Showing posts with label Climate Myths. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Climate Myths. Show all posts

"Popular Science" Warns About "Weather As A Weapon" | | Dec. 17, 2015


I recently acquired two exceptional original copies of "Popular Science" from June of 1958. Almost 60 years ago the dialog about weather warfare was more open. As the power structure began to consider how negatively the public would respond to the decimation caused by climate modification programs of mass destruction, the push to completely suppress media coverage of this issue commenced.

Current mainstream media sources have done their best to convince populations that it is not possible to manipulate the climate. This lie is used to compel the majority of the public to ignore the blatant spraying they see over their heads on an almost daily basis. Not only is global climate manipulation possible today, it has been going on for nearly 7 decades.

"Control of Earth's weather and temperature is within the realm of practicability now" says Dr. Joseph Kaplan, chairman of the International Geophysical Year.

Congressional documents from 1978 prove that global climate engineering had already been deployed at least a decade prior to Dr. Kaplan's statement.

… present knowledge lists seven possible ways of changing weather on a global scale………..All of these methods would regulate the distribution of heat in different parts of the Earth's atmosphere. This is the basis of global weather control.

Climate engineering is weather warfare, who gave those in power the right to experiment with our planet and all life?

As a weapon (weather), it could be more disastrous than nuclear warfare.

Geoengineering is wreaking havoc around the globe.

The Russians may be ahead of us in weather control and that worries our scientists even more than the technical problems involved.

The cowards in the power structure are driven by fear and thus have no regard whatsoever for the consequences of their actions.

We cannot trust to luck that we will be first to control the weather.

Weather as a weapon has always been sought by the military industrial complex.
The cloud of disinformation and deception surrounding the ongoing climate engineering insanity is massive beyond true comprehension. The entirety of the climate science and meteorological communities have participated in this deception, whether willingly (for a paycheck and a pension), or due to threats like the recent "gag order" placed on all National Weather Service and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration employees by our government. Corporate media has, of course, done all they could to perpetuate the lies and deception, this is what they are paid to do.

Global climate engineering is nothing short of weather warfare and biological warfare that has been going on in plain sight for decades. The mounting consequences are becoming all but impossible to keep from public awareness. Countless organizations are discussing geoengineering but not yet openly admitting it has long since been a lethal reality with disastrous and deadly results. The 7 minute video below summarizes the ramifications of the Popular Science Magazine disclosures.
We have one way forward, to expose and halt the climate engineering/weather warfare assault. This effort will take each and every one of us, make your voice heard. -Dane Wigington,

The Corbett Report | Lies, Damned Lies, and Global Warming Statistics | Nov. 25, 2015


Don’t you hate when Fox News and the other MSM spin-meisters use simple tricks to skew and misrepresent data and statistics? How about when the World Meteorological Organization does it? Or NASA? Or the Journal of Climate? Or GISS? Join James for today’s thought for the day as he shows you some of the grade school level parlour tricks the global warming alarmists use to misrepresent their data and bamboozle the public.

Show Notes:
The statisticians at Fox News use classic and novel graphical techniques to lead with data
You can’t deny global warming after seeing this graph
Lying with Charts – Global Warming Graph
A History Of Dishonest Fox Charts
WMO Climate Status 1999
Black Tuesday of Climate Science
The Yamal implosion
YAD06 – the Most Influential Tree in the World
Sherwood 2008: Where you can find a hot spot at zero degrees
GISS Surface Temperature Analysis
Uncertainty in the Global Average Surface Air Temperature Index: A Representative Lower Limit

An UNconventional Shade of Grey | Official Trailer | Chemtrail/Geoengineering Film


“AN Unconventional Shade of Grey” is an investigation into geoengineering, how it relates to the climate change agenda and the impacts it can have on our future. Geoengineering is the deliberate large-scale intervention in the Earth’s climate. Geoengineers are proposing spraying 10 to 20 million tons of aluminum and other toxins into our atmosphere for the stated goal of cooling our planet. While government officials and scientists deny that this has begun, evidence is abundant that geoengineeing programs have been in full-scale deployment for over 20 years causing unquantifiable human health and environmental implications.

In “AN Unconventional Shade of Grey” Award Winning Director/Producer Michael J. Murphy investigates the validity of the climate change agenda, how geoengineering plays a role in our changing weather and the political and economic shift of power that could take place if global legislation is passed based on the theories of Co2/climate change. Michael will interview geoengineers, scientists and political officials in an effort to seek the validity of the climate change agenda, how geoengineering plays a role in our changing environment and what this means to our daily lives. Because this issue affects all of us, this is the most important topic of our time.

Frank Joseph | Atlantis and the Coming Ice Age | FarOutRadio | Oct. 20, 2014


Over the last decade or two we have seen “Global Warming” morph into “Climate Change” and there are few other topics that are more polarizing. Supporters of Global Warming/Climate Change put down non-believers with the expression, “Climate Change Deniers.” Others say that the data does NOT support the “Global Warming/Climate Change” argument, and those that propagate this “belief” are just plain nuts!

Frank Joseph has stitched together some "inconvenient facts" that have been known about for over 45 years, with a lineage of research that goes back to 1930! Frank Joseph is with us – not as a prognosticator, but as a student of ancient history and inconvenient scientific research – the stuff that government-funded, university academic officials like to ignore.

Frank's upcoming new book, "“Atlantis and the Coming Ice Age” published by Inner Traditions. The book will be out in April 2015.

The Corbett Report | 10 Climate Myths Busted (in 60 seconds!), December 9, 2013


The Corbett Report presents a one minute debunking of 10 common climate myths.
Transcript & Sources
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