Showing posts with label Alex Jones. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alex Jones. Show all posts

MUST WATCH: Dr. David Martin Interview — U.S. Gov. Is Coordinating A Depopulation Program Against | June 19, 2024



Full Dr. David Martin Alex Jones Must Watch Interview

US Government is coordinating a depopulation program against the world.
States are preparing criminal charges against Big Pharma.

Redice TV | No-Go Zone: SCANDAL Pfizer Lied, Albert Bourla Lied, The EU Lied, People Died | Oct. 12, 2022


Henrik cover the latest scandal with Pfizer and Bourla lying to sell as many Covid mRNA jabs as possible. We also cover Zelensky at the World Bank and Alex Jones ordered to pay 1 BILLION in episode 123 of No-Go Zone this Odin's Day October 12, 2022.

David Icke | Humanity Will Win! | Oct. 2, 2022


Dr. Nick Begich | Scientist Who Accurately Predicted 5G Mind Control Program Tells All | May 22, 2018


Dr. Nick Begich joins Alex Jones live via Skype to talk President Trump, artificial intelligence, and the mainstream media's mind control over the masses across America and the whole world.

F. William Engdahl | Ever Wonder Why The Left Hates Russia So Much?


F. William Engdahl joins Alex Jones live via Skype to give an expert history lesson, and he lays out exactly why the socialist left hates Russia, nationalism, and freedom and wants to destroy them.

Dr. Nick Begich | Geophysical Correlations to the Economy, Politics and Social Trends, May 16, 2014


Dr. Nick Begich taking calls on the topics of Geophysical correlations to the economy, politics and social trends and the long term effects on the world as we know it.

Jordan Maxwell | Evil Intelligence Driving The New World Order, May 7, 2014


Mike Adams | The Rise of the Robots, February 26, 2014


Mike Adams of discusses the coming singularity and AI Robots who will decide humans are no longer relevant and begin the mass extermination.
Read more at:

Jim Marrs | Essence of The JFK Assassination, The Coup Against America, October 27, 2013


American investigative journalist and New York Times best-selling author Jim Marrs joins Alex in studio to break down all the big news in America.

David Icke | Quantitative Easing Depression, September 27, 2012


British Author and renowned New World Order investigator David Icke exposes the large strides towards bringing about total financial collapse and public enslavement.

Webster Tarpley | Turkish & Saudi Officers Running Death Squads in Syria, August 8, 2012


Researcher and author Webster Tarpley talks about the latest developments in Syria as the push to depose Assad intensifies. Webster also addresses the Petraeus issue.

Explosive Billy Corgan (The Smashing Pumpkins) Interview: The Awakening Has Begun

Source: proudly presents Alex Jones' sit down interview with Billy Corgan, founder of the rock band, "The Smashing Pumpkins".

During this incredible conversation, Alex and Billy discuss the impact social media has on the music business, the role of the musician in society, the ever evolving left-right paradigm, the occupy wall street movement, and the noticeable spiritual awakening that threatens the very core of the globalist agenda.

David Icke on The Alex Jones Show, March 6, 2012


On the Tuesday, March 6 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with former BBC television sports presenter, spokesman for the Green Party, author and speaker David Icke. He is the author of Infinite Love Is the Only Truth: Everything Else Is Illusion and is featured in a number of videos, including Speaking Out: Who Really Controls the World and What We Can Do About It and Freedom or Fascism: The Time to Choose.

Foster Gamble, Kimberly Gamble, Alex Jones | Exposing the Money Trail, Andrew Breitbart Death


March 3, 2012–John B. Wells was joined by filmmakers Foster & Kimberly Gamble, who discussed Thrive, their unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what's really going on in our world and how it connects free energy, UFOs, and the global elite.

Foster explained how their research revealed that the energy pattern known as a torus can be found in various "healthy systems" throughout the universe. It is also depicted in ancient cave drawings, modern crop circles, and in reports from ET contactees, leading the duo to surmise that visitors to Earth are trying to impart the knowledge of this energy pattern to the human race. According to them, the principals of the torus pattern can be used to create free energy, which has been discovered many times by enterprising inventors. "That's the great news," Foster said, "the bad news is that every one of those laboratories has been raided."

Andrew Breitbart Death
In the first hour, radio host Alex Jones talked about the death of Andrew Breitbart. He was suspicious of the circumstances surrounding the conservative blogger's demise, since it fell on the very day that Breitbart had previously announced plans to release damning videos of Barack Obama.

Additionally, Jones contended that the swift media reports claiming that Breitbart died of "natural causes," despite subsequent news releases saying it would take weeks before that could be determined, was "a big sign that this was some type of staged event." While he was hopeful that Breitbart's death was not the result of a nefarious plot, Jones declared that "we would be fools" not to consider the quizzical timing of the journalist's passing.

Linda Moulton Howe, Alex Jones, Jonathan Emord, David Seaman, Tyrel Ventura, Gerald Celente, Allan Palmer | Natl. Def. Authorization Act Special, January 18, 2012


January 18, 2012–
In a special program, George Noory was joined by Linda Moulton Howe to interview four guests, who appeared in individual half-hour segments, about the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) of 2012, which contains controversial provisions such as the holding of suspects without due process or habeas corpus. Jonathan Emord, who practices constitutional and administrative law, believes the NDAA is unconstitutional in that it allows the military to incarcerate individuals indefinitely, without charges or a trial. When this kind of thing happens in secrecy, without judicial check, it's the end of liberty, he commented. Linda noted that the language in the Act doesn't specify whether US citizens might be held under this kind of military authority with their rights suspended.

Independent journalist David Seaman reported that people across the political spectrum who hear about the NDAA are opposed to it, but because of the lack of the mainstream press coverage most Americans remain unaware of it. At this juncture, Congress has no reason to pass this kind of indefinite detention statute, and it raises the question that some hidden motivation is in play, said Linda. Seaman conjectured that the NDAA may eventually be used against Occupy protestors.

Producer Tyrel Ventura, the son of Jesse Ventura, suggested that the NDAA isn't really about fighting terrorism but rather it's to control the populace, in the event of rebellion, possibly related to food or water shortages, or other crises. We live in a corporate dictatorship, and many of these companies have connections to the Defense Dept. and it's in their interests to have a lockdown society, he added. Trends analyst Gerald Celente declared that fascism has come to the US. He believes the NDAA has been put into place because there's going to be "economic martial law," and "bank holidays" which will cause rioting in the streets.

Appearing during the last hour, radio host/filmmaker Alex Jones sounded off on the topic, and related issues. "This is a big wake-up call, and they've been training the military for a long time to arrest citizens and take people to facilities," he said, adding that measures like the NDAA are part of a larger program. For instance, the TSA is now operating checkpoints on highways, and at bus & train stations, and "this is really the seizure by the federal government, and the special interests that have hijacked it, of our entire infrastructure," he said. Jones advised people to stand up against these policies-- "like a bucking bronco, all we've got to do is throw the New World Order off our back."
Atomic Testing Museum

First hour guest,
Cmdr. Allan Palmer, director of the Atomic Testing Museum located in Las Vegas, talked about the history of the testing of nuclear weapons, and some of the exhibits at their museum, which include a simulation of an atomic blast in the desert. In March, the museum will open a new exhibit on the secretive Area 51, informed by some of George Knapp's investigative research, he announced.

News segment guests: Jerome Corsi, Capt. Kelly Sweeney

Alex Jones | NDAA Concerns, December 4, 2011


December 4, 2011–Alex Jones talked about the National Defense Authorization Act, a piece of legislation that recently passed both houses of Congress and may have dire effects on civil liberties. He warned that, if the act is implemented, "it is truly an end of our Republic" and cited an ACLU study of the bill which called it "the most unconstitutional legislation in modern history." Facets of the bill which particularly trouble Jones are that it allows for the end of posse comitatus, which bars the military from domestic operations, and that it gives the Pentagon the right to secretly arrest Americans and hold them without a trial.
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