Showing posts with label Egyptian Mysteries. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Egyptian Mysteries. Show all posts

Dr. Carmen Boulter | Bombshell Atlantis Egypt Discovery! | New Explosive Evidence! | Dark Journalist | Feb. 23, 2017


New Explosive Archaeological Discovery Shows Egyptian Royal Pharaoh Akhenaten and Queen Nefertiti Deep Connection to the Lost Continent of Atlantis in Ancient Artifacts dated to 10,000 B.C.!

In this stunning Part Two episode with Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Expert Dr. Carmen Boulter she explains that her new and historic discoveries at a remote site in Turkey of an extensive collection of Ancient Egyptian artifacts reveal a connection to the Lost Continent of Atlantis. The evidence of an Atlantean Princess found among the ruins of the Secret Tomb opens up all kinds of questions for our dating of Ancient Egyptian as well as Atlantean history. As Dr.Boulter explains, 'this is history in the making and the stunning discovery will forever change the story of early humanity and the rise of civilization!'

Atlantis, often scorned by academics as a myth, was said by the Greek Philosopher Plato to have been an advanced culture located somewhere in the Atlantic that sank into the ocean due to its spiritual demise. Later, during the 20th century, the Sleeping Prophet Edgar Cayce predicted that ruins of this lost continent would rise in modern times near what is now Bimini off the Coast of Florida. When a huge structure known as the Bimini Wall was seen by researchers near Bimini in 1968 it sparked a new wave of interest in the reality of the legendary Atlantis that continues through to the present.

Excitement, Mystery, Controversy, Intrigue
A great deal of intrigue, controversy and excitement hangs over these amazing findings that were excavated in Turkey inside a concealed mountain vault tomb. Dr. Boulter is a leading expert on Ancient Egypt and her classic five-part Netflix series 'The Pyramid Code' changed the way we look at the level of technological and spiritual development in ancient times. Her deep involvement in this amazing find has not only given it great credibility, it has also resulted in rigorous scientific testing being done on these objects. The explosive initial results give an earth shattering date of 10,000 B.C. to these classically Dynastic Egyptian artifacts. That predates the historic Egypt by 8,000 years!

Atlantis Royal Family: Atlantean Princess
The groundbreaking discovery throws a completely new light on the age of the royal lineage of the Amarna ruling family. This royal lineage includes Akhenaten, Amenhotep, Nefertiti, Hatshepsut and Tutankhamen. With the discovery of an Atlantean Princess at the site with the Ancient Egyptian Amarna Artifacts, It raises all kinds of important questions about humanity's early history.

It strongly suggests that this unusual Amarna lineage may have been a Heritage of Blood transferred down from the Royal Adepts of Atlantis and is linked with legends of their advanced spiritual understanding and extraordinary psychic abilities.

Dr. Carmen Boulter | Akhenaten Discovery Changes History Forever! | Dark Journalist | Jan. 26, 2017


Changing History Forever!
In this earth-shattering episode full of historic revelations, Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes Pyramid expert Dr. Carmen Boulter back to the show for some History Changing Revelations about the shocking discovery of a secret site unearthed in Turkey of an Ancient Egyptian chamber that bears a strong resemblance to King Tut’s tomb and that contains a wealth of Egyptian treasure and lifelike statues of the heretic Pharaoh Akhenaten along with exotic antiquities of the Amarna period. Exclusive PHOTOGRAPHIC EVIDENCE provided in this Part 1 episode to substantiate the claim makes this the most important Dark Journalist episode to date and represents an earthquake for our understanding of the ancient past, Changing History Forever!

Amazing Akhenaten Discovery Dates Egypt Back to 10,000 BC
This amazing discovery would be incredible and historic enough just by virtue of the fact of its being located in Turkey and suggesting that Queen Nefertiti fled with a small band of followers and escaped her husband’s fate at the hands of the corrupt Amun Priesthood. But this historic find has even more secrets to reveal. The early testing of the artifacts reveals the extraordinary data that carbon dating tests put the age of the artifacts at approximately 10,000 BC, which throws a completely new light on the age of royal lineage of the Amarna ruling family. This royal like includes Akhenaten, Amenhotep, Nefertiti, Hatshepsut and Tutankhamen. It raises all kinds of important questions about our ancient history and strongly suggests that this unusual Amarna lineage may have been a Heritage of Blood transferred down from Royal Atlantis and is linked with advanced spiritual understanding and extraordinary psychic abilities.

Queen Nefertiti and The Pharaoh Akhenaten
The story of Pharaoh Akhenaten and his wife, Nefertiti has been portrayed by mainstream Egyptologists in a way that suggests that the Amun Priesthood was heroic, in deposing the heretically monotheistic "mad king", says Boulter. According to her, the real story is much more intriguing and it relates to Akhenaten's esoteric knowledge about the founding of Ancient Egypt. Why did the Priesthood attempt to strip Akhenaten and Nefertiti from history? Was Nefertiti able to escape, to conceal ancient knowledge of Egypt's Atlantean past and exotic origins in a secret sacred tomb in Turkey? The newly released Bombshell Photographs answer that question with a resounding YES!

In this stunning episode, Dr. Boulter she explains that her new discoveries, inspired by her intuitive sense as well as her expertise as a researcher, reveal that the corrupt Amun Priesthood attempted to eliminate the royal family in Egypt and killed the Pharaoh Akhenaten and his son Tutankhamun (King Tut), but that Queen Nefertiti fled to Turkey and escaped their vicious treachery. She also explores the possibility that Akhenaten and Nefertiti were Atlantean supernatural beings that were giving humanity a new mystical philosophy of peace and spiritual attunement.

Dr. Boulter also discusses her five-part documentary series, 'The Pyramid Code' that explores the esoteric wisdom the Egyptians used to build the incredible monuments at Giza. Her new documentary series called 'The New Atlantis' will unveil her cutting edge and exciting research of an Atlantean culture that existed before recorded history, which formed the basis of the Sumerian, Egyptian, Mayan, and Inca Civilizations!

Yousef Hakim Awyan | Egypt 1.0 | FADE to BLACK with Jimmy Church | Oct. 10, 2016


Yousef Awyan is the son of Hakim Awyan...who was one of the last carriers of the Mystery School knowledge of ancient Egypt...and through his father he is bringing that hidden information to the world. Tonight he joins the show live from Cairo, Egypt with one of the most amazing conversations about the lost history before and during the dynastic period.

John Anthony West | Egypt: Generally Speaking | FADE to BLACK with Jimmy Church | July 26, 2016


John Anthony West is regarded as one of the leading authors and researchers of Ancient Egypt...and he has just returned from another recon mission in Egypt with Robert Schoch, who with back in 1991 re-dated the Great Sphinx to 10,000 BC.

Tonight we discuss all things Egypt...the Old Kingdom, Middle Kingdom and a little bit of the New...where their technology and great art came from and why modern academia is in total denial of dating and technique.

Jaws is one of the smartest and educated on the subject of Egypt...the best...and this conversation is very open...he does not hold back. Enjoy.

Interview start: 32:30 min.

Brien Foerster | Were The Egyptian Pyramids Acoustic Devices? | The Anarchast | May 21, 2016


Jeff interviews anarchist archaeologist, Brien Foerster. Topics include: a fascination with native cultures, living and exploring in Peru, re-writing history, 12,000 year old civilization wiped out by global catastrophe, mistakes in the historic narrative, the Egyptian pyramids appear to be giant acoustic resonators, an ancient energetic system akin to wifi, using naturally occurring energy, following your dreams and passions, leaving the decaying west behind.

Dr. Carmen Boulter | Atlantis Akhenaten Egyp Revelations | Dark Journalist | May 11, 2016


Part 2 Interview with Dr. Carmen Boulter: Atlantis Akhenaten Egypt Revelations!

Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes back Dr. Carmen Boulter In this special part 2 interview on emerging breakthroughs in her research on an antediluvian civilization in Ancient Egypt. This lost culture was said by the Greek Philosopher Plato and the Famous Psychic Edgar Cayce to have possessed advanced technology, air and space travel and powerful mental and spiritual abilities. After their continent was destroyed in a massive cataclysm, they transferred their wisdom and building knowledge to Ancient Egypt and hid their history in the construction of the Great Pyramid, Sphinx and a yet to be discovered Hall of Records.

New Discoveries Show Akhenaten Nefertiti Period Dates Further Back to 12,000 B.C.
In this stunning episode with Dr. Boulter she explains that her new discoveries reveal that the corrupt Amun Priesthood attempted to eliminate the royal family in Egypt and killed the Pharaoh Akhenaten and his son Tutankhamun (King Tut), but that Queen Nefertiti fled to another country and escaped their vicious treachery. She also explores the possibility that Akhenaten and Nefertiti were supernatural beings that were giving humanity a new mystical philosophy of peace and spiritual attunement. In an even more bizarre twist the latest carbon dating on this new Nefertiti site reveals that it dates back to 12,000 B.C. opening up all kinds of questions for our chronology of Ancient Egyptian and Atlantean history!

Dr. Boulter explores why there is such a complete media and archaeological blackout around the true nature of Ancient Egyptian culture and shows that occult forces that were working in ancient times still have an eerie legacy in our own time. She states that the secrets these powerful groups are protecting may keep modern humanity in a state of disconnected physical consciousness and submerge our spiritual understanding to leave our mind, body and spirit vulnerable to hidden, nefarious control and keep it disassociated from its star origins.

Dr. Boulter also discusses her five-part documentary series, 'The Pyramid Code' that explores the esoteric wisdom the Egyptians used to build the incredible monuments at Giza. Her new documentary series called 'The New Atlantis' will unveil her exciting research of an Atlantean culture that existed before recorded history, which formed the basis of the Sumerian, Egyptian, Mayan, and Inca Civilizations. She also comments on a new study that shows the dating on the Sphinx shows it may have been built as fas back as 800,000 B.C.!

Brien Foerster | Mayan Indians In Ancient Egypt? And Lost Ancient High Technology? | May 11, 2016


Never heard of Elephantine Island? It is in southern Egypt and contains many mysteries which are decoded in this video. From the presence of Mayan Indians in Egypt to obvious examples of Lost Ancient High Technology. -Brien Foerster

Dr. Carmen Boulter | Nefertiti Breakthrough! Altlantis Egyption Hall of Records | Dark Journalist


Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt and Pyramid Expert Dr. Carmen Boulter explore her shocking and exciting new discoveries of ancient sites using a new Space Archaeology Satellite Scan technique that suggest the Atlantean Hall of Records may have been found!

Complete Archaeological Blackout
Renowned early 20th century psychic,Edgar Cayce, known as the "Sleeping Prophet" predicted that evidence for Atlantis and its advanced technology would one day be found beneath the pyramids at Giza, through a hidden passageway underneath the right paw of the Sphinx.

Egyptology, of course scoffs at the very idea of the "Lost Civilization", let alone one possessing highly-advanced technology. Concerned with controlling the narrative of Ancient Egypt, investigations running counter to that narrative have been derided by or even blocked by Egypt's Minister of Antiquities, Zahi Hawass (now retired) in what some call an "Archaeological Blackout".
This interview looks at the story of two leading Egyptologists whose early digs were sponsored by the Edgar Cayce Foundation's Association for Research and Enlightenment (ARE). One had previously written a book on Cayce's readings, describing how Ancient Egypt was founded by the survivors of Atlantis.

Were these archaeologists secretly looking for the Ancient Hall of Records, using the Cayce readings, while publicly disavowing their former sponsor, to stay in line with official Egyptology?

Queen Nefertiti and The Pharaoh Akhenaten
The story of Pharaoh Akhenaten and his wife, Nefertiti has been framed by Egyptologists in a way to suggest that the Amun Priesthood was heroic, in deposing the heretically monotheistic "mad king", says Boulter. According to her, the real story is much more intriguing and it relates to Akhenaten's esoteric knowledge about the founding of Ancient Egypt.

Why did the Priesthood attempt to strip Akhenaten and Nefertiti from history? Was Nefertiti able to escape, to conceal ancient knowledge of Egypt's Atlantean past and off-world origins in a sacred tomb? Will Boulter's latest archaeological find finally bring closure to this ancient mystery, once and for all?

Shocking, enlightening, bizarre, unnerving, strange and compelling. You don't want to miss this unique Dark Journalist episode!

Brien Foerster | Pyramids Of Egypt: Secrets That Egyptologists Don't Want You to Know | Feb. 11, 2016


It is clearly time to drop the idea that the dynastic Egyptians built the pyramids at Giza. This video will clearly show you that high technology had to have been used. -Brien Foerster

Robert Bauval | The Egypt Code | Capricorn Radio


Brien Foerster | Evidence Of Ancient Machining Technology In Egypt: Cairo Museum | Dec. 10, 2015


This video shows clear evidence that very advanced high technology existed in ancient Egypt, as you will see obvious saw marks in very hard stone. -Brien Foerster

Jeff Rense & John Anthony West | Lessons Of Ancient Egypt


Clip from July 30, 2014 - guest John Anthony West on the Jeff Rense Program.

Courtney Brown | The Great Pyramid of Giza, April 8, 2014


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Robert Bauval | Zahi Hawass’ Khufu Cartouche Heist Claims Against Robert Bauval, December 25, 2013

Source:, The Madness of King Zahi Hawass, Robert Bauval

December 25, 2013–Robert Bauval was born in Alexandria, Egypt to Belgian parents. He is a researcher of ancient Egypt and a bestselling author, probably best known for his Orion Correlation Theory. His research has been featured in documentaries throughout the world.

He returns to discuss lies and accusations made about him by Zahi Hawass, which were published in the newspaper 'Al Masry Al Yom'. Dr Zahi Hawass, ex Minister of State for Antiquities, revealed that "the robberies of King Khufu's cartouche was done on behalf of, Robert Bauval, an Egyptian Jew working in Belgium, who has been trying by every means to prove that the pyramid is a Jewish and not Egyptian product."

Hawass claimed that Robert collaborated and paid two German amateur archaeologists to steal the cartouche of the pharaoh Khufu inside a relief chamber of the Great Pyramid. He added: "I would like to make it clear that the foreign vandals are led by an Egyptian Jew living in Belgium, who had previously sent more than one person, who were all forbidden completely, and with whom I have had many battles, and he wrote a book before trying to prove that the pyramid was not Egyptian." Hawass confirmed that "it was not permitted to enter the pyramid except through tourist companies in order to make control, which is the opposite of what is happing now; which allowed the samples to be smuggled." Robert, who is of the Christian Catholic faith, will address these false accusations.
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Robert Bauval | Special Bulletin 'Zahi Hawass Breaking News', December 11, 2013


(Germans working for an Egyptian Jew in Belgium stole Khufu cartouche in April 2013) Dr Zahi Hawass, ex Minister of State for Antiquities, revealed that the robberies of King Khufu's cartouche was done on behalf of, Robert Bauval, an Egyptian Jew working in Belgium, who has been trying by every means to prove that the pyramid is 'a Jewish and not Egyptian product'. Hawass said in a special statements that Muhamed Ibrahim, the Minister of Antiquities has said in one of his media interviews that Khufu's cartouche had was stolen in 2006, which is not true, as the inspecting agencies and the police have proved that the robbery took place in 2013, and the the passports of the Germans showed that they entered Egypt last April.

Hawass wondered 'how the theft could have taken place in 2006 while the investigations were conducted with current officials and not those responsible for the pyramid area at the time? While the investigation result came to confirm my words, and all those responsible for the have been removed from the pyramid area after their involvement, one way or the other, has been proven'.

He added: "I would like to make it clear that the foreign vandals are led by an Egyptian Jew living in Belgium, who had previously sent more than one person, who were all forbidden completely, and with whom I have had many battles, and he wrote a book before trying to prove that the pyramid was not Egyptian". Hawass confirmed that "it was not permitted to enter the pyramid except through tourist companies in order to make control, which is the opposite of what is happing now; which allowed the samples to be smuggled".

He (Hawass) pointed that "the German laboratories attempted to demonstrate, through the red colour found in the rooms, that the pyramid dates to 15 thousand years (ago), which means that this was the time it was built, but the fact which is confirmed by both Egyptian and foreign scientists is that Khufu sent in his Year 27 a mission to bring the red colour from the Western Sahara, from Mast stone in which the cartouche was written, which means that it was the quarry from which the colour was brought who dates 15 thousand years ago and not the pyramid".

He (Hawass) stressed on "the need for those responsible for antiquities to look to what is happening of destruction and vandalism in some areas, not just remove accusations from officials or trying to deny responsibility for a great disaster like breaking into the pyramid and stealing Khufu's cartouche, as the present minister does".

The Great Convergence, Egypt, Winter Solstice 2012 on GoPro


The Do LaB teamed up with GoPro to create a stunning ode to the ancient civilizations of Egypt through a time lapsed recap of The Great Convergence festival. Set at the foot of the Giza pyramids and along the banks of the Nile River, this gathering sought to celebrate life and the resetting of the 26,000 year cyclic calendar which came to pass on the Winter Solstice 2012.

The Great Convergence featured top Egyptian acts including the renowned Sufi dance group, Al-Tannoura Whirling Dervishes, and a selection of top electronic music producers and DJ’s from around the the world including headliners Beats Antique, Apparat, Random Rab, Bluetech, Gaudi, Govinda, Desert Dwellers, David Starfire, DJ Dragonfly, and Imagika Om.

Additionally, the festival boasted panels and workshops with various experts including Carmen Boulter of The Pyramid Code, renowned geologist Robert Schoch, along with several local Egyptologists to discuss the mysteries of the pyramids and the secrets of the ages.

Robert Bauval | Tutankhamun's DNA, Zahi Hawass Chasing Mummies & Robert's Egypt Tour


August 10, 2010–Robert Bauval is back with us on the program to talk about the latest shenanigans of Secretary General of the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities Dr. Zahi Hawass, with his absolutely ridiculous and pointless "Chasing Mummies" series on the History Channel. We begin to talk about the new DNA findings that might prove that Tutankhamun was of Western European descent. We also talk about Robert's upcoming Egypt tour and some of his favorite spots in Egypt. Robert is the author of "The Egypt Code", "The Orion Mystery"," Keeper of Genesis", "The Message of the Sphinx", "Secret Chamber", "Talisman: Sacred Cities, Secret Faith" and his new upcoming book is called "Black Genesis".~Red Ice Creations

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Carmen Boulter | Egyptian Mysteries

23 March 2010—Prof. Carmen Boulter discussed the history and mysteries of ancient Egypt, what's being hidden and what's being revealed. She was recently in Egypt for a press conference about the DNA results of King Tut's mummy, and found the announcement that the young pharaoh had various medical maladies to be slanted and contradictory to her “psychic archeology” view that the leaders from the 18th Dynasty were highly conscious and healthy beings. She cited evidence for ancient Egypt's advanced technology—they were very sophisticated in their sky/ground correlations and lined the Giza Pyramids up with stars in the Orion constellation. The pyramids, she said, were built with antigravity methods—“I envision large lifters and small nudgers,” and people acting as “human divining rods that were connecting the cosmic energy to the earth.”
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