Showing posts with label Free Energy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Free Energy. Show all posts

Dr. Steven Greer | "They'll Erase You" - Super Elites, Invention Secrecy Act, Tesla, UFOs | June 24, 2024

Source: PBP Podcast,,

Dr. Steven Greer returns for a second sit-down with Patrick Bet-David, and you won't want to miss it! This episode of the PBD podcast features one of the wildest conversations yet, covering government conspiracies, whistleblowers, aliens, secret patents, teleportation, Nikola Tesla, and more. Tune in for an unforgettable discussion!

Ernst Willem Van Den Bergh | True Consciousness & The Science of Tesla’s Magic | Nov. 26, 2019


Ernst Willem Van Den Bergh has been tinkering with the world from an early age. Born in 1964 in Amsterdam, he was repairing all things electronic by his teens, and built his first computer when he was 18. He went off to University to study computer science and physics and worked in IT until 2005. Then he moved to Thailand and while looking for a new hobby, decided to take a deep dive into the work of Nikola Tesla and it’s really been off to the races ever since.

He has since collected all of Tesla’s works that aren’t sealed away in classified files, has been replicated Tesla’s experiments- and has written 4 books along the way:

Tesla’s Magnifying Transmitter: Recreating Tesla’s Dream
The Problem of Increasing Human Energy (annotated): The Tesla Code
The Battle for Wardenclyffe: A Story In Letters
and his most recent release, the topic of the day: The Science of Tesla’s Magic.

He is running a creative experiment to crowdfund his work by allowing donors to denote the category they’d like their donation to go to using this system for the last digit of their donation amount:

.01 Rebuilding the Colorado Springs experimental station.
.02 Research worldwide wireless transmission.
.03 Research single-wire transmission.
.04 Rebuild a full sized Magnifying Transmitter.
.05 Research downscaling Tesla’s energy source.
.06 Anti-gravity.
.07 Fundamental research into the nature of things.

Eric P. Dollard | Tesla Tech, Understanding Ether, & The Digital Demon | Oct. 20, 2019


Eric Dollard is an Electrical Engineer who is a “living legend” in the field of electrical research. He is considered by many to be the most knowledgeable expert alive today on the true nature of electricity.

Author of the landmark mathematical papers Symbolic Representation of Alternating Electric Waves and Symbolic Representation of the Generalized Electric Wave, Eric shows how all electric phenomena can be mathematically measured and engineered WITHOUT using calculus or “Maxwell’s Equations.”

Author of Condensed Intro to Tesla Transformers and Theory of Wireless Power, he is also the only person since Tesla’s death to successfully build a real Magnifying Transmitter. His last several conference presentations are Four Quadrant Representation of Electricity, The Extraluminal Transmission Systems of Tesla & Alexanderson & The Power of the Aether as Related to Music and Electricity, The Musical Seismograph. & History, Theory & Practice of the Electrical Utility System.

Jeff Rense & Herbert Dorsey | Magnetic Motors, Perpetual Motion, Fascinating Physics! | May 31, 2019


This Jeff Rense Program Hour Is from 05-31-19 with Guest Herbert Dorsey.

Jeff Rense & Herbert Dorsey | German UFOs, Free Energy and New Physics | May 16, 2019


This Jeff Rense Program Hour Is from 05-16-19 with Guest Herbert Dorsey.

Joel Garbon | Cold Fusion & More: Breakthrough Energy Developments | Richard Dolan Show | Feb. 4, 2019


Joel Garbon served as president of the New Energy Movement (NEM) for 11 years, educating the public and policymakers alike about breakthrough energy technologies and their implications for human society and our planet, while also serving as an advocate for inventors of these technologies. He is a founding member of New Energy Congress, a forum of technical professionals who investigate new energy technologies.

Joel has worked for more than 30 years as an international industrial science consultant and educator within the chemical, pulp and paper, and water treatment industries. He is the inventor and developer of several successful commercial technologies used within these industries. He also co-authored the award-winning book BREAKTHROUGH POWER: How Quantum-Leap New Energy Inventions Can Transform Our World.

AlienScientist | The Ongoing Quest for Free Energy and Anti-Gravity Technology... | Sept. 13, 2018


Join us as we talk about the best ideas to date on anti-gravity and free energy, followed by the worst ideas. The ideas that have been debunked time and time again, yet continue to be an ongoing business for hoaxers to defraud people out of money in exchange for blue prints on how to build these free energy machines that defy physics and don't actually work under experiments.

Clif High | Web Bot Predictions: Antarctica, Bitcoin, & Woo | Hour 1 | June 15, 2017


Join host Greg Carlwood of The Higherside Chats podcast as he talks Web Bot predictions, Antarctica, Bitcoin, and the World of Woo with guest, Clif High.

With the powerful elite controlling almost every aspect of the entertainment & news media we consume, manipulating the mainstream, and carefully crafting the minds of our youth, it can take some serious off-roading in order to explore the more mysterious places on the proverbial conspiracy map.

Fortunately, today’s guest, Clif High, is an expert in navigating the unknown and he joins The Higherside to discuss his cutting edge technology known as the Web Bot Project. It’s a set of algorithms used to process variations in the language that can offer insight into the mood of the collective unconscious through “predictive linguistics.”

– UFO activity, the Secret Space Program, and the extent of our military’s knowledge and involvement
– the recent increase in UFO sightings and cryptids and how to interprets this activity
– the “woo woo” things that have Clif most intrigued
– the collapse of the system, the skills needed to stay ahead of the game, and what to expect
– Clif’s views on psychic ability and time
– cryptocurrency’s role in the future economy
– the Mandela Effect
– Clif’s take on a Trump impeachment, Washington pedophilia networks, cannibalism and life-extending blood transfusions
– types and classes of alien races
– free energy technologies of the deep state reaching the masses
– the recent censorship of conspiracy on the internet

Jeff Rense & Herbert Dorsey | Free Energy is a Reality


Clip from May 13, 2016 - guest Herbert Dorsey on the Jeff Rense Program.

Catherine Austin Fitts | OffWorld Secrecy Danker! The UFO Economy 3.0 - Part 2 | Dark Journalist | March 26, 2016


Join Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt for Part Two of his deep discussion with Former Assistant Housing Secretary and Financial Expert Catherine Austin Fitts. Drawing on her rich career in top positions in Washington and on Wall Street, Catherine carefully unravels the layers of deceit and misdirection inherent in the covert system of using public resources for developing new economic opportunities in space for the benefit of of a few private elite corporate interests. Together, they unravel the web of disinformation and obfuscation around the Black Budget investment in space by a shadowy alliance between Deep State political forces and greedy corporate interests for the development of a UFO Economy using advanced technology, a secret system of finance and total manipulation of public awareness through complete control over the mainstream media.

**Dark Journalist also raises the question: Fitts For President in 2016? Her answer may surprise you.**

According to multiple whistleblowers, with the development of a Secret Space Program via SDI Star Wars Technology, forces deep in the official structure were reacting to a perceived UFO threat that reached a fever pitch in 1947. In the almost 70 years since that initial wave of sightings, The National Security State has utilized Exotic Offworld Technology recovered in highly secretive UFO crash retrieval programs to develop their own fleets of manmade UFOS, incorporating Anti-Gravity, Stealth and Super Drone technology. According to the late Lt. Colonel Philip J. Corso, who was a high-ranking military intelligence officer in the administrations of Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy and Johnson, the military discovered many of the high-tech developments we all use now in modern computers and smartphones from these clandestine operations.

With the covert forces realizing not only great advantages in military weapons production, but also in engineering new industries and achieving large scale profits from their discoveries of UFO Technology Secrets, the intense coverup around the entire subject of offworld visitors has gone into major overdrive. Deep Black Op programs to discredit and defame those involved in UFO investigations emanate from a covert level of intelligence agencies that are tasked with keeping the secrecy in place so they can utilize the hidden advances in technology, science, medicine, and advanced free-energy production for a small Breakaway Civilization of political, military and corporate interests that have dominated the action on planet Earth since World War 2.

Clash of Two Worlds
The clash between the official reality and the truth on the ground is starting to hit a breaking point and many of the old games for keeping the public in the dark just won't work in the age of Smartphones and Social Media. Our modern culture is now far more advanced than the dysfunctional leadership on this crucial issue of offworld visitors and the advanced technology they represent. But the ruling forces in geopolitics, media and corporate circles have no desire to see their ultimate secret exposed and the entire energy paradigm of the globe change overnight from fossil based fuels and UFO Free Energy Technology. By refusing to advance the knowledge in society around the UFO question, forces in the Deep State are setting up the ultimate Clash of Two Worlds and apparently they believe they will prevail and shall be able keep their cult of secrecy going forever!

Robert Otey | Free Energy For Liberty | Freeman TV | Jan. 17, 2016


Seeking liberty is an active current in our cosmos. Is it a Universal Law? Free energy exists and needs to be shown to the world!

Robert Otey has spent the past 25 years doing deep level research into alternative Cosmology. He has discovered a wealth of suppressed information which contradicts and debunks the seriously flawed theoretical gravitation based Cosmogony taught in academia.

Robert's work proves this is in fact an Electric Universe based upon the foundations of Sacred Geometry. Meaning the gravity based, Big Bang, entropy, heat death Universe invented by academic atheists, which came from nothing only to return to nothing, is provably false.

Background: Cosmologist, Guitarist/Singer, Song Writer, Music Producer, Studio Engineer, Video Producer, Sacred Geometry Artist, Russellian Science Teacher, Apiarist, Horticulturist, Outdoorsmen, Schauberger Environmentalist and Water Researcher, Master Gardener.

Tim Swartz | Factions of Breakaway Civilizations | Part 1-2


Part 1:
What's the modern roots of the Breakaway Civilization? When did the first experiments with space crafts and anti gravity start? Whence did the ideas stem? Was Tesla really involved in launching a spaceship to Mars in 1908 (!)...? Tim Swartz joins the forum and relates some lesser known info regarding all of this, which points to the germ of different factions. ... and we learn about his childhood experience that opened him up to the world of the weird.

Part 2:
When did the classified space fleet attain field propulsion? Who's really in charge behind the scenes? What factions exists within our planetary power circles? Who and what are "The Others"? Journalist Tim Swartz continues his briefing on these obscure matters and ties the recent past up to the present. ... and we learn about "Alternative 4" - that's right, not three, but four!

Covert History, The Deep State, Cartel Corporatism, The Black Economy, The Nazi International, The Globalist Oligarchs, The Intelligence Agencies, The Breakaway Civilization, The Multinational Banksters, The Classified Space Program, Anti-Gravity, Fringe Science, Cultural Assets, Health Solutions, Innovative Projects, Frontline Dissidents, Planetary Mysteries, Esoteric Philosophy, Human Relationships, Zero Point Free Energy, The Crisis of Academia, The Antediluvian Civilization, The Nature of Consciousness

Secret Space Program Conference 2014 | San Mateo, CA | ALL Speakers, Roundtables


Information Machine: Many thanks to the whole SSP Team and all the speakers for this amazing conference. Please support the people who made this conference possible at:

Mark McCandlish | Secret Space Program - Advanced Science & Hardware | FarOutRadio July 28, 2014


Mark is a talented technical illustrator whose specialty is in aviation and conceptual art within the defense and aerospace industries. His first UFO sighting occurred at Westover Air Force Base in the State of Massachusetts, in the winter of 1966. He observed the craft through an 80 power telescope for about ten minutes before it accelerated out of sight at an extreme velocity. He later discovered that this craft had been hovering above a flight of nuclear-armed Boeing B-52's sitting on the Alert Ramp of the flight line on base.

This life changing experience inspired Mark to spend most of his life trying to discover the science that would make such incredible performance possible.

Having had literally dozens of sightings since 1966, he feels certain that this carefully protected technology has been co-opted by an as-yet-unknown group, and the sequestration of this technology has provided that organization tremendous leverage in world politics, finance and international conflicts over the past five decades. In this program, Mark shares what he believes is a plausible answer to interstellar flight. We discuss propulsion systems, US modification experiments, zero point energy and the side effect of trapping it. We also discuss offworld exploration. Who is going and why? Mark emphasizes the positive angle to offworld exploration.

Joseph P. Farrell | Clash of Breakaway Civilizations & Secret Space Program | Hour 1 | June 6, 2014


June 6, 2014–Joseph P. Farrell has a B.A. in Biblical Studies and Philosophy, an M.A. in Historical and Theological Studies, and a Ph.D. in Patristics from the University of Oxford. He pursues research in physics, alternative history, science and “strange stuff.” He’s the author of many fascinating books in the field of alternative research.

In this program, we discuss the upcoming Secret Space Program conference and his books, “Covert Wars and Breakaway Civilizations” and “Covert Wars and the Clash of Civilizations.” Farrell begins discussing how a secret space program hypothetically developed beginning in 1947 up till today. We’ll discuss black budgets, development of technology and the reasoning behind a breakaway civilization. Joseph says that the perception on the part of the national security apparatus that some UFO activity was hostile, and concerned with nuclear and thermonuclear weapons, plus the secret collateralization of space resources in the hidden system of finance, may have led to the perception that humanity was once again at a “tower of babel moment” in history.

Farrell argues that this in turn required calculated responses to the UFO in the form of a kind of gunboat diplomacy.

download hour 1 mp3

Sterling Allan | 2013 in Review: Free Energy, January 6, 2014


January 6, 2014–For the past 11.5 years, Sterling Allan has been running the best exotic free energy technology news, directory, and networking service worldwide. Sterling is the primary driving force behind,,, and most recently

PES (Pure Energy Systems) Network, of which he is CEO, is the premier news, directory, and networking service whose mission is to find and facilitate the best exotic free energy technologies. He founded the New Energy Systems Trust to help bring these technologies to market. PES is aided by the New Energy Congress, which Sterling founded in 2005 as an association of energy professionals from around the world who review the most promising claims to existing and up-and-coming breakthrough energy technologies that are clean, renewable, affordable, reliable, easy to implement, safe, and legitimate.

Sterling returns to give us a review of 2013 in the field of "free energy." What is taking so long and why don't we have free energy yet? He'll take us down the list of recent technological updates. In the second hour, we continue on latest developments.
download hour 1 mp3

Pulling Energy from the Vacuum | Lt. Col. Thomas Bearden, PhD. | Disclosure Project Witness Archive


Colonel Bearden is a leading conceptualist in alternate energy technologies, electromagnetic bio-effects, unified field theory concepts, and other related areas. He is a retired Lieutenant Colonel of the US Army and holds a Ph.D. and an M.S. in Nuclear Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology. At the time of this interview, he was CEO of CTEC, Inc., Director of the Association of Distinguished American Scientists, and Fellow Emeritus of the Alpha Foundation's Institute for Advanced Study.

In Colonel Bearden's testimony he speaks extensively about how it is possible to derive useable energy from the vacuum without violating any currently known laws of physics. He and others have built electromechanical devices which actually demonstrate this technology.

He also explains how certain powers would rather keep this technology from becoming widely known outside of small esoteric circles. Time is running out however because our Earth does not have enough oil and coal reserves to last even for this generation. He explains how our top minds and scientists must first recognize then rally around an effort to solve this energy problem before 2004.

Cold Fusion and Beyond | Dr. Eugene Mallove | Disclosure Project Witness Testimony Archive


When this interview was filmed in October 2000, Dr. Eugene Mallove was Editor-In-Chief of the magazine Infinite Energy and Director of the New Energy Research Laboratory in New Hampshire.

He holds two MIT degrees in Aeronautical-Astronautical Engineering and a Harvard Doctorate in Environmental Health Sciences (Air Pollution Control Engineering). He has broad experience in high-technology engineering at companies including Hughes Research Labs, TASC (The Analytic Science Corporation) and MIT Lincoln Laboratory.

Dr. Mallove was the Chief Science Writer at MIT when the cold fusion story broke in March 1989, and he resigned in 1991 after his requested investigation into the altered cold fusion data at MIT (which helped to discredit the whole subject) was not properly done. The marginalization by the scientific establishment of the cold fusion topic bears strong resemblance to the similar marginalization of the ET/UFO topic: both have been ridiculed and defamed because they break established paradigms.

As Dr. Mallove states in this interview, "There is nothing worse...than suggesting to academic physicists in particular, and academics in general, that they are not only wrong; they are disastrously wrong, catastrophically wrong." In his magazine, Dr. Mallove has advised us to remember the sentiments of Michael Faraday: "Nothing is too wonderful to be true."

Dr. Hal Puthoff | Hidden Energy | Disclosure Project Witness Testimony Archive


Dr. Hal Puthoff, a theoretical and experimental physicist, is a graduate of Stanford University. He has published over forty technical papers in the areas of electron-beam devices, lasers, and quantum zero-point energy effects, and holds patents in the laser, communications, and energy fields.

Dr. Puthoff's professional background spans more than thirty years of research at General Electric, Sperry, the National Security Agency, Stanford University, SRI International, and, since 1985, as Director of the Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin, Texas, and President of EarthTech International Inc.

In his testimony, Dr. Puthoff points out that as we uncover the technologies that make space travel possible, we must consider the possibility that there are other civilizations who have been down this track ahead of us. This opens up the possibility of ET visitation. Considering that our electromagnetic technology is a century old, we must realize that there could be advanced civilizations out there that are milennia beyond us, and their technologies could be well beyond our imagination; therefore, the ET/UFO topic deserves to be taken seriously by modern scientists

James Martinez (with David Icke on Skype) | The Media Ecological Ramifcations Of Your Future | Breakthrough Energy Movement Conference, 2013 Boulder

Source:,,, Facebook James Martinez

Cold Fusion is now a reality. No longer pseudo science or theory. It's ramifications are limitless and alter the human condition. The human race now has a opportunity to completely alter it's future for the betterment of everyone. Man shapes his tools and then his tools shape him. Are we ready? This open dialogue of new technology and it's consequences on human behavior, perception and culture are critical. As Marshall McLuhan once stated "Media, by altering the environment, evoke in us unique ratios of sense perception...When these ratios change, men change ." I invite you to begin the transformation and discover the new Cold Fusion education campaign coming to a media extension in you.
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