the UFO/ET Disclosure movement for many years.

From 2008-2010 Victoria supported the Denver Ballot Initiative 300, which, had it passed, would have formed a scientific committee of 7 to investigate reports of UFO/ET sightings and experiences. It would have been the first investigatory body that would have been overseen by a governmental body - the Denver Mayor's Office. She also participated, as a volunteer, in the mock congressional Citizen Hearing on Disclosure in 2013 at the National Press Club in Washington, DC. In her free time, Victoria enjoys the great outdoors of Colorado, attending lectures, and spending lots of time with her grandson, Bobby, whom she shares parenting responsibilities.

Richard Dolan Show | Extraordinary: The Seeding. Interview with the Filmmakers | May 6, 2019


The latest documentary on the ET abduction phenomenon, Extraordinary: The Seeding features experiencers and researchers in an exploration of missing embryos, hybridization, trauma, and more. Richard Dolan interviews the creators of the film, Jon Sumple and Jack Roth.

Extraordinary: The Seeding
Named Best Documentary and nominated for Best Director
at the Pasadena International Film Festival!

Abductions. Reproduction experiments. Memories of seeing children off-planet. The idea of humans participating in an alien hybrid program sounds absurd until you talk to people who have experienced it. Thousands around the world have had reproductive experiments carried out against their will. The most harrowing?

Unexplained pregnancies that terminate without explanation. The memories of what happened remain suppressed and fragmented, leaving experiencers confused, depressed and with a profound sense of loss. In others, the memories are visceral and emotionally disturbing. Thanks to increased acceptance, more people are coming forward with their frightening experiences.

Are aliens involved in a complex hybridization project where humans are used to cultivate a hybrid population? Extraordinary: The Seeding tells these stories through one-on-one interviews with abductees—brave individuals sharing intensely personal and emotional stories. Through analysis with global ufology experts, the film also explores hybridization, why it’s happening and what the impact on humanity is and will be. The information presented is intended to educate, entertain and encourage audiences to ask one simple question: What if this is all true?

John & Bonnie Mitchell | Mnemonic Circles, TV Mind Control, & How to Free Yourself | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio


Together, John and Bonnie Mitchell run, an anthology of videos meant to awaken unity consciousness and bring Truth to light. In 2013, John and Bonnie revealed a new, high-tech form of subconscious mind control and digital dark magic on television and mass media involving deep programming and demonic possession. This technology is now being used against all people who watch television, mainstream movies, play video games, use cell phones and computers. This is the culmination of the illuminatis mind control and behavioral research programs; the easiest way to hypnotize and program a human beings subconscious mind.

It combines electromagnetic pulsing, manipulation of sound and light frequencies, hypnotic trance induction, brainwave entrainment, and dark sigil magic. This tool is being used to keep the majority of people in a constant trance state, rewrite memories, control behavior, and insert demonic energy. TV viewers are being used as batteries to manifest the dark, fear-based reality the illuminati desire Their initial 2013 documentary on this mind control technology is called Global Epidemic Exposed – Television Sigil Magik. Their 2015 documentary created for the Free Your Mind Conference 3 is entitled Mnemonic Mind Control“ Who Owns Your Thoughts?

Bonnie Jean Mitchell is a life-long contactee who has interacted with multidimensional beings since she was a young child. She has experienced beneficial contact as well as alien abduction and military abduction. She did her first interview with the Edgar Cayce Foundation in 1993 and has been helping contactees and abductees ever since. In the year 2000, she graduated from The College of William & Mary and began working on her first book, Invitation to the Self-journey with the star people, published in 2005.

Her website,, is a supportive environment for contactees and abductees. John Mitchell, with a background in the U.S. Navy and U.S. Merchant Marines, traveled to the infamous Area 51, Nevada and filmed dozens of daytime UFOs in 2006. His experience included five hours of missing time and the filming of two UFOs leaving the scene of his abduction. These events began John's research which has revealed connections to both the enslavement and the freeing of mankind. John wishes to enlighten others to Truth to help expand their consciousness. Together, John and Bonnie run, an anthology of videos meant to awaken unity consciousness and bring Truth to light.

Mike Clelland | Owls, Synchronicity and UFOs | Legalise Freedom Radio | Apr. 12, 2019


Mike Clelland discusses his book The Messengers: Owls, Synchronicity, and the UFO Abductee.

One of the most original books ever written on UFOs, The Messengers will make any thoughtful person ask fundamental questions about the nature of reality itself. More than any work in recent memory, it successfully ties the UFO phenomenon not simply to possible extraterrestrial intelligences, but to synchronicities, ancient archetypes, dreams, shamanistic experiences, magic, personal transformation, and death.

Clelland has gathered together compelling and persuasive accounts from hundreds of people who have had UFO sightings and apparent abduction experiences in conjunction with absolutely bizarre experiences with owls, creatures which have held a place of reverence and mystique throughout history. The accounts of these people – including those of Mike himself – suggest undeniable synchronicities at work. That is, coincidences that are highly meaningful to the persons involved. So meaningful in some cases that they seem staged for that person, and usually in a manner that only that person could decipher.

These accounts pose a serious challenge to the standard scientific materialist view of reality, one controlled by a comprehensible chain of cause and effect, in which matter is all that matters, and in which there are no unseen intelligences at work. As one goes through account after account of these meticulously documented experiences, our conventional view of reality appears ever more incomplete.

download mp3

Nick Redfern | Alien Abductions, MK Ultra, & The Government Files | Dec. 31, 2018


Longtime THC staple and Ufology Guru, Nick Redfern, helps to close out another great year of podcast goodness with a conversation around his 50th book: Top Secret Alien Abduction Files.

Richard Dolan | „The Cost of Secrecy: From Money To Mind Control" at the Alien Cosmic Expo, Toronto, June 23, 2018

Source: Near Death Experiment youtube,

UFO historian Richard Dolan presents his new lecture “The Cost of Secrecy: From Money To Mind Control" at the Alien Cosmic Expo in Toronto, June 23, 2018.

Topics include The UFO cover-up, alien replica vehicles, breakaway civilizations, The U.S. black budget, false flags, mind control, Trump's Space Force, To The Stars Academy, artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence, the studying of DNA of alien abductees, globalization, underground bases, and more.

Round Table on Disclosure at the Alien Cosmic Expo (2018) featuring Richard Dolan, Linda Moulton Howe, Grant Cameron, Stanton T. Friedman and Victor Viggiani

Speaker Round Table on Disclosure at the Alien Cosmic Expo (2018) featuring Richard Dolan, Linda Moulton Howe, Grant Cameron, Stanton T. Friedman and Victor Viggiani. Moderated by Richard Syrett.

Project Vox Populi: The Terry Lovelace Story | Veritas Radio | Hour 1


This is my true story. Terry Lovelace, a 64 year-old lawyer and former assistant attorney general. In 2012 a routine x-ray of my leg found an anomalous bit of metal the size of a fingernail with two tiny wires attached. What followed were horrific nightmares, spontaneous recall and intrusive thoughts surrounding a 1977 camping trip I took with a friend to Devils Den State Park in Northern Arkansas. For fear of losing my job and my standing in the legal community I've kept this secret for 40 years. But the 2012 discovery of this object, one and one-half inches deep in my thigh, initiated a flood of nightmares I could not control.

My poor health and the horrific memories were the catalyst to come forward and finally disclose what happened back in 1977. My friend and I were on a two-day camping trip to photograph eagles and wildlife. Rather than stay in the campground we chose to drive deep into an isolated area and set-up our camp on a high plateau that offered a scenic view of the wilderness. Late in the evening of our first night in camp a group of three very bright stars in the western sky caught our attention. Arranged in a triangle configuration we speculated as to what it could be? We eliminated aircraft lights due to the triangle configuration. Then it moved. The three stars rotated as if on an axis and slowly ascended upward. As it rose the three points of light spread apart, each equidistant to the others.

The stars grew larger and brighter. As the triangle passed over stars they would blink-out for a moment and then blink-back again as it moved over them. The area inside the triangle was black, darker than the night sky. As the points expanded they were eventually devouring entire fields of stars as it traveled higher and moved closer to our camp. It eventually halted directly over us. It was huge. A third of the sky was covered by this black triangle overhead without a single star in between the three points. It was as if someone had cut an enormous triangle out of a sky filled with a billion stars. It descended until it was about thirty feet over the floor of the meadow. The size of the object was unbelievable. Each side of the triangle was a city block in length. I estimated its height at fifty feet or more.

The size of a five story office building it sat motionless above the floor of the meadow. What followed was a horrific abduction experience. We both suffered badly from burns and dehydration and were hospitalized for two nights. I was interviewed by special agents from the USAF Security Police's "OSI" or Office of Special Investigations. They mistakenly believed I had photographed the object and I was viciously interrogated by two of their special agents. They demanded my film. My home and car were searched by consent and I was hypnotized to assist my recall. It was a nightmare that left my wife and I sour on the whole UFO and the allegations surrounding our experience.

I never intended to tell anyone. But the events of 2012 opened a door to memories about the abduction experience I had long forgotten and had no desire to even remember. In 2016 and in poor health I decided it was the right time to disclose everything I knew and everything we experienced. The piece of metal in my leg was the genesis of this story. There is so much more that happened.

Terry Lovelace is a six-year veteran of the USAF. He completed a bachelor's degree in Psychology at Park University in 1979. He later earned a Juris Doctor at the University of Michigan Law School, TMC campus in Lansing, Michigan. He passed the Michigan Bar Examination on his first attempt. His legal career began in private practice, handling a variety of civil litigation and criminal defense cases. He entered public service as an Assistant Attorney General and later as General Counsel for LBJ Tropical Medical Center in the US Territory of American Samoa. He retired in 2012 as an Assistant Attorney General for the State of Vermont.

Elisa E. | Mind War: Psy-Ops, World-view Warfare, and Targeted Groups | OffPlanet Radio with Randy Maugans | May 12, 2017 

Source:, Book: Our Life Beyond MKULTRA

Are major UFO Conferences used as lures for operatives to be re-programmed? What are the dangers to TIs, operatives, survivors of SRA, cults, and those in de-programming ... and to attendees in general?

"This is the key point: the effective employment of air and space power has to do not so much with airplanes and missiles and engineering as with thinking and attitude and imagination."-- General Merrill A. McPeak, USAF.

~Neocortical Warfare-RAND CORP.
~New World War Revolutionary Methods for Political Control by Mark M. Rich
~Doctrine For Joint Psychological Operations-Joint Chiefs of Staff publication

Contact In The Desert/Corey Goode/Steven Greer/ Wizard of Oz/"Over the Rainbow Programming"
The UFO scene, conferences as addiction; critical for people de-programming to attend these events---which can be re=programming venues for TIs, ex-Black Ops operatives, MPD/DID, SRA survivors, etc.
Isolation and exposure risks at major events like UFO conferences
Steven Greer. Plasma ships, Contact In the Desert, energy-based mind control, mass hypnosis.

Elisa's programming to Steven Greer; the International UFO Conference in Laughlin; how she was programmed into a situation where she was deployed as an assassin; Greer is a programmed asset of the CIA; Podesta designated agent for "disclosure" program; has ongoing contact with John Podesta and Hillary Clinton.

Elisa's encounter with Steven Greer at IUFOC. (00:25:00)
Induced states, neuro-linguistic programming, and layered signals.
Staged meetings, mind controlled actors/operatives planted to monitor and harrass targeted attendees
Connections to conferences, intelligence agencies, key "asset" media outlets like Project Camelot.

We discuss what the "Secret Space Program": a mind control program that operates as a front for weapons programs and atmospheric mind control; Corey Goode just the latest version of a long series of planted assets, used to exploit people in the UFO, "Exopolitics" movements; Exopolitics is a money-making operation; SSP is a truth, but NOT what is presented.

The Theme of the Meme is the Blue Avians. Goode is using indoctrination to cancel out the menacing aspects of the secret weapons programs; the multi-tiered aspects of SSP; masking sexual abuse, pedophilia, and traumatic mind control programs; "Mars" programming, screen memories; "space" as it is presented is a myth; SSP uses simulations, induction, and hypnosis on subjects.

Elisa talks about her experiences with a UFO abductees group. Group was a "honeypot operation" for programming; encounter with a humanoid entity; a visit to "red place" (Mars?), MiLABS. Rape and sexual programming as "Kundalini".

SSP as cover-up for various clandestine operations, A.I., transhumanism and plasma weaponry. Orbs and Sphere Beings to present plasma weaponry as exotic and exciting "sci-fi"-type imagery.
How MILABS and Super Soldier programs emerged as conduits for misdirection.

Exopolitics has replaced MUFON. Well financed, celebrities, glossy "Hollywood" presentation. Legitimate expositors of information on SSP, Catherine Austin-Fitts, Joseph Farrell; researching verifiable information vs. the undocumented programs; psycho-spiritual aspects of "disclosure".
Unacknowledged Special Access Programs.

Release of MK-ULTRA documents was a controlled leak to hide the major programs and agendas.
Exopolitics, SSP as "magnets" to sustain the illusions about "outer space" programs; it is a belief system; the balance between the intellectual and spiritual exploration of all phenomenon. Levels of information that do not exist as documentation.

The Spiritual.BIZ interview with Corey Goode on making money from "spirituality"; the CULT being built around The Sphere Being Alliance and the Blue Avians; ascension; cults are money-making operations.

Whistleblowers usually wind up being stalked, abused, targeted, broke, and marginalized---how does Corey Goode wind up on the talk circuit, feted, put up in nice home, being paid high dollars, and running a media entertainment enterprise. Glamorizing mind control.

Disposable "assets": Max Spiers, the sacrifice of key figures; invitation to walk away from the agencies' agenda, join us in exploring and exposing the truth---not the fictions deployed as deep psychological operations to hide their agendas. -Randy Maugans

You Need to Know…Joe, Military Insider


We have all heard of Edward Snowden. But you might not heard of Joe. In this video Michael Horn interviews a former Sargent in the US army who had above top secret clearances.

"During my time, I've had multiple occasions where I was told that the things that I had just seen did not exist..." -Joe
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