Showing posts with label Crystal Clark. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Crystal Clark. Show all posts

James Horak & Crystal Clark | MORPHEUS, HALCYON DAYS & THE FORKED ROAD OF CHOICE: A brand new beginning or the same old end?

Source: Information Machine,,

James Horak interviews Crystal Clark to discuss her recent treatise regarding the Sacred Science. With special emphasis on the hidden history of mankind’s self-destructive past(s) and our current repetition of the patterns that ultimately led to those cataclysms, few stones were left unturned in this immersive, pointed and engaging discussion:

• Acquiring extra-information through dreams (Morpheus)
• Walter Russell, Edgar Cayce, Nostradamus
• The risks of leaving records behind for the next civilization
• Hidden/suppressed archeological discoveries and anomalies would tell the truth
• Previous cataclysms caused by misuse of technology via elitist mindsets
• Weaponization of natural systems and genocide
• Catastrophic Biosphere & Biodiversity Collapse
• The public has purposefully been set up to fail and take the blame
• Manufactured lack turned into personal guilt
• Greed and planned obsolescence (of products, living things AND people)
• Depopulation as a counter to an awakening public
• Surveillance and data collection: Invasion of privacy and emotional/psychological manipulation
• Data-mining and Artificial Intelligence
• People perish for lack of knowledge—participate in their own demise through ignorance
• Billions of people want an abundant, free and peaceful future (Halcyon Days)
• Emulating and honoring the wisdom of Nature’s balanced interchange system
• Freedom to fully explore individual creative potential and free will
• Overcoming imbalance/split-consciousness with moral integrity
• Taming the ego allows for individual uniqueness to become a cultural benefit for everyone
• Non-violent models of change: balancing the desire for peace with the changes necessary to ensure it

“Humanity once again stands at a most important fork in the road; a moment exhilarating and exasperating, liberating and terrifying—may we have the wisdom and moral fortitude to choose the path of countless wonders.”   
--Crystal Clark, June 3, 2013

Related article: A BRIEF TREATISE ON THE SACRED SCIENCE by Crystal Clark

Download mp3

Civil-War in America | Mark Snider with James Horak and Crystal Clark Pt.2, February 23, 2013

Source: Ohio Exopolitics,,

No matter which branch of absurdity (death by ignorance) mass media is used to sell you on participating in for your perceived benefit, they must use propaganda to do it. Managing your perceptions of reality is a BIG part of perpetuating ignorance, because they know people will respond to what they BELIEVE is true, not what IS true. Again, ignorance is the cunning thief of free will—people will not make choices they don’t know they have.

1. Civil War
2. Gun Control
3. NWO
4. Global Government

Please be advised that this show ultimately took a completely different direction than the title reflects, and included black ops projects supposedly dealing with soul stealing, and many, many other interesting topics not generally discussed by James Horak.

This was a great show with host Mark Snider and included (but was not limited to) the following topics:
• The N.W.O has nowhere to hide—on the planet or off the planet
• The weaponization of asteroids (the recent meteors)
• N.W.O Corp: service=servitude; product=money & death; media is the sales division
• N.W.O weaponization of space and the introduction of the fungus
• The N.W.O. is using EBE’s and their craft
• Back-engineering isn’t as easy at is sounds: an Incan example
• History of astronomy: Phobos and Transient Lunar Phenomenon (TLP)
• Forbidden Archeology: Cremo & Archeological Anomaly
• Every human being has a right to the knowledge
• Records of prior human lineages are suppressed
• The latest find in Romania: will the public finally get the truth?
• Black Ops MILABS & Mind Control: another victim comes forward
• The irony of people who don’t believe in the soul believing they can actually capture one
• The N.W.O is a sick cult obsessed with physical immortality
• Mr. Computer (the complex in Utah): capable of collective artificial intelligence
• The N.W.O aren’t intelligent enough to discern between the psyche and the soul
• No supercomputer will ever know the outcome of free will

Crystal Clark & James Horak on Beyond 2012 Radio with Tony Kudos, February 2, 2013


Tony Kudos interviews James Horak and Crystal Clark on Beyond 2012.
Write-up coming soon...

Crystal Clark & James Horak on OffPlanet Radio with Randy Maugans, January 30, 2013


First Hour - Crystal Clark discusses: The Gloves are off......
Identity mining/monitoring and personal profiling with a view to a totally control RFID chipped society.
The speed of peoples ability to see that Sandy Hook was a False Flag and their subsequent analysis and realisation of how far their Governments will go to emotionally manipulate people.
DHS Drills and Crisis Actors.
Discusses her recent article on Cosmology and the importance of understanding how our perceptions are manipulated and controlled by the Social Engineers.
Alternative Media Infiltration
Agenda 21

Second Hour - James Horak discusses:
Space Agencies hiding true number of Planets in our Solar System.
Astronomers silenced and finds classified.
Inability of Alternative 3 to be implemented. ET introduced fungus that destroys Earth made metals explaining cancelled Space Program.
1950's Nato Alliance to discredit Ufology. Hostile ET Invasion False Flag off the cards.
Abduction Scenario - creation of false perceptions - Non-existence of hybrid clones - Eugenics - Nazis
EBEs are a Government tool being used against Humanity. Hacking the Human Mind. Blonde ETs. Invasive Hypnosis used to implant false memories, Psychic Block. Propaganda constantly employed to prevent the mind from accepting reality. Some movie makers in Hollywood try to tell the truth. Dynasty of Pharaohs who were Extra Terrestrial - elongated skulls. Etruscans inspired by ET leaders. Inter-dimensional visitors and much more.......

Civil War in America | James Horak and Crystal Clark with Mark Snider, January 26, 2013

Source: Ohio Exopolitics Radio,,

No matter which branch of absurdity (death by ignorance) mass media is used to sell you on participating in for your perceived benefit, they must use propaganda to do it. Managing your perceptions of reality is a BIG part of perpetuating ignorance, because they know people will respond to what they BELIEVE is true, not what IS true. Again, ignorance is the cunning thief of free will—people will not make choices they don't know they have.

1. Civil War
2. Gun Control
3. NWO
4. Global Government

Crystal Clark | Cosmology & Perpetuated Ignorance: What We Were Never Told & Why, January 25, 2013


In a previous article I explained and defined the four walls of our manufactured thought prison—a prison designed to keep us locked into a perpetual state of ignorance via pre-defined misunderstandings of reality that are DICTATED TO US by those whose power is protected by those misunderstandings. Further, this form of ignorance is critical in building an inequitable two-party class system wherein one class ends up ruling over the other.

This imposed model of dichotomy facilitates, and therefore continually re-creates the master-and-slave construct, whether we refer to it as serfdom, class warfare, breakaway civilization, or the manufactured gap between the 1% and the 99%. In either or every case, proper knowledge and the ability to control, constrict, restrict and censor the flow and use of that knowledge, is where the real power over others lies. In more distilled terms, secrecy from them = bad for us—even where cosmology is concerned. To re-emphasize this point, I’m going to quickly reiterate it philosophically via pattern recognition before I reference sources of cosmological knowledge that our global handlers never bothered to share with the rest of us.


Crystal Clark | Sanctioned Reality & Manipulation Patterns


Crystal Clark's latest work flows from her own experiences in "perceptual reality". She's been there, done that and has a unique skill set that allows her to dispassionately dissect the landscape of the planet with precision. This article fills in the gaps on what we need to know about the Controller's agenda, and their methods. It would seem "they" do all of this with our sanction!

Full article THE WINNERS WRITE REALITY: Sanctioned Reality & Manipulation Patterns

"In order to know if they are being successful at changing your mind, they first have to read it. While there are specific technologies that can do this through direct application, that approach is ill-suited when dealing with a global population in the billions. The right tool is needed for the right job, and in this case, all they need is access to your personal information. This information is provided through electronic records that include everything from where you shop, what you buy, what you read, what you write, who you associate with, and which posts you like on social networks. Further information is collected through surveys you answer, census reports, music sales, show ratings, and even your political party affiliations. Through a process called data-mining, all of these records are consolidatedand then sifted to find thought patterns that can be interpreted as your personal disposition, i.e., your personality and character matrix." -Crystal Clark, THE WINNERS WRITE REALITY: Sanctioned Reality & Manipulation Patterns

Threat Assessment and Analysis with Crystal Clark, James Horak, Randy Maugans, November 3, 2012

Source:, emvsinfo.blogspot.comdrowninginabsurdity.wordpress.comRefined Cosmology to Address Cosmic Anomaly - Lifting the Veil

Responding to the ridiculous theories of David Icke and his distorted usage of the research of NASA scientist, Dr. Norman Bergrund. The fake cosmology of the Sun-Moon-Saturn menace; the Moon-Mind Control Orb scenario, fake alien invasion thesis; weather wars and genocide; The Greed-To-Death cycle of wars; Werner von Braun's leak of the hostile alien thesis. A call to reason and unity among humans against the Global Elite Death Wars. -

Crystal Clark on Offplanet Radio | Sacred Science, April 25, 2012


"My personal goal, as well as the goal of millions of others at this time, is to help humanity realize its full potential in meaningful ways that not only expand awareness of theother choices that genuinely uphold, regenerate, and recreate life (of which there are many), but also to rebuild the bridge between the mind and the heart; the mystical and material, so that the peaceful and abundant paradise we all long for can finally manifest here, in, around, and through, us." ~Crystal Clark

Author, spiritual researcher, metaphysician, and healer, Crystal Clark joins us for a wide-ranging interview on her quest to provide a framework for an enlightened future on Earth. We discuss the weaponized technology turned against humanity, the codes of life, the estranged feminine nature, GMO foods, Agenda 21, Codex Alimentarius, the "green agenda" and carbon tax; the "shadow" side... the evils of a monetary-based system...a call to return to the sacred in all things. ~Randy Maugans

A Refined Cosmology to Address Cosmic Anomaly: Lifting the Veil, Crystal Clark interviews James Horak, April 4, 2012

are presenting a three-hour series of three interviews
Crystal Clark and James Horak

A Refined Cosmology to Address Cosmic Anomaly: Lifting the Veil
This may well be the first time earth-bound humanity has been told the truth about our past—ever.

Should that be the case, this is a Great Day for the people on this planet—this is no small thing. It is entirely natural and expected that people will ask themselves, “How can we possibly know if this is true?”

As you move through each segment of this 3-part series, the answer will become self-evident: If we are able to turn things around on this planet fast enough, which will also ensure that we survive our own technology and those who abuse it, we will be in a position to TEST this story… I like that. :)

I would imagine some of you are wondering if I personally believe this story? Yes—I do.
~Crystal Clark
Click here to download the interviews as single mp3 file

Crystal Clark | Perception Management, Planned Chaos, & The New Future, December 2, 2011


The following YouTube video accompanies the program:

Courtesy of James Horak

Crystal Clark envisions a world ahead of "no more disease, abundance, the ability to explore our own planet, (the Vatican vaults, undersea cities), technology that will blow your mind, and traveling out to the stars." But we cannot do any of this unless certain things happen first. The corruption, the police state, lies, manipulation, poisons in our food and water, vaccinations that cause sterility…"We can't put it off any more. We have to do what is right."

Clark calls upon the whistleblowers to tell us what they know, and upon individuals to contribute in ways unique to each. The Occupy Wall Street Movement gives her hope.

"It's fantastic. We have been waiting for it. We have a group who do terrible things to the rest of us on the planet. We deal with it by not dealing with it. But when all these people show up, they have to face what they've done. They see faces, not charts and graphs." Non-violent demonstrations work, she says.

Clark's mission on the planet is to wake people up, to educate. She is the author of two books, Who Are We Really 101, 102, and 103 is due out this spring.

At the center of Clark's teachings is her understanding of Natural Law, ancient knowledge long camouflaged by dogmatic religious orders, and to which we must return. Natural Law explains how the world works on every level. From her website:

"There is a force at work in the Universe that creates, and it does so for only one reason: the experience a soul can gain from it. Whether you want to call this force God, Creator, Allah, or any other term, is irrelevant. It does what it does for only one reason: Love.

Nothing this Master Builder has ever created moves outside of that one purpose - it has but one idea that manifests itself in endless ways. From this One Law of Love, all of creation manifests through two equal but opposite forces that continue creation through balanced (equal) interchange between opposite energies."

Today's world is not in balance. It can not thrive. We are being utterly manipulated. "Nothing is as it seems."

"The matrix is breaking down and people are seeing it for what it is," says Clark in this interview. She talks about planned obsolescence, manufactured lack, trauma-based mind control and perception management. We are being systematically psychologically broken, she says. "We are all being suicided at a slow rate."

Those who perpetrate the imbalance we are experiencing are "insane," Clark decries. Of course they are. By the end of this Veritas interview you will be asking yourself what you yourself are doing to advance the cause of rectifying a world gone mad. "There is work to be done. Stand up, do something," she implores. "Courage is contagious."

To read her blog, about her books, philosophy, ways to help, guest appearances, and more, check out Clark's website at

Crystal Clark on "As You Wish" with James Gilliland, October 11, 2011


Who Are We Really 101 - Return of the Shaman

Crystal Clark teaches the hidden truths of the past, present, and future of the human race, as well as the sacred science that creates a science that has been hidden from the masses for thousands of years.

"It is my sincerest hope that you will learn this sacred science so that you as an individual, while working with others from around the world, will be able to understand it and use it in ways that will forever change our future. The two most important things the sacred science teaches us is that whether we refer to advanced technologies or prayer, it's always the same technology because everything uses the same laws to function, and secondly, the pattern that leads to the creation of all things, is also the path to what we today refer to as enlightenment. It's always the same pattern; only the scale changes."
—Crystal Clark
Author, Who Are We Really 101 - Return of the Shaman
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