Showing posts with label DMT Entities. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DMT Entities. Show all posts

Meeting Viracocha | DMT Entities at the Core of Ancient Belief Systems, with Dawid Rakowski

Source: Graham Hancock youtube

Is Viracocha a spirit contactable through DMT? In this video Dawid discusses the ancient depictions of the Inca god Viracocha, and how he may be persistent and contactable through DMT-containing Huilca plant medicines.

See Dawid's article on "DMT Entities at the Core of Belief Systems of Ancient South American Cultures Who Used Psychedelic Snuff":

Rick Strassman, M.D. | DMT: The Bridge Between Biology and the Divine | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio


Naturally occurring DMT may produce prophecy-like states of consciousness and thus represent a bridge between biology and religious experience

- Reveals the striking similarities between the visions of the Hebrew prophets and the DMT state described by Strassman's research volunteers
- Explains how prophetic and psychedelic states may share biological mechanisms
- Presents a new top-down "theoneurological" model of spiritual experience

After completing his groundbreaking research chronicled in DMT: The Spirit Molecule, Rick Strassman was left with one fundamental question: What does it mean that DMT, a simple chemical naturally found in all of our bodies, instantaneously opens us to an interactive spirit world that feels more real than our own world?

When his decades of clinical psychiatric research and Buddhist practice were unable to provide answers to this question, Strassman began searching for a more resonant spiritual model. He found that the visions of the Hebrew prophets--such as Ezekiel, Moses, Adam, and Daniel--were strikingly similar to those of the volunteers in his DMT studies. Carefully examining the concept of prophecy in the Hebrew Bible, he characterizes a "prophetic state of consciousness" and explains how it may share biological and metaphysical mechanisms with the DMT effect.

Examining medieval commentaries on the Hebrew Bible, Strassman reveals how Jewish metaphysics provides a top-down model for both the prophetic and DMT states, a model he calls "theoneurology." Theoneurology bridges biology and spirituality by proposing that the Divine communicates with us using the brain, and DMT--whether naturally produced or ingested--is a critical factor in such visionary experience. This model provides a counterpoint to "neurotheology," which proposes that altered brain function simply generates the impression of a Divine-human encounter.

Theoneurology addresses issues critical to the full flowering of the psychedelic drug experience. Perhaps even more important, it points the way to a renewal of classical prophetic consciousness, the soul of Hebrew Bible prophecy, as well as unexpected directions for the evolution of contemporary spiritual practice.

Rick Strassman MD performed the first new human studies with psychedelic drugs in the US in over 20 years. His research involved the powerful naturally-occurring compound, DMT - N,N-dimethyltryptamine. Led to this substance through his earlier study of the pineal gland as a potential biological locus for spiritual experiences, he administered several hundred doses of DMT to approximately 60 volunteers between 1990 and 1995.

He wrote about this research in the popular book, DMT: The Spirit Molecule, which has sold over 100,000 copies, has been translated into 12 languages, and is now available as an audio-book. It also inspired an independent documentary by the same name, picked up by Warner Bros distributing in Fall, 2011. With three distinguished collaborators, he co-authored Inner Paths to Outer Space, which looks more carefully at the common "other worlds" experience that volunteers frequently reported during his research. Since 1996, Dr. Strassman has been exploring models for the DMT effect focusing primarily on the Old Testament concept of prophecy.

Prophecy is a spiritual experience which takes into account the apparently external, free-standing nature of the DMT "worlds," in which one's sense of self is highly preserved and interactive. The Old Testament concept of prophecy provides an alternative to other models that borrow more heavily from Eastern religious systems, and those of Latin American shamanism. The notion of prophecy also deals directly with ethical and moral concerns, adding a crucial element to our ability to understand and integrate the content of the psychedelic experience.

He is developing these ideas in his next book, The Soul of Prophecy, due to appear in 2013. Dr. Strassman is currently Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the University of New Mexico School of Medicine. He is also President and co-founder of the Cottonwood Research Foundation, which is dedicated to consciousness research.

Rick Strassman MD, author of DMT: The Spirit Molecule, interviewed by Graham Hancock | July 14, 2019


In his first public appearance for several years, Rick Strassman shares the background, performance, and interpretation of his 1990s groundbreaking research at the University of New Mexico.

In this series of experiments—the first new American clinical research with psychedelic drugs in a generation—dozens of human volunteers received hundreds of doses of DMT, one of the most powerful psychedelics known to science.

The story of his research project, published as DMT: The Spirit Molecule, raises intriguing questions about the mysteries of consciousness and the hidden nature of "reality."

Here, Rick discusses his own continually evolving understanding of the DMT phenomenon. Also discussed are Rick's more recent works, DMT And the Soul of Prophecy, and his first novel, largely autobiographical in nature, entitled Joseph Levy Escapes Death.

Anthony Peake | Consciousness and Grey Aliens | Freeman TV | Feb. 9, 2019


This is where the Psychonaut meets the Scientist. Like when Ken Kesey of the Merry Pranksters met with Dr. Timothy Leary, let's explore altered states of consciousness. Does consciousness exist outside of the living body? Can your soul be transferred to a computer?

What beings exist inside the realm of DMT? Is this the place where the Grey Aliens dwell? Why is it that when people traverse the psychedelic worlds, they meet with mantis beings? Insects are the only thing on planet Earth that do not contain DMT.

Anthony Peake is a writer who deals with borderline areas of human consciousness. Anthony attended the London School of Economics and is a member of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, The Scientific & Medical Network and the Society for Psychical Research. In several of his books, he has presented a potentially paradigm-changing hypothesis that suggests that human consciousness survives the physical death of the body by falling out of time. He calls this process Cheating The Ferryman.

Anthony has now written eight books, co-authored an ninth and co-edited a tenth. All of them develop his Cheating the Ferryman hypothesis into ever-wider areas of application. His approach has always been to apply science to the mysterious and the enigmatic.

His tenth book, a work on the the time plays and time-theories of British author-playwright J.B. Priestley, was published in 2018. In 2019 a sequel to his book, Opening the Doors of Perception will be published. Also in 2018, an audio book of Anthony’s first work, Is There Life After Death – The Extraordinary Science of What Happens When We Die was released with Anthony reading his own writings.

Anthony Peake | The Holographic Episode | Part 2


Secure your mind, it’s gonna be a wild ride in Part II of The Holographic Episode, the mind-blowing interview with Anthony Peake, expert on Near Death Experiences and researcher into the fringe areas of consciousness! We delve deeper into the Matrix to explore other dimensions, DMT and the pineal gland. Learn how to tell if you’re Lucid Dreaming, whether or not there are trillions of you, and whether we could be living in a computer simulation! -

Listen to Part One: Anthony Peake | The Holographic Episode | Part 1

Rick Strassman | DMT and the Soul of Prophecy | Legalise Freedom Radio | April 24, 2015


Rick Strassman discusses his book DMT and the Soul of Prophecy – A New Science of Spiritual Revelation in the Hebrew Bible

After completing his groundbreaking research chronicled in DMT – The Spirit Molecule, Strassman was left with one fundamental question: What does it mean that DMT, a simple chemical naturally found in all our bodies, instantaneously opens us to an interactive spirit world that feels more real than our own world? When his decades of clinical psychiatric research and Buddhist practice were unable to provide answers to this question, Strassman began searching for a more resonant spiritual model. He found that the visions of the Hebrew prophets such as Ezekiel, Moses, Adam, and Daniel were strikingly similar to those of the volunteers in his DMT studies. Carefully examining the concept of prophecy in the Hebrew Bible, he characterizes a ‘prophetic state of consciousness’ and explains how it may share biological and metaphysical mechanisms with the DMT effect.

Examining medieval commentaries on the Hebrew Bible, Strassman reveals how Jewish metaphysics provides a top-down model for both the prophetic and DMT states, a model he calls theoneurology. Theoneurology bridges biology and spirituality by proposing that the Divine communicates with us using the brain, and DMT – whether naturally produced or ingested – is a critical factor in such visionary experience. This model provides a counterpoint to neurotheology, which proposes that altered brain function simply generates the impression of a Divine-human encounter. Theoneurology addresses issues critical to the full flowering of the psychedelic drug experience. Perhaps even more important, it points the way to a renewal of classical prophetic consciousness, the soul of Hebrew Bible prophecy, as well as unexpected directions for the evolution of contemporary spiritual practice.

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Graham Hancock | Psychedelics, Creativity, Healing, the Lost Civilisation and "Ancient Aliens" | Nov. 25, 2014


Interview by Benton Rooks with Graham Hancock. The interview was recorded by Skype, so apologies for occasional synch problems. Graham Hancock's novel War God: Return of the Plumed Serpent is now available from Amazon, as is the first volume of the series, War God: Nights of the Witch. Details and links to all editions here:

Dr. Ede Frecska | DMT Entities and Ayahuasca


September 5, 2010–Dr. Ede Frecska discusses his contribution to the work, Inner Paths To Outer Space, contacting DMT Entities and the Ayahuasca ceremony.

Ede Frecska

Ede Frecska is Chief of Department at the National Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology in Budapest, Hungary. He received his medical degree in 1977 from the Semmelweis University in Hungary. He then earned qualifications as certified psychologist from the Department of Psychology at Lorand Eotvos University in Budapest. Dr. Frecska completed his residency training in Psychiatry both in Hungary (1986) and in the United States (1992). He is a qualified psychopharmacologist (1987) of international merit with 15 years of clinical and research experience in the United States, where he reached the rank of Associate Professorship. During his academic years, Dr. Frecska's studies were devoted to research on schizophrenia and affective illness. He published more than 50 scientific papers and book chapters on these topics. In his recent research he is engaged in studies on psychointegrator drugs and techniques, his theoretical work focuses on the interface between cognitive neuroscience and quantum brain dynamics. He is specifically interested in the mechanism of initiation ceremonies and healing rituals. Dr. Frecska is a member of several professional organizations (APA, ECNP, CINP), and has received grants and awards from a variety of sources (NARSAD, NIAA).

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