Showing posts with label Dr. Steven Greer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dr. Steven Greer. Show all posts

Dr. Steven Greer | "They'll Erase You" - Super Elites, Invention Secrecy Act, Tesla, UFOs | June 24, 2024

Source: PBP Podcast,,

Dr. Steven Greer returns for a second sit-down with Patrick Bet-David, and you won't want to miss it! This episode of the PBD podcast features one of the wildest conversations yet, covering government conspiracies, whistleblowers, aliens, secret patents, teleportation, Nikola Tesla, and more. Tune in for an unforgettable discussion!

National Press Club Event - Disclosure 2.0 | June 12, 2023

Source: Dr. Steven Greer youtube 

History-Making Event!
- New Top Secret Testimony
- Dr. Greer will unveil the beginnings of the Intelligence Archive that is guiding the US Government in uncovering the truth about the UFO/UAP issue.

Redacted | BREAKING! UFO whistleblowers drop BOMBSHELL on D.C. | June 13, 2023

Source: Redacted youtube

Dr. Steven Greer held a stunning UFO disclosure press event at Washington's D.C. press club. Led by renowned researchers, members of the military, defense contractors and former government officials, this conference revealed shocking testimony about the secret space program, reverse engineered alien craft, and massive crimes and cover up. Redacted host Clayton Morris walks us through the highlights of the UFO event.

Steven Greer | The Cosmic Hoax: An Exposé | July 4, 2021

Source: Dr. Steven Greer youtube 

This documentary is Dr. Greer’s answer to the current government and media disinformation campaign promoting 3 big lies: 

1. We do not know what these UAPs/ UFOs are. WE DO.
2. Humans cannot make craft that can maneuver like UFOs. WE CAN and WE DO.
3. The UFOs are a threat. THEY ARE NOT.

Dr. Steven Greer | Live Broadcast at 6pm EST Today | May 19, 2021

Source: Dr. Steven Greer youtube

Update on false disclosure and what is going on with attorney Daniel Sheehan and Luis Elizondo.

Daniel 'Dark Journalist' Liszt | State of Stealthy Affairs - Part 1 | Debunking the Good Cult | Forum Borealis | Aug. 9, 2017


What's the REAL classified space program & why is a fantasy story pushed by powerful sources? DJ joins the discussion on stealthy state of affairs.

Topics touched: Intel ops, Junk Conspiracy, Deep State, NASA, Black Economy, Dark Journalism, Independent Media, Star Wars, Teosophy & Antroposophy, Gaia TV, New Age, UFO Cults, Breakaway Civ, "bad vs good" aliens, Antediluvian Civ, old timers in the field. Folks mentioned: Goode, Wilcock, Dr Salla, Dr Greer, Marrs, Dr Farrell, Fitts, Dolan, Levenda, Dr Scott, Howe, Schratt, Rosin, McCandlish, Dr Brandenburg, Dr Vallée, Hoagland, McClelland, Bauval, Hancock, West, McKinnon, Ryan, Basiago, High.

Elisa E. | Mind War: Psy-Ops, World-view Warfare, and Targeted Groups | OffPlanet Radio with Randy Maugans | May 12, 2017 

Source:, Book: Our Life Beyond MKULTRA

Are major UFO Conferences used as lures for operatives to be re-programmed? What are the dangers to TIs, operatives, survivors of SRA, cults, and those in de-programming ... and to attendees in general?

"This is the key point: the effective employment of air and space power has to do not so much with airplanes and missiles and engineering as with thinking and attitude and imagination."-- General Merrill A. McPeak, USAF.

~Neocortical Warfare-RAND CORP.
~New World War Revolutionary Methods for Political Control by Mark M. Rich
~Doctrine For Joint Psychological Operations-Joint Chiefs of Staff publication

Contact In The Desert/Corey Goode/Steven Greer/ Wizard of Oz/"Over the Rainbow Programming"
The UFO scene, conferences as addiction; critical for people de-programming to attend these events---which can be re=programming venues for TIs, ex-Black Ops operatives, MPD/DID, SRA survivors, etc.
Isolation and exposure risks at major events like UFO conferences
Steven Greer. Plasma ships, Contact In the Desert, energy-based mind control, mass hypnosis.

Elisa's programming to Steven Greer; the International UFO Conference in Laughlin; how she was programmed into a situation where she was deployed as an assassin; Greer is a programmed asset of the CIA; Podesta designated agent for "disclosure" program; has ongoing contact with John Podesta and Hillary Clinton.

Elisa's encounter with Steven Greer at IUFOC. (00:25:00)
Induced states, neuro-linguistic programming, and layered signals.
Staged meetings, mind controlled actors/operatives planted to monitor and harrass targeted attendees
Connections to conferences, intelligence agencies, key "asset" media outlets like Project Camelot.

We discuss what the "Secret Space Program": a mind control program that operates as a front for weapons programs and atmospheric mind control; Corey Goode just the latest version of a long series of planted assets, used to exploit people in the UFO, "Exopolitics" movements; Exopolitics is a money-making operation; SSP is a truth, but NOT what is presented.

The Theme of the Meme is the Blue Avians. Goode is using indoctrination to cancel out the menacing aspects of the secret weapons programs; the multi-tiered aspects of SSP; masking sexual abuse, pedophilia, and traumatic mind control programs; "Mars" programming, screen memories; "space" as it is presented is a myth; SSP uses simulations, induction, and hypnosis on subjects.

Elisa talks about her experiences with a UFO abductees group. Group was a "honeypot operation" for programming; encounter with a humanoid entity; a visit to "red place" (Mars?), MiLABS. Rape and sexual programming as "Kundalini".

SSP as cover-up for various clandestine operations, A.I., transhumanism and plasma weaponry. Orbs and Sphere Beings to present plasma weaponry as exotic and exciting "sci-fi"-type imagery.
How MILABS and Super Soldier programs emerged as conduits for misdirection.

Exopolitics has replaced MUFON. Well financed, celebrities, glossy "Hollywood" presentation. Legitimate expositors of information on SSP, Catherine Austin-Fitts, Joseph Farrell; researching verifiable information vs. the undocumented programs; psycho-spiritual aspects of "disclosure".
Unacknowledged Special Access Programs.

Release of MK-ULTRA documents was a controlled leak to hide the major programs and agendas.
Exopolitics, SSP as "magnets" to sustain the illusions about "outer space" programs; it is a belief system; the balance between the intellectual and spiritual exploration of all phenomenon. Levels of information that do not exist as documentation.

The Spiritual.BIZ interview with Corey Goode on making money from "spirituality"; the CULT being built around The Sphere Being Alliance and the Blue Avians; ascension; cults are money-making operations.

Whistleblowers usually wind up being stalked, abused, targeted, broke, and marginalized---how does Corey Goode wind up on the talk circuit, feted, put up in nice home, being paid high dollars, and running a media entertainment enterprise. Glamorizing mind control.

Disposable "assets": Max Spiers, the sacrifice of key figures; invitation to walk away from the agencies' agenda, join us in exploring and exposing the truth---not the fictions deployed as deep psychological operations to hide their agendas. -Randy Maugans

Dr. Steven Greer on Carol Rosin Show | NEW Critical Urgent Disclosure Information | May 13, 2016


Dr. Steven Greer appeared on the Carol Rosin Show on May 13, 2016 to discuss new critical and urgent information regarding the Disclosure Movement. While we encourage you to listen to the entire show to gain an overall perspective, if time is of the essence for you, please know Dr. Greer highlights the new information during the second half of the interview.

WHY IS THIS URGENT? Because there has been a GRAND ESCALATION from the DIS-information camps in the public sector and media … and YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT IT!

The headlines and descriptions below are from Carol Rosin’s archive link for this same show. (You can follow the link here to her archived file on American Freedom Radio) We encourage you to support her sites and visit their webpages for more information.

Steven Greer, Ronnie McMullen | FADE to BLACK with Jimmy Church | April 12, 2016


Dr. Steven Greer joins the show for a 90 minute conversation on Disclosure 2.0. He tells us about his new movie project and everything that he is currently working on...later in the show Ronnie McMullen stops by for a little chat about everything conspiracy...and a little health talk for good measure.

Steven Greer | UFOs and the Deep National Security State | Nov. 21, 2015


This 4 hour workshop will include:
- How is secrecy maintained through the hybrid of corporate and government programs?
- Which military bases and facilities and which corporations are involved?
- How is black-budget and criminal activity funding these operations?
- The Connection between the financial system, UFO technology, drug-running and covert military airspace and bases
- Where are the key Underground Bases (UGBs) and how are they connected via subterranean tunnels?
- Who has been involved in managing this secrecy and how is that entity (MAJIC) controlled and operated?
- How do Unacknowledged Special Access Projects (USAPs) operate and how are they kept secret from the people, the President and Congress?
- The History of UFO secrecy since WW II and how it has devolved into its own illegal trans-national cartel.
- See explosive documents on secrecy, how human military controlled "Abductions" are "stage-crafted" and what is the agenda for this Deception.
- What is the future agenda for the cartel managing UFO secrecy-and how you need to prepare for this future!

Steven Greer | Sirius Film, June 13, 2013

Source:,, Frank Carlucci

June 13, 2013–Steven M. Greer, MD is Founder of The Disclosure Project, The Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI) and The Orion Project. He is the author of four books and multiple DVDs on the UFO/ET subject. He teaches groups throughout the world how to make peaceful contact with extraterrestrial civilizations, and continues to research bringing truly alternative energy sources out to the public.

Greer has led research teams throughout the world investigating the existence of ETI and on several occasions has successfully established preliminary contact and communication with extraterrestrial spacecraft at close range.

We'll discuss the crowd funded documentary called Sirius, which features Steven along with numerous government and military witnesses to UFO and ET secrecy. Sirius deals not only with the subject of UFO and ET visitation disclosure but also with the advanced, clean, and alternative energy technology that's getting them here.

Steven will talk about how these technologies, some of which have been suppressed for decades, can enable humanity to leave the age of the polluting petrodollar and transform society and improve mankind's chances for survival. He also tells us about his new R&D lab in the works. Later, we talk about the controversial aspects of the documentary. The hour ends on coherent thought sequencing used as a tool for primary vectoring of spacecrafts from deep space. Steven also explains how ET life forms, which have found their way to our corner of the galaxy, have evolved technologies which assist their ability to interface with consciousness.
download mp3

Dr. Steven M. Greer | Citizen Hearing On Disclosure, April 29 – May 3, 2013 – Washington, DC


Citizen Hearing on Disclosure April 29 – May 3, 2013, The National Press Club, Washington, DC

Citizen Hearing on Disclosure | Dr. Steven Greer Talks Truth vs. Stigma about UFOs


Dr. Steven Greer stopped to discuss why eventually the battle for truth will prevail against the stigma associated with UFO and extra terrestrial phenomena.

Citizen Hearing on Disclosure
May 3, 2013

The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure | Dr. Steven Greer Testimony, April 29, 2013


Citizen Hearing on Disclosure
April 29 to May 3, 2013
National Press Club in Washington, DC

For more information visit:

The Joe Rogan Experience | Dr. Steven Greer, Brian Redban, March 3, 2013

Source: joeroganexperience vimeo

download mp3

Commander Will Miller, US Navy retired | Secrecy: How and Why it is Maintained, February 8, 2013

Source:, Energiereichtum youtube

Commander Miller has worked with Dr. Greer for over two decades setting up sensitive meetings at the Pentagon and elsewhere and advising on how secret projects (USAPs -- Unacknowledged Special Access Projects) are set up structurally to maintain secrecy. He will discuss the pros and cons of that system. Their conversation will be an amazing insight into how the information about UFOs and the New Energy technology is controlled. This knowledge is not speculation but from someone who has been on the inside. You don't want to miss the first of a 2-part series to go into depth on this issue. Dr. Greer feels this is one of the most important interviews he has ever done!

Commander Will Miller - US Navy - retired: 
- A Decorated VIETNAM COMBAT VETERAN, and ADVISOR to Generals, Admirals, & White House Staff
- A Military Advisor in World-War III, Natural, Nuclear Technological, & Disaster Survival
- Advisor in non-lethal weapons and future space systems
- Held TS-SCI security clearance (Top Secret Clearance with Special Compartmented Information access)
- Currently Rotary International Assistant-Governor for Rotary Clubs on Florida's Central Gulf Coast

‪Dr. Ted Loder & Dr. Steven Greer‬ | False Flag ‪Events and Their DANGER‬, July 27, 2012


World Puja Network Show - July 27, 2012
Dr. Ted Loder and Dr. Steven Greer discuss false flag events which are hoaxed ET events made to demonize the Extraterrestrial Civilizations. Having primed the public with scary "alien invasion" movies by the score, what is next on the agenda?

Former President Reagan's remark about humanity uniting to fight a common "alien threat" does not protect humanity but it does promote lots of money flowing to the military industrial complex.

Dr. Greer and Dr. Loder drill down on what is being presented to the public now and why it is so dangerous. The threat is not recognizing it for what it is. Listen in.

Amardeep Kaleka and Dr. Steven Greer | Sirius: The Next Step in Disclosure, May 11, 2012


Dr. Steven Greer is joined by Emmy award winning documentary filmmaker, Amardeep Kaleka. They discuss the next level of Disclosure that will happen with the documentary they are working on. The first part will include witness testimony that will establish that we have been visited by ET civilizations. The 2nd part will connect the dots showing how the ET issue relates to the New Energy issue and the development of new civilization on planet Earth. The final section of the film will show the contact the CE-5 teams led by Dr. Greer have been experiencing (CE-5 = Close Encounters of the 5th kind).

Emery Smith and Dr. Steven Greer | Report on the Marco Island CE-5 Contact Expedition, April 27, 2012


Guest: Emery Smith

Dr. Greer and Emery Smith discuss the field work experiences from the Marco Island CE-5 Expedition. Last year people at the Marco Island training were blown away by their experiences made even more amazing because they were so close to a populated area. On these expeditions Emery and Dr. Greer often have very unusual interaction with ETs through the magnetometers or other devices. Listen in to find out what has happened.

Dr. Ted Loder and Dr. Steven Greer | How UFO & Energy Secrecy is maintained till now, April 13, 2012



Guest: Dr. Ted Loder Dr. Greer is joined by Dr. Ted Loder to discuss the complex issue of UFO and Energy secrecy. They discuss how since the early 1920's energy solutions have been suppressed and how the energy and UFO issues are related. From T. Townsend Brown, to Jimmy Dolittle, the 3rd Reich, Barry Goldwater.....This is an in-depth discussion of history from a different perspective.
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