Showing posts with label Ancient Civilisations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ancient Civilisations. Show all posts

Brien Foerster | The Phenomenal Anthropology And Archaeology Museum In Mexico City | Feb. 11, 2021


Brien Foerster | Tunnel Under The Step Pyramid Of Saqqara In Egypt: Megalithic Inheritance | Feb. 1, 2021


Brien Foerster | Intriguing Ancient Artifacts at The Penn Museum In Philadelphia | Jan. 13, 2021


Brien Foerster | Lost Ancient High Technology And Dynastic Grandness In Egypt In 2017 | Dec. 18, 2020


Brien Foerster | Exploring Mexico's Most Famous Pyramids | Truth Be Told Radio | Dec. 4, 2020


Tony is speaking with Researcher and Explorer Brien Foerster to talk about some of Mexico's most famous Pyramids sites Chichen Itza and Teotihuacán. Tony will be travel to the sites in December and wants to find out the history and what to look for. Please join us and ask questions in the chat room.

Linda Moulton Howe | Full Hour of Viewer Q&A! Rendlesham Forest, Majestic 12 & More | Nov. 18, 2020


TOPICS: COVID-19 update
- More than 76,000 Americans hospitalized, over 250,000 dead
- “Broad community spread across the country…”
- Pfizer vaccine trial shows 95 percent efficacy
- Moderna vaccine trial reported to be 94.5% effective, to be produced in Switzerland
- Guardian reports that more than 900 employees at the Mayo clinic have contracted COVID-19

Climate Change
- Computer simulation of Greenland ice melt predicted “to have vast impact on rising global sea level”

Gobekli Tepe
- 12,000 year old site shows impact of cosmic force
- Who were ancient aliens that buried the Gobekli Tepe site?

New season of The History Channel’s “Ancient Aliens” is filming now.

Graham Hancock | “The Lost Civilization of Americas” | Coast To Coast AM


COAST TO COAST AM - October 21, 2020. An unconventional thinker who raises legitimate questions about humanity's history and prehistory, author Graham Hancock discussed his work examining evidence for an advanced civilization, lost to history in a global cataclysm. 

We've been taught that North and South America were empty of humans until around 13,000 years ago-- evidence for the Clovis culture was found in New Mexico going back that far. But according to Hancock, recent discoveries have radically altered this long-established picture, and there is evidence that the Americas were first peopled more than 130,000 years ago – thousands of years before human settlements were established elsewhere such as Africa.

Brien Foerster | Decoding Ancient Anomalies In Egypt | Nov. 10, 2020


Matthew LaCroix | Suppressed History, Anunnaki Engineering, & The Eagle/Serpent Divide | Oct. 29, 2020


Matthew LaCroix is a passionate writer and researcher who grew up in the outdoors of northern New England. From the secrets of ancient history to the nature of reality and the ancient gods of the past, no stone is left unturned in his endless pursuit of the truth. Matthew's main goal as a writer and researcher is to objectively study the evidence from history, and then formulate logical conclusions to help answer some of our most difficult questions.

Brien Foerster | Mysterious Ancient Naupa Huaca In The Highlands Of Peru | Oct. 13, 2020


Jared Murphy | Advanced Ancestors, Hidden History, & Megalithic Mysteries | Oct. 11, 2020


Self-experimenter and field researcher of ancient technologies and lost history, Jared Murphy has traveled the world searching for evidence of advanced ancestors and high technology. What he's found is laid out in a great new book from Paranoia Publishing, It's Not Aliens, Worse, It's Us.

Broen Foerster | Strange Humanoid Skull Found Near The Coast Of Peru: Another Star Child? | Oct. 1, 2020


Brien Foerster | Full Lecture: Amazing Pre-Inca Megalithic Aspects Of Machu Picchu | Sept. 21, 2020


Brien Foerster | Thorough Exploration Of The Mexico Museum Of Anthropology In Mexico City | Aug. 26, 2020


Brien Foerster | Analysis Of Ancient Megalithic Sites Around The World Lecture | Aug. 24, 2020


Brien Foerster | Inside The Largest Pyramidal Structure In The World: Cholula In Mexico | Aug. 7, 2020


Brien Foerster | Megalithic Aspects Of Uxmal In Mexico Built Before The Maya Arrived | July 27, 2020


Bruce Fenton | Exogenesis: Hybrid Humans, Ancient Aliens, & The Mothership | July 25, 2020

Source:, Bruce Fenton Twitter

Bruce R. Fenton is a British multidisciplinary scientific researcher and media personality. Born in the historic English town of Cheltenham, England, he studied Information Systems at Anglia Ruskin University before working in global finance and real estate.

Fenton, is an explorer best known for his expeditions to megalithic constructions in the Ecuadorian Amazon jungle and ancient ruins in the Georgian Caucasus. His adventures have featured in the UK Telegraph & Daily Mail newspapers as well as on the Science Channel.

Most recently he has made several appearances on the flagship History Channel show Ancient Aliens, featuring as a guest expert for seasons 14 & 15. His thoughts and findings have been shared on dozens of radio shows around the world.

He has two books available for purchase, The Forgotten Exodus: The Into Africa Theory of Human Evolution (foreword by Graham Hancock) and Exogenesis: Hybrid Humans: A Scientific History of Extraterrestrial Genetic Manipulation (foreword by Erich von Daniken).

Brien Foerster | A Thorough Exploration Of The Megalithic Osirion At Abydos In Egypt: Pre-Dynastic Masterpiece | July 23, 2020


Brien Foerster | Exploring Seti 1 Temple At Abydos In Egypt With Mohamed Fahmy Egyptologist | July 21, 2020


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