Showing posts with label Bonnie Faulkner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bonnie Faulkner. Show all posts

F. William Engdahl | China: Real Reason for US Venezuela Clash? | March 27, 2019


Discussion of the crisis and geopolitical stakes in Venezuela; evaluation of Venezuelan heavy oil reserves in its Orinoco Belt (now the Chavez Belt) and the far superior grade oil in the vast oil reserves of the Guyana Esequiba region;

China’s Belt and Road Initiative in South America and the Panama Canal; Bolton cites the Monroe Doctrine; presidency of Nicolas Maduro; Venezuelan state oil company, PDVSA; global oil prices; Venezuelan debt; Coltan deposits; long-term strategy of China’s Belt and Road Initiative; China adopts Western debt-collapse model; Chinese banking system and real estate market; the flawed globalization model.

Alison Weir | The Global Campaign to Criminalize Criticism of Israel


We discuss Alison Weir’s extended essay, published as a pamphlet, “The International Campaign to Criminalize Criticism of Israel”; the traditional definition of anti-Semitism and the new “improved” 3-D definition of anti-Semitism; the history of the campaign to criminalize criticism of Israel; the many international and national organizations that have adopted and promote the new definition; policing the new anti-Semitism on college campuses; thought crime; AIPAC and ADL; the crack-down on pro-Palestinian political activity; the multiple hundreds of groups that lobby for Israel; current congressional legislation.

Michel Chossudovsky | Venezuela: From Oil Proxy to the Bolivarian Movement and Sabotage


We discuss the economic and political crisis in Venezuela, its history as an oil proxy nation since the discovery of oil in 1918, through successive dictatorships, coups d’etats, a fake nationalization of the oil industry, the Chavista movement and destabilization through financial warfare, with a special emphasis on Michel Chossudovsky’s personal experience there conducting a study on poverty in 1975 as Advisor to the Venezuelan Minister of Planning.

Michael Hoffman | The Alchemical Processing of Humanity Through Public Psychodrama | Jan. 23, 2019


We discuss Hoffman’s book, Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare, published in April 2001; The Revelation of the Method or Making Manifest All That Is Hidden; the Cryptocracy; occult public psychodrama, alchemical processing, metaphysical alchemy; the cryonic process of freeze and thaw; the Kennedy assassination as a killing of the king rite, revealing the method lends an air of invulnerability to the criminals; mystical toponymy; Kubrick’s 2001 A Space Odyssey; advanced mind control; history and objectives of Freemasonry; synchronicity and coincidence; pattern detection; the subconscious group or dreaming mind; manipulation at a spiritual and psychological warfare level.

Michael Hudson | The Vocabulary of Economic Deception | Dec. 12, 2018


We discuss Michael Hudson's book, J is for Junk Economics: A Guide to Reality in an Age of Deception, with an emphasis on the degradation of economic vocabulary that hides the real state of the economy; language affects peoples' perception of reality; history of economic thought no longer taught; classical political economy focused on society's unearned income or rent; the rentier landlord financial class; fictitious capital; the real reforms of the progressive era; classical political economists expected capitalism to evolve into socialism; classical economic concepts of value, price and rent;

productive versus extractive economic sectors; public financing of infrastructure a windfall for the private sector; effects of the tax deductibility of interest; monetary policy and the Federal Reserve; economics is political - politics has always been about who is going to get what; National Income Accounting; fiscal policy and Modern Monetary Theory; the three stages of debt leveraging.

A former Wall Street analyst, government adviser, and fierce critic of neoliberal economic order, Hudson is Distinguished Research Professor of Economics at the University of Missouri, Kansas City, and Professor of Economics at Peking University in China. He gives speeches, lectures and presentations all over the world for diverse academic, economic and political audiences. He is the author of many books on the global economy, with a focus on financial history, debt, land tenure and related economic institutions from antiquity to the present.

F. William Engdahl | Myths, Lies, Oil and Climate Wars | Nov. 7, 2018


We discuss his article, The Dark Story Behind Global Warming also known as Climate Change and his book, Myths, Lies and Oil Wars; the International Panel on Climate Change, the IPCC, draconian recommendations based on computer models; neuro-linguistic programming;

the Global Warming Petition Project signed by 31,000 scientists; climate and the sun's activity; analysis of the IPCC climate report; history of the climate change/global warming movement; motives of the Rockefeller NGOs and Maurice Strong in promoting environmental activism; Agenda 21;

the Club of Rome and its Mankind at the Turning Point and Limits to Growth; The 1001: A Nature Trust and the World Wildlife Fund; assumptions of MIT authored computer model study; the Bilderberg Group; mankind blamed for global climate change, not corporate ecological destruction;

the Worldwatch Institute; reduction in overall living standards for the public; population reduction; promotion of deindustrialization; peak oil; abiotic oil; shale oil; oil wars.

Dr. Joel Wallach | A Stick of Butter A Day Keeps the Doctor Away


Dr. Wallach discusses his groundbreaking comparative pathology study of American, Canadian and Mexican zoo animals, funded by the National Institutes of Health, which led to the authorship of the 1,200 page Diseases of Exotic Animals that is now in the Smithsonian Museum as a national treasure;

the 1910 Flexner Report which gave rise to modern medical education; epigenetics, the study of environmental effects on gene expression; the 90 essential nutrients; gluten intolerance; causes of soil depletion; and the role that nutrition plays in the prevention of degenerative diseases.

He played a major role in the development of the market of liquid vitamin/mineral supplements. Dr. Wallach is a Veterinarian, Naturopathic Physician, and holds a Post doctorate fellowship in comparable pathology, as well as being an author and lecturer.

He is the author of many books including Dead Doctors Don’t Lie, Epigenetics: The Death of the Genetic Theory of Disease Transmission, Black Gene Lies, and Rhino Express: The Saving of the White Rhino.

The Saker | Superpower Confrontation in Syria: It's Not Over


Actual targets hit in the April 14th missile strike on Syria; symbolic strike; chemicals would have created toxic cloud; facts no longer matter, only perceptions; Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) investigation resolution blocked by UN;

abandonment of international law, conflicts to be resolved by war; Russia announces ahead of time evidence Britain plans to stage false flag chemical event with White Helmets; Russia’s dilemma in responding to US missile barrage;

China’s response; goal of the AngloZionist attack on Syria; Russian weapons systems; confrontation with Russia not over; attack consistent with Oded Yinon Plan for the Greater Israel; Syria, Ukraine and Iran in the crosshairs;

Russia sending reinforcements; one world hegemon versus a multipolar world order; alliance between Turkey, Russia and Iran; Zionist lobby a pretext used to achieve power in the US; Zionism merged with Anglo/American power to create a one world hegemony.
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